Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 855: Take what you need

At this time, Wu Tian felt that his secretary was Long Yun, which is really great!

If she were to be the chairman, I don’t know how better it would be than she manages.

"Just listen to you! I will contact Cui Yongji now!"

Wu Tianhuo rushed to contact Cui Yongji at the beginning, but there was no plan to explain the matter through the phone, but he tried to invite him to go to the hot springs in Korea.

Of course Wu Tian knew this meaning, and the other party wanted to avoid talking. So naturally I can't refuse, after all, this time I am asking for others.

Coming to Goryeo again, Wu Tian only felt that it was completely in two states from before, and there was a very depressed feeling everywhere.

It is estimated that it was the last time that Wu Tian and the others shorted Korea's currency, which had a considerable impact on them.

In fact, Wu Tian is equivalent to making a start, opening a path for those big consortia.

The influence he has caused is actually not as serious as the scandal of the National Fund. It's just that those big consortia are like tigers, sweeping away the wealth of Korea.

Especially the Double Star Company, as the target of the public, is now even more miserable. Now it is directly ranked first and fell to sixth.

After learning of Wu Tian's arrival, Cui Yongji sent someone to pick him up. Although other things have changed a lot, Cui Yongji still feels exactly the same as before.

"Haha, Wu Tian, ​​you are finally here." Cui Yongji happily shook hands with Wu Tian.

"Yes, I will count on you a lot this time." Wu Tian also has nothing to hide, and he speaks very directly.

This is actually a kind of reminder, that is, telling Cui Yongji that he came with a mission.

Of course, the other party was very natural and understood. The two of them ate something and were taken directly to a very famous hot spring in Goryeo.

This place is in the mountains, and a villa that looks pretty good has been built. The decoration and furnishings inside are very exquisite. After Wu Tian saw it, he couldn't help but feel amazed.

"There is such a place. I really knew it was too late. I really want to live in this place every day."

When Cui Yongji heard Wu Tian say this, he directly gestured to the people behind, and presented a small pure gold sign.

"This is my distinguished guest identification. As long as you have this thing, you can enjoy it at any place under the company of our time." Cui Yongji can be said to be very generous, Wu Tian just expressed it. With such an idea, he has already come up with a solution.

Wu Tian looked a little silly.

"You mean this place is yours private?"

Cui Yongji smiled and said with some pride: "In the whole country, I still have more than a hundred places like this. You just have to make one in the first half of the year to remake!"

Compared with these real wealthy people, Wu Tian suddenly felt that he was really too far behind.

When I spend my own money, I have never been so extravagant.

I wouldn't have built a villa specially for such a frantic hot spring.

Not to mention that there are such villas all over the country.

"Mr. Cui is still amazing. I really admire him. At the beginning, I thought you were not an ordinary person. I didn't expect it to be like this now."

Cui Yongji laughed haha, listening to Wu Tian's flattery like this, it didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, what do you need me to help this time, just talk directly. You came to me, definitely not to come over and play."

Wu Tian laughed happily, as expected, there was nothing to hide from an old fox like him.

"That's right, I need a batch of servers now, but I don't know where to go to buy the goods now... I just heard that your company seems to be phasing out your servers recently, so I can say..."

Cui Yongji knew what Wu Tian was talking about when he heard it. The company had a lot of business in their era, so in order to manage these things, they built a very powerful data center and a huge server.

It's just that this thing must be replaced and upgraded in a few years, so they are negotiating with Eagle Country's company recently.

"That said, it seems that you have encountered a problem with their negotiations..." Cui Yongji thought about it, and probably knew what was going on. There are counts in my heart.

This thing is not impossible to do, but it is more important to consider the risks and rewards of doing so.

"It's not a problem. It's up to you, what kind of price you can offer. Wu Tian, ​​I mentioned that your company's recent rockets are good. If you can, I hope you can give me two cost prices. Launch mission."

Hearing Cui Yongji's words, Wu Tian knew that the matter was settled.

Since the other party is willing to make terms, it means that they are also willing to do this.

As for the other party's request, Wu Tian felt it was the same as not asking for money.

Launching two rockets at a cost price, this is nothing, it just doesn't make money.

As long as there is no loss, it doesn't matter.

"No problem, let alone two times, I will add three more times! Five times in total!" Wu Tian is also generous, so he shouldn't be too stingy at this time.

When Cui Yongji heard this, he nodded quickly.

You know, the price of a rocket outside is hundreds of millions for a launch, and the cost of launch is tens of millions. The difference in money here is not a star and a half.

So Wu Tian's willingness to open this mouth can be considered a big discount.

What's more, if this happens, Wu Tiangao will have to give a discount to Cui Yongji to purchase rocket missions in the future.

"Hahaha, the little brother is really quick to talk! Okay! This matter is settled." After that, the two people signed the contract in the hot spring on the spot.

While chatting, Wu Tian started to wonder why this Cui Yongji wanted to launch a rocket.

"Are you involved in satellite business? Why did you suddenly start requesting rocket launches."

Cui Yongji did not speak, but pointed to the sky.

"I am a more worried person. When I am fine, I like to worry about it. But my own eyes can't see all of my assets clearly, so if there are one or two satellites, I can't always know. What happened to each of my assets?"

When Cui Yongji said this, Wu Tian suddenly realized it, but it also gave him a lot of inspiration.

Does every boss of a big company have this requirement? If that's the case, wouldn't it be a huge profit if I started this business?

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