Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 842: Take the initiative

It can be said that Wu Tian came to this conclusion without thinking.

It just didn't point it out in front of Sun Hongsheng.

"Well, these pictures, you give me, I'll go and ask my people if they know him."

Wu Tian asked for these photos in just a few words.

Sun Hongsheng didn't have any doubts, so he gave it to Wu Tian, ​​and he hurried to the new explosion place, ready to start practicing and investigate together.

Wu Tian took the photo, waved to Long Yun and the others, and quickly returned to the room with them.

He handed the photo he noticed to Long Yun and asked her to deal with it quickly.

"This person must have been in contact with him. If nothing else, this person in black must be a person from Tianying."

Wu Tian vowed to say, he now has some new ideas.

"Let's investigate now! After that, what is the use of just knowing a person's identity?"

Su Cancan is a little puzzled, they basically want to defend at this stage.

The opponent does not show up at all, and it is very unfavorable for them to keep fighting guerrilla warfare.

"Grandma's, **** him! Since the people from these days of Yingjiao don't come out, then we will take the initiative to find out where they are!" Wu Tian waved his fist and gritted his teeth viciously.

His patience has been polished by these people. Instead of being passive in this way, he might as well take the initiative.

"Found it!" Long Yun's voice was heard from the other side immediately, and she ran over very excitedly.

"I investigated the surveillance of city s, and I found that this person last appeared here!"

Long Yun pointed to an area on the map. This place was a chemical factory. If you want to produce some explosives, it can be said to be easy.

If nothing else, I am afraid this place is the hiding place of these Tianying Sects!

"Our people, can we be dispatched now?" Wu Tian stared at Su Cancan with scorching eyes. This mission can be said to be very critical. He must ensure that he is foolproof.

Su Cancan did not express his position, but directly turned on his walkie-talkie silently.

"When the security team hears, please pay attention, immediately gather in the open space in front of the castle and bring all our equipment!"

She has already proved her attitude with her actions.

Wu Tian nodded in satisfaction, then turned to look at Long Yun, "Arrange a car for me!"

"Mr. Wu, you can't go!"

Long Yun was very simple, without even lifting her head.

"Why? How can I not go?"

Of course Wu Tian is unwilling to subdue like this.

It's just that Long Yun didn't intend to give in at all.

"Your back is still injured, so you can't go to fight!"

If Long Yun didn't say anything, Wu Tian would almost forget the wound on his back.

At this time, I have to mention that Long Zaian's treatment is really too powerful. Wu Tian has felt pain until now.

He waved his arm and jumped a few times, feeling that his body was in good condition.

"It's okay, I'll be commanding nearby, and I promise that I won't be involved! If you are not at ease, you can follow me. Anyway, if you disagree, I will drive by myself, so you can decide."

Wu Tian kicked the ball back to Long Yun's body, which really made her a little difficult to handle. If she doesn't agree, if Wu Tian is messed up, no one will know what happened.

After thinking about it, Long Yun finally agreed to Wu Tian's request.

"Well, but you have to make sure that you can't join the battle." When Long Yun said this, she was a little skeptical.

Seeing Long Yun relieved, Wu Tian gave a smirk, and then secretly took a set of exoskeleton mechas equipped by everyone in the security team, and placed it in the car's reserve before Long Yun came out. Inside the box.

The convoy was quickly ready and set off quietly under the cover of night. Like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity in the dark, it rushed directly at the group of people from Tianying Church.

"Can you tell how many of them are?" Wu Tian started to feel a little excited when driving the car.

Fighting was about to break out, and his heart began to plop.

"It's still not certain, but what is certain is that there are almost 20 people in this factory."

Long Yun relied on the surveillance cameras nearby to make a guess, and being able to make such a guess is already the limit that can be achieved under such conditions.

The rest can only be determined after they reach that place.

The team only took half an hour to travel, and it was already at that factory area.

In order not to attract attention, the convoy began to disperse from a long distance. Most of the security team members are from the army. Their tactical actions and arrangements can be said to be very standard.

A group of several people quickly seized some commanding heights nearby.

This time they seemed to be carrying a newest weapon, a sniper-style crossbow. Although the ammunition they fired was still the kind of crossbow that had no lethal effect, its power was still not to be seen.

As long as he hits at such a distance, it goes without saying that he will be unable to get up, and he will be stunned.

There is no doubt about this.

Su Cancan and Wu Tian, ​​in an alley opposite the factory building, were looking inside with binoculars.

Long Yun simply created an infrared observation device, and clearly saw what was going on inside.

"There are less than 30 people inside. Most of them are concentrated in this room of the factory building. They should be resting. There are three people watching at the gate, two on the roof, and two on the back door."

The deployment situation of the other party was exposed to Wu Tian and the others without any cover.

"How do you plan to arrange?" Wu Tian looked at Su Cancan. She had trained the security team, so she should know how to use it.

"It depends on you, do you want to make big moves or small ones."

Su Cancan gave Wu Tian an option, and it seemed that she could do both.

"How do you say?" Wu Tian was a little unclear.

"The big news is easy to say, I sent someone to guard a few bombs, their technology is very good, they can guarantee that only this plant will be blown up, and it will not spread to other places."

Su Cancan said indifferently, but immediately let Wu Tian deny it.

"How can it be done? Wouldn't the police be more suspicious then, but if it involves us, it will be very troublesome."

"Then make a little action, just catch them all!" With that, Su Cancan waved his hand to the distance, and the two people staring on the roof in the distance suddenly fell down at the same time.

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