Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 840: Catch the ducks

Even if Wu Tian is the chairman of a big company, he is not very old.

People in their twenties, this time is when they like to play around.

Some people like to go to places like bars for excitement, but before Wu Tian, ​​the only fun was playing games on the computer.

It can be said that for a long time, this is Wu Tian's only fun.

Hearing this news, he would immediately remember the time when he played games with friends on the Internet and established a union together.

Every time I think about it, I still feel very happy and miss the happiness at that time very much.

"Quickly, Long Yun, give me the whole one too!" Wu Tian is excited and wants to try it now, but it is said that it has just been developed and is in mass production.

Long Yun didn't have it in her hand either, so she had to call Wu Zaibin and asked him to send one over.

What he didn't expect was that Wu Zaibin brought a group of people from Tianmu Technology and rushed over.

I gave Wu Tiansong such a new gadget.

This brain wave game, to be honest, is really small, it looks like a hat, but there is no upper lid, only a circle around the head next to it.

"Mr. Wu, this is our newly developed limited edition, that is, according to your requirements, everything has been done perfectly."

Wu Zaibin spits straight to the star, and he is also excited now, no matter who is placed on this kind of thing, he will feel that he is really lucky to be able to catch up.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let me try it now." Wu Tian unpacked and planned to wear this thing on his head.

When Wu Zaibin saw it, he rushed forward and stopped Wu Tian.

"Not allowed, not allowed."

"What's the matter? Isn't this stuff still unusable now?" Wu Tian looked strange.

Wu Zaibin hurriedly smiled, then leaned to Wu Tian’s side and said, “Isn’t it we haven’t released this thing yet, and the name hasn’t been decided yet, so I’m not as good as you give us a name first, and then Do you use it again?"

Wu Tian nodded. This is also a matter. If the name is not properly made, it is very likely that the buyers will simply not buy it.

But what is it to call such a game console device?

px? Or sbox?

These names seem to have been used by other manufacturers in the past.

Reminiscent of the device developed by Double Star Company before, the name is Fanhua, which sounds very good.

I can't say anything worse than them.

"I'll start blindly. I think the one with Double Star is called Fanhua, and ours is called Kaleidoscope. He is just one of the best, but we are all inclusive!"

Wu Tian said triumphantly, this idea in his heart felt pretty reliable...

It's just that after Long Yun and Wu Zaibin heard them, they both showed contempt.

Obviously, I feel that this name is not big enough.

"Ahem, our position is not high-end, so there is no need to have such a high-end name." Wu Tian stubbornly stubbornly made words and arrogant words. Anyway, since he has already set it up, they have to use it. Also have to use.

"Well, I'll listen to you. By the way, there's one more thing..." Wu Zaibin blinked and made a please gesture to Wu Tian.

"What's wrong?" Wu Tian didn't know if this guy did something else...

"I am going to hold a press conference now. We have to find a way to promote this product!"

As Wu Zaibin spoke, Wu Tian's door was immediately opened, and a bunch of people walked in from outside.

Some of them hold clothes in their hands, while others hold makeup.

If you take a closer look, Zhang Chi also appeared here.

"General Manager Zhang, if you come here, I will leave Mr. Wu to you, but you have to make him more vigorous and handsome!"

Wu Zaibin waved to Zhang Chi from a distance and called him over.

Wu Tian is a little unhappy, what do you mean, he wouldn't be handsome without makeup?

After a lot of tossing, Wu Zaibin simply built a shed in the open space of Wu's castle and built a propaganda platform inside.

Wu Zaiyao is the one who brought his own media company, as well as Qiyu Live Seafood TV, etc. It can be said that almost all of the Wu Group companies are dispatched, and most of the departments have participated in this press conference.

"I'm a good boy, such a big movement..." Wu Tian looked at the bustling crowd outside and the reporters who were invited, and suddenly he began to feel a little guilty in his heart.

"You will probably get used to this kind of thing in the future. People's technology companies will release new products like this." Long Yun has a calm expression. Anyway, the person on stage is not her, she is naturally Don't worry anymore.

Just now, Long Yun had already prepared Wu Tian's speech. For the rest, Wu Tian could just read the speech directly.

"Is it really okay?" Wu Tian still has a dilemma. He really doesn't like to show his face, but things are already at this point, and Wu Tian can't say anything.

Soon, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and Wu Tian, ​​who had been tossing for a day, finally reached the time for him to play.

Since it was the first time the press conference was held, there were almost one or two hundred people from the various media present, but Wu Tianxin was still a little worried, for fear of saying something wrong.

There is still a live broadcast here... there are tens of thousands of netizens watching.

When Wu Tian announced his move to the high-tech field before, it aroused many people's expectations.

And some time ago, the whole network was enthusiastic about Wu Tian. Although it was hacking him, Wu Tian's popularity has also greatly increased.

According to the people of Qiyu Live, there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch online on the Internet.

"Mr. Wu, are you ready?"

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian, ​​and checked whether there was anything inappropriate about his clothes.

"I don't, I feel that the tie is a bit tight..." Wu Tian mumbled, before he finished speaking, he was pushed from behind by Long Yun and pushed onto the stage of the press conference.

Seeing Wu Tian came out, there were still people talking below, and suddenly all of them fell silent.

The only sound is the click of the camera's shutter.

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