Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 858: Serious injury

At this time, Long Yun's voice came from below, and looking in the direction of her fingers, Wu Tian seemed to see the flames about to burn into the fuel tank.

Seeing this situation, Wu Tian didn't have time to think, so he picked up Liu Yueyao directly, kicked a few steps under his feet, and pounced forward.

The flames behind him were already flying into the air, and a huge tongue of flames chased Wu Tian and sprayed over.

Wu Tian immediately felt the heat behind him, but he was already jumping in the air.

The two people drew an arc in the air and landed on the water with a plop.

At this time, a larger explosion occurred, and the ship was almost shattered by the bombing.

Wu Tian fell into the water, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment. He quickly dragged Liu Yueyao toward the surface of the water.

There were messy things everywhere in the water. Some sharp things slipped into Wu Tian's body, and the blood was immersed in the sea water.

Wu Tian grinned in pain because the wound was in contact with seawater.

"Mr. Wu! Mr. Wu!" Long Yun's voice was remembering on the sea. She only saw Wu Tian and Liu Yueyao falling into the water, but they have never been seen here.

Wu Tian slid his body hard, but suddenly he began to feel that his consciousness was a little bit no longer stable, and his eyes began to turn black, and his chest was hot, almost making him almost unable to bear it.

Must survive! Holding this thought, Wu Tian closed his eyes in the sea and lost his consciousness.

When he woke up again, Wu Tian felt that his body was already warm.

And he didn't have that wet feeling, but there were fiery pains in many parts of his body, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Wu? Mr. Wu?"

Wu Tian heard that someone was calling his name, he opened his eyes with some difficulty, and looked at him beside him, there were several people standing.

Everyone stared at him stunnedly, and several people were still crying.

"It's Long Yun..." Wu Tian looked at the person closest to him, and it turned out to be Long Yun, with an anxious look on her face, and the edges of her eyes were still red.

Beside her was Su Cancan, her face didn’t improve much, but after watching Wu Tian wake up, she immediately replied with such a cold expression within a few seconds, but her eyes It is very hot.

"Mr. Wu, you are awake!" Long Yun finally let out a sigh, and the whole person relaxed.

"Where is Liu Yueyao?" Wu Tian thought that he couldn't survive on her own, and Liu Yueyao, what was she like?

"Miss Liu is all right now, and she is out of danger now." Long Yun's answer made Wu Tian a little relieved.

Only when Long Yun was speaking, Wu Tian looked at her hands, both wrapped in bandages, stretched out his somewhat weak hands, and grabbed Long Yun.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wu Tian thinks he remembers well, the person closest to him at that time should be Long Yun.

Both he and Liu Yueyao fell into the water. How did she save them on the boat?

There are some things Wu Tian found that he couldn't think about it in depth at all. The reality is too heavy.

"You can take a good rest, and wait for your reply. We have to investigate this incident!" Although Su Cancan's tone seemed indifferent, what he said was really for Wu Tian. it is good.

This guy always talks like this.

"Well, let's go ahead..." Wu Tian was also very weak at this time. After saying these words, he already felt that his body was very tired, and eagerly hoped that he could take a rest as soon as possible.

After setting Wu Tian down, Long Yun and the others also walked out of the room.

Everyone's complexion is more solemn.

Wu Tian hadn't noticed just now. In fact, there were already many places in his body that started to fester.

Long Zaian only carried out a simple treatment, but Wu Tian's situation will only get worse and worse.

"Is it true that Mr. Wu can't be cured as soon as possible?" After Su Cancan came out, she couldn't help but worry. She also started to frown her eyebrows at this time, anxious already. On her face.

Long Zai'an sighed helplessly.

"It's not that there is no way at all. It's just that you need to find some very precious herbs, such as Heavenly Spirit Grass, and you have to cooperate with Thousand Years of Ice. This treatment effect is the fastest."

That's how it is said, but almost no one has heard of this Heavenly Spirit Grass, let alone looking for it.

Thousand-year ice is relatively easy to deal with, but this kind of thing is generally in the mountains, which are extremely dangerous places.

"Heaven Spirit Grass and Thousand-Year Ice? If these two things can be found, does it mean that you can cure President Wu?"

Su Cancan doesn't care whether this thing is difficult to find, she just cares about the effect.

"If there are two things, I can recover his burns within two or three days!" Long Zai'an assured him, patting his chest.

"Well, I will provide you with these two things as soon as possible!"

Su Cancan turned around and was ready to leave without saying anything. She has always acted vigorously.

But Long Yun stopped her in one hand.

"What are you doing?" Su Cancan glanced at Long Yun, did she still want to stop herself?

"Someone needs to investigate the explosion... these two things, let me find it..." Long Yun was actually injured.

Looking at his daughter like this, Long Zaian felt very distressed in his heart.

He wanted to persuade him, but he was familiar with his daughter's temper.

"You? Do you know how hard it is to find these things?" Su Cancan didn't look down on Long Yun. She knew that this woman was very powerful, but Tianlingcao, the best in the world, is usually in the off-travel places and is very dangerous.

Su Cancan said that she had the confidence to find her by herself. Their Five Poison Sect was in the mountains, and she had been walking through the mountains since she was a child, and she was more confident in herself.

What's more, now Long Yun's two hands are already injured, and there is no way to do some heavy work.

"I can. Mr. Wu is injured. We are all going to do something. I think this explosion may not be simple, so I am worried that I will not be able to handle it alone."

Long Yun made such a decision, of course, with consideration.

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