Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 839: Quiet changes

Although everyone present laughed, this matter can still be seriously considered.

Long Yun stated this plan very seriously.

The Secretary was also overjoyed, and he did not expect that there would be such a method.

Although it is a bit of opportunism, it does comply with the law.

"If you are willing, our Wu Group Company is willing to provide the land, and the construction cost will be borne by us, and even the use and maintenance of the building will be contracted by us."

The release of this condition immediately made the Director even more tempted.

You must know that the amount of funding for their police station each year is not very large. If they can really be like Long Yun said, they don't need to bear anything, it is very good for the police.

They can use the money in these areas to maintain law and order.

"What do you think?" Wu Tian looked at the chief of the police with a smile. This little money is really nothing to Wu Tian.

The director was a bit embarrassed.

"Um... Isn't this a bit bad..." The Secretary said so, but he rubbed his hands excitedly.

"It's nothing. We can do this first. After we apply for the certification of a special enterprise, we can withdraw from it. Then you don't have to worry about anything."

Wu Tian is so generous, and the Secretary feels very appreciated.

Things have already reached this point, and the Secretary feels that if he doesn't agree, he seems to be a little uncomfortable.

"Well, since the law is not involved, I agree to this plan in principle!"

With the director finalizing this matter, Long Yun was also unambiguous, and immediately began to turn around to prepare for this matter.

Wu Tian now began to think of another plan, the identification of that special enterprise.

You know, in the past, only some large state-owned enterprises involved secrets or dangerous goods that allowed their security personnel to carry guns.

Wu Tian feels that now that he has joined the military factory, he should be regarded as a company that needs to keep secrets very much. It should be said that he should have obtained this certification.

"This special enterprise certification matter, if there are any areas that you need to identify in the future, please raise your hand slightly."

The director nodded, "As long as it is within our responsibilities, we will definitely act in accordance with the regulations. After all, the system also needs to be reformed. It is impossible to go all the way to the dark. Then, you can apply to the municipal government for this matter. I will also lobby for you."

With the Secretary's promise, Wu Tian immediately felt relieved in his heart.

Although I don't really expect him to bring me much help, as long as he has such a heart.

Soon, after sending away the chief of police, Wu Tian also completely began to release himself.

But before he was too happy, there was news from Yu Naixin that the first floor of the Wu Group Building had been set on fire.

However, it was discovered in a timely manner and did not cause much fire. It was quickly brought under control.

This was like a signal, which immediately hit Wu Tian's originally happy mood to the bottom.

This is equivalent to Tianying teaching him telling him that we can attack yourself or engage in your company.

Both Wu Tian have to take care of them, but there is actually no way to take care of them.

The other party did not show up, nor did they face-to-face confrontation. On the contrary, they had been hiding in hiding, so he dared not show up.

"Too annoying!" The more Wu Tian thought, the more angry he felt.

Later, he ran to the garden alone and played a set of alien punches, consuming the extra impulse in his heart.

Before things stopped, night began to fall quietly.

It can't be said that there was no news at all. When it was night, Long Yun reported a news that made Wu Tian dumbfounded.

During this period of time, there has been no much movement in Mercat, and suddenly it began to make drastic reforms.

Although Wu Yongan is still the ceo, this kind of thing doesn't look like he can do it.

This person may have a little bit of brains, but he is definitely not the kind of person who can push such a large group to reform, he does not have such great strength.

"Did you find out what's going on?"

Wu Tian was a little surprised. He really hadn't paid attention to this ink company for a while.

To be honest, their size is not small. After all, they have acquired a lot of local companies. If they are really integrated, they can definitely become a very powerful company.

"Well, the news has already been released. It seems that the branches of Merck have recently begun to merge, and the same industries have merged into one company. They now have almost 500 companies."

Long Yun looked at the data in her hand and said with certainty.

At the beginning, this company was just a tool of financial warfare, a war machine used to fight Wu Tian.

I just didn't expect that the Double Star Company would no longer work, and Chang Zai Rong had also fallen, but the ink company was still alive.

"No, there are so many interest entanglements. Those branch companies are willing to merge like this?" Wu Tianhe couldn't believe it. When these companies were acquired, they also wanted to do this, but even at that time Chen Cheng's strength can't hold back those under his hands.

"Before this, most of the founders or original bosses of many of these companies have now been arrested... It seems that someone has reported them for tax evasion or other violations..."

Long Yun also found this hand-operated operation very magical. Needless to say, it must have been done by the senior management of Merck.

It's just that they can't even think of who can do this.

"Then we have to find a way to stabilize the situation, this guy might be our next target again..." Wu Tian shrank his neck. In the past, he was run on by this ink company.

Now, it should be better. After all, the two sides are in fact completely non-competitive.

The Wu Group company has already withdrawn from most of the industries and concentrates on the development of high technology.

"One more good news is that the new brain wave game device developed by Tianmu Technology has been successfully developed..."

Long Yun looked calm, but Wu Tian jumped up from the chair excitedly.

"Really! Great! I can finally play my own game!"

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