Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 857: Maritime crisis

Baili Zhenlin's suspicion is not without reason.

In the eyes of the outside world, the Wu Group is now a unicorn, galloping everywhere in China.

And even now it is delisted from the secondary market, which means that Wu Group has become Wu Tian's private enterprise.

Such people are generally very rich.

"I'm not lying to you, I really need a sum of money." Wu Tian smiled bitterly. If Long Yun hadn't told him that the company was about to run out of money, he would probably not believe it.

Baili Zhenlin looked at Wu Tian suspiciously. He always wondered if this guy was trying to set himself up.

Or maybe there is something else waiting later, Baili Zhenlin can say that he dare not relax his guard at all.

"What do you want money for?" Baili Zhenlin did not directly refuse.

Wu Tian spread his hands and said, "In fact, I just don't do anything and take care of my daily expenses... Actually, I have so many projects now, basically all of them are expenditures, and few are profitable."

This reality Wu Tian will not be easy to say to outsiders. After all, if such things are said casually, it may cause big problems.

If it causes panic in the market, it will be more difficult for Wu Tianbu to get money.

"No, you have reached this point now?" Baili Zhenlin looked surprised. He always thought that Wu Tian made a good deal, at least it should make a profit.

No matter what I think, this guy has been losing money.

"There is no way, the stall is too big all of a sudden, and some can't hold it."

After hearing what Wu Tian said, Baili Zhenlin no longer hesitated to worry about anything.

Fortunately, Nanhe Securities still had some money, so he directly borrowed 10 billion from the company to Wu Tian.

Of course, this money cannot be given in vain, so Wu Tian had to use his Huadao project as a mortgage.

But anyway, the money was borrowed.

Leaving Baili Zhenlin, Wu Tianzheng planned to drive to the project site on Huadao, but he did not expect that there was an explosion in a place in front of him.

Seeing that the direction of this sound seemed to be Huadao, Wu Tian and Long Yun both had some unpleasant feelings, and immediately accelerated.

When the two people rushed to the beach, they saw thick smoke billowing from a transport ship on fire.

Many nearby ships came to rescue, and the scene was very chaotic for a while, but fortunately, a person was directing the scene.

Following this direction, Wu Tian was watching a ship on the shore. Liu Yueyao was standing at the bow of the ship, directing the rescue of the ship that had an accident.

Looking at it from this angle, Liu Yueyao's appearance is really handsome, quite heroic.

"Is this an accident?" Wu Tianxin also began to feel a little relieved, since there were no major casualties.

Long Yun took out a portable drone from her body, let it go, and looked at the picture coming back from above, and was investigating.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple. This ship should not explode. What it transports is all earth and rocks and there are no explosives."

Hearing Long Yun's words, Wu Tian frowned immediately. Could it be that someone started doing things again?

Before they could react, suddenly, Liu Yueyao's boat exploded. Liu Yueyao, who was standing at the bow of the ship, was shocked and fell onto the deck, almost falling into the sea.

Wu Tian on the shore suddenly couldn't help it. He hurriedly snatched a motorboat from the shore, sat in with Long Yun and desperately rushed towards that side.

nnd this is definitely not an accident!

Wu Tian is now very sure in his heart that the other party must want to launch an attack and hurt the people around Wu Tian.

The ship suddenly ignited a raging fire, and many crew members began to choose to jump into the sea at this time.

It's just that Wu Tian has never seen Liu Yueyao.

Even when he found some crew members and questioned them, most of them said they had never seen them before.

Wu Tian could only put his eyes on the ship that had the accident.

Isn't that Liu Yueyao is still on it now?

Without saying anything, Wu Tian immediately began to turn the bow of the ship and started driving towards the accident ship.

The flames above the cabin are already huge, and even small explosions occasionally occur. It makes people feel very dangerous.

Long Yun wanted to stop Wu Tian, ​​but when she saw Wu Tian's eyes were already a little red, she knew that she couldn't persuade him, so she had to try her best to find a way to make Wu Tian's actions even better. Go smoother.

When he got to the side of the boat, Wu Tian grabbed a rope hanging from the top of the boat and tried hard to climb towards it.

It's just that the big torch above makes the shell of the ship scorching hot, and it won't work if you press it up with your hands.

Wu Tian didn't care about so many things, so he tried to climb up.

Even his hands were burned out of blisters, and he didn't stop in the slightest.

"Liu Yueyao!" On the deck, Wu Tian shouted loudly. The beeping sound of the flames here was even louder than his yelling.

Wu Tian looked from the left to the right, at last he was looking at a person lying on the deck at the bow.

He rushed over quickly, but at this moment a tongue of fire suddenly blocked Wu Tian's road from the side, and it was completely blocked.

Even Wu Tian didn't have time to retreat.

But if you don't go there, you can't do it. Seeing Liu Yueyao's place, it was immediately reported to be affected by the flames.

Wu Tian gritted his teeth and cruelly, took off his clothes, took off the water dragon next to him, and got wet all over his body.

After a run-up, Wu Tianfei also rushed over.

The flames tumbling on the surface of his body, the hot temperature instantly made his skin red, and in some places it even started to turn white.

Although he had just made some advance preparations, Wu Tian still somewhat underestimated the power of this flame.

Suddenly, there was a burning pain all over the body. Even his hair and other hairs were burnt clean at this time.

Fortunately, Wu Tian still managed to come forward, endure a bit, and finally rushed over.

He hurriedly ran to Liu Yueyao's side, gently helped her up, and reached out to probe her breath. Fortunately, her breathing was fairly steady, so it should be nothing serious.

"Mr. Wu, leave this ship! It will explode soon!"

At this time, Long Yun's voice came from below, and looking in the direction of her fingers, Wu Tian seemed to see the flames about to burn into the fuel tank.

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