Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 843: Fall into the trap

It happened so suddenly that Wu Tian couldn't even believe it.

When the two of them were about to fall, two members of the security team stood aside and supported them.

The whole process can be said to be rushing and flowing, and even no sound is made.

"Awesome." Wu Tian immediately drew a thumbs up. This really has to be convinced. People are really so amazing.

It seems that the lads of these security teams still have two things.

Immediately afterwards, on the wall of this factory building, there were already more than a dozen people climbing up the rope. They planned not to alarm the secret whistle at the door, but to enter from the roof above.

This angle can be said to be very tricky, and most people would never think of it.

And the secret whistle at the door did not respond, and the people inside would not have any doubts.

Although Wu Tian can't watch from close, Long Yun's infrared camera can clearly show what is happening inside on the screen.

Su Cancan is also staring at the screen closely, watching the images returned by the cameras carried by the security team members. Here, she can command through the walkie-talkie.

The situation inside is a mess, with chemical raw materials everywhere, and the quantity is huge.

There are even some plastic jars on the ground, which have been sealed with openings, which seem to be finished explosive packs.

Wu Tian looked at these things and immediately recalled that when he was at the door, the Wu family had such a few jars tied to their body.

It seems that they are really related.

Things seemed to be progressing smoothly. A dozen security team members had already penetrated in at this time, and quietly subdued a dozen people.

Most of them were sleeping, a few were still talking and chatting, but they were easily dropped by the silent crossbow arrows.

Just when everyone thought things would go on like this, all of a sudden, the lights of the factory buildings turned on.

Wu Tian suddenly exclaimed, not good.

Su Cancan is even faster than Wu Tianchong's, her own strength is very strong, and she is still wearing an exoskeleton, which is beyond the limit of the human body.

With just a slight jump, she crossed a road, which can be said to be an eye-opener for Wu Tian.

The security team members in the factory also responded very quickly. Although they were caught in the enemy's trap, the crossbow arrows in their hands were very accurate.

A dozen people formed a circle, constantly shooting at those who wanted to attack.

Regardless of the talents of the people who teach in these days, they still have no resistance to these high-tech weapons.

After all, no one will practice how to resist electric shocks.

Su Cancan was just two flashes, and he had already rushed to the door of the factory.

It's just that two people are standing at the door, watching Su Cancan's face.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, it's finally here." A voice full of breath came from the depths of the factory building leisurely, and Wu Tian suddenly frowned his brow.

This voice must be the leader of Tianying Church!

Wu Tian didn't care so much at this time, and took out the prepared exoskeleton from the trunk.

He put it on with his hands and feet, but Wu Tian did not go directly to the factory building, but walked around behind.

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian coldly throughout the whole process, without saying a word.

Wu Tian actually had some eyes that didn't dare to look at Long Yun. When he came, he had promised well, but after a long time had passed, he gave up his promise first.

But you can't just leave Su Cancan and the others alone, Wu Tian can't watch those security team members become prey of Tianying.

The battle at the door was very fierce. Although Su Cancan was only one person, the improvement brought by her exoskeleton was a near-qualitative leap.

The two of them hadn't understood what was going on, Su Cancan had already rushed in front of the two of them, punched and kicked, and the two goalkeepers had already fallen down severely.

I couldn't get up immediately.

Su Cancan didn't have time to control these two people, so he hurriedly continued to charge inside.

In the factory, although the security team was surrounded, their defense was impregnable. For a time, those Tianying taught people could not do anything.

That is, when Su Cancan broke through the door, a very strong-looking man walked out of a dark shadow inside.

He has strong muscles all over his body, and his face is full of meat. He looks very strong. He stands up to two meters high, just like a human-shaped tank.

The man twisted his neck and made a creaking sound, and then walked towards the security team step by step.

The team members immediately realized that this person was the greatest threat to them, so they all aimed their crossbow arrows at the strong man.

It's just that although the crossbow arrows were continuously shot out, they hit this brawny man as if it were tickling, without any reaction at all.

At most, he stopped for a while.

The powerful WIA exuding from the brawny immediately made the security team members understand that they could not defeat this person alone, so they also simply chose to retreat.

It's just that they want to go, the other party doesn't want to let go.

All the people of Tianying taught suddenly rushed up, attacking them in a swarm.

Their speed and strength were originally stronger than ordinary people, and suddenly they rushed the security team to pieces.

But fortunately, these players are wearing exoskeletons, and they have not suffered much injury.

"Quickly retreat!" Su Cancan's voice came from behind.

It was just two smoke bombs faster than her voice.

In almost two or three seconds, a large cloud of smoke enveloped the factory building, and it was night, and suddenly I couldn't see my fingers.

The security team hurriedly supported me at this time, and I supported you and ran toward the outside desperately.

Su Cancan alone bought time for them. The smoke bomb just now was not an ordinary thing. It contained the unique anesthetic effect of the Five Poisons.

If you breathe in unpreparedly, you will feel weak in just one minute.

It's just that the people who teach in these days are of course knowledgeable. The first moment they saw the smoke, they immediately covered their mouth and nose.

The security team had just rushed out, and Su Cancan decided to follow suit after seeing this.

When I thought of this time, a huge gate suddenly fell down, completely sealing the gate.

Su Cancan can go out in just a second or two.

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