Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 854: Financial crisis

After sending the two college students away, Long Yun immediately began to question Wu Tian.

"Mr. Wu, we may not be able to do things like this casually promised outside."

Wu Tian hasn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and doesn't care much at all.

He took a leisurely sip of the coffee, and slowly said, "What's in this, isn't it just a computer..."

Wu Tian thinks that a server of tens of millions is almost the same...

I didn't know that when Long Yun heard him say this, she was almost mad at her.

I didn't expect this guy to think like this.

There is really nothing to say.

"Mr. Wu, we are currently working on too many projects at the same time. The research institute needs hundreds of millions of funds for development, and the aerospace side requires less than 5 billion. The military factory used only salary and bonuses last time. Lost tens of millions! And this game... the follow-up update of Kaleidoscope... the money we earned back from Goryeo will soon be used up."

Those who don't care will never know how quickly the money will be spent.

Long Yun used to spend a lot of time just to allocate funds, and now Wu Tian still spends all kinds of outside.

God knows how much this supercomputer will cost...

" much do we spend?" Wu Tian was a little stunned when he heard it. Now that he thinks about it this way, it seems that there are indeed many.

There are even many that have not been said...for example, the security team...

And satellite research or something... These are all money.

"I'm already very conservative. I think you should think about it for yourself." Long Yun no longer intends to say anything to Wu Tian, ​​whether he agrees or disagrees, anyway. Tell him everything.

Wu Tian scratched his head. What Long Yun said is indeed reasonable. Even if he has money, he can't spend it very much, not to mention that their current money seems to be not enough.

It's just that I have already said what I have said, and I am still vowing to promise in front of other students. If I say remorse, it would be too bad.

Wu Tian couldn't say it anyway, and couldn't hold back that face.

"Well, don't we have any profitable place, isn't the kaleidoscope selling well?"

When Wu Tian said this, Long Yun wrote something directly from her notes, then tore off a piece of paper and handed it to Wu Tian.

"The sales of Kaleidoscope are indeed very good, but our initial development costs have not been recovered, and in order to keep the price low, we basically do not make much money in hardware." The reality revealed by Long Yun can be said to be very The coldness made Wu Tian feel a little uncomfortable all over his body.

This is too heart-wrenching... I originally thought that his financial report might be good, but if he pulls out the glamour outside, Wu Tian is just a pauper.

"It's so miserable..." But this appearance made Wu Tian firm up his determination to make this game well.

Since there is not much money to be made on the kaleidoscope, you can only use your brains on the games above.

"In this way, quickly recruit these two girls into our company and set up a game operation department. All departments and branches are now trying their best to coordinate their operations!" Wu Tian is already willing to go out. There is no wolf without a child.

Things about that server can only come bit by bit. After all, if it changes all at once, the original players will not be able to stand it.

Although Long Yun was a little bit obsessed with Wu Tian, ​​she did it very seriously and responsibly.

The entry of Zhao Yaqian and Song Junyao went very smoothly, and even directly set up an operation department with them as the core.

Wu Tian personally led the team to station in this operation department, hoping that results can be achieved as soon as possible.

Whether it is Kaleidoscope driving the game in this legendary world, or the game driving Kaleidoscope sales, anyway, if the game is better now, it will definitely be rewarded if it is publicized.

Of course, the two little girls were also very excited, and they immediately began to modify and modify the game on a large scale.

And within a day or two, the first major version update was withdrawn.

Since the content of this game is basically stored in the Wu Group's servers, with more and more players, the server load has become heavier.

The replacement of the server has also become an urgent matter for Wu Tian.

On this matter, Wu Tian has specifically asked someone to inquire about it. At this stage, this kind of server is a product of Eagle Country. This is universally recognized. Of course, according to Zhao Yaqian's request, they would have to spend more than a billion yuan just to buy a server.

Thinking of this question, Wu Tian felt that he had a big head. This is nothing. The most important thing is that Wu Tian asked Long Yun to consult, but they didn’t sell...

This made Wu weather for a long time, but he had no choice but to swallow his teeth into his stomach.

Huaxia currently has no such company that can achieve such high-quality servers, so it is equivalent to the other party has monopolized this industry.

Seeing Wu Tian worrying so much, Long Yun remembered that when she had seen a message before, it had something to do with this server, and maybe it could get them out of their current predicament.

"Mr. Wu, last month, I once read a news on the Internet. It is said that Time Company is planning to sell their company's server. I think this is an opportunity for us."

Hearing what Long Yun said, Wu Tian also began to think of Cui Yongji, the chairman of Times Company, who had given him a lot of help.

This guy should now be the chairman of the largest company in Korea, right now, and Wu Tian can be regarded as helping him get to the throne.

It's just this matter, why is it related to buying a server?

"I don't want to buy other people's second-hand products. If something happens, we won't smash our own signs!" When Wu Tian played games in the past, the most annoying thing was dropped or stuck. When this happened , Everyone will criticize the game company.

This is very bad for the company's image.

"No, no, you may have misunderstood. We can discuss with Cui Yongji and see if we can use their identity to purchase servers together."

Long Yun's words were like a beam of sun shining into the dark clouded sky, allowing Wu Tian to find his way in a flash.

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