Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 868: Hit hard

Blanche's efficiency is still very fast. On the plane where Wu Tian was returning, the funds had already been paid.

Although 500 million is not too much for Wu Tian, ​​it is not too small. After all, it is better than nothing.

Back in the s city in a hurry, Wu Tian told Long Yun the news with a look of excitement, hoping that he might be able to hear compliments from this guy who has always been stern.

It is definitely a very strange thing to make Long Yun praise.

"By the way, Mr. Wu, when we went to gather herbs, we found a very good thing."

After Long Yun robbed Wu Tian's 500 million yuan in payment, she suddenly remembered this.

"Huh?" Wu Tian looked blinded, completely unaware of what Long Yun was talking about.

Long Yun didn't talk nonsense, and showed Wu Tian the photos she had left.

If this photo is circulated in the society, it will definitely be considered some kind of supernatural photo, or some fake and deceptive ghost.

"Can this stone float?" Wu Tian looked at the huge shining stone floating above, and suddenly ten thousand question marks popped up on his head.

"Yes." Long Yun nodded, and then threw another clue to Wu Tian: "According to Daochang Chen, this seems to be the outer **** iron collected by his master refining the diamond circle."

Wu Tian suddenly exploded in his head, and finally got good news.

Before, he got a little debris for the bamboo pole to test. Now he knows that this thing has very good performance.

But it’s no exaggeration to say that it has reached the top in all aspects.

The most important thing is that this thing can float, which means that these things are already beyond the scope of modern science.

"Where is this place? Does anyone else know?" Wu Tian said anxiously. He already regarded these things as his own.

Long Yun thought for a while and shook her head.

"It should be not. Except for us and Chen Daochang, no one has ever noticed it."

"Great!" Wu Tian immediately wanted to jump up with excitement, suddenly very happy.

He slapped the table abruptly, and the whole person looked like a magnificent, as if a salted fish had turned over.

"Mr. Wu, I did not pour cold water on you, but one thing I have to say is that our current funds must wait until our surveillance satellite is launched before we can do anything else..."

Wu Tian was very happy just now, and he immediately began to become depressed. Sure enough, he is really a rich man, and it is difficult for a man without money.

"When did this satellite start? I can't help it. Do you know how valuable these ores are if we develop them?"

Wu Tian's excitement in his heart now eagerly wants to express it with others.

"I know, the research institute has already submitted another report, saying that this new type of material has new research, and even created the prerequisites for us to develop a new server... But these are all now unimportant..."

Long Yun didn't care how Wu Tian was so stubborn. Anyway, she said that she didn't intend to change anything.

Looking at Long Yun's decisive expression, Wu Tian knew that he was out of play, so he could only sigh, and then went out by himself, ready to see Liu Yueyao.

Now I don't know what happened to Liu Yueyao, it turned out that he hasn't recovered since the accident, and even Long Zaian was helpless.

It is said that this is a kind of self-defense of the human brain, which belongs to the active choice of dormancy in order to protect oneself. As for when to wake up, only God knows the ribs.

Seeing Liu Yueyao lying silently on the bed, her face was still so beautiful, but she lacked an original spirit.

It was like a statue, except for the ups and downs of her chest telling people that she was still awake, there was no more movement.

"Is Wu Tian here?"

Su Cancan's voice suddenly came from outside, and Wu Tian quickly walked out of the ward.

"What's the matter?" Wu Tian calmly wiped the tears on his face.

Su Cancan looked at him for a moment, and then put away the tone that might have been cold.

"We have found a possible location for the suspect. Would you like to come together?"

When Wu Tian heard this, his pupils suddenly began to shrink, and the sadness on his face disappeared in an instant.


There is no unnecessary nonsense, Wu Tian's attitude has already used his actions to express his attitude.

Su Cancan shouldn't have to tell Wu Tian about this, but she still knew the importance of this matter to Wu Tian. He would definitely hope that he could personally avenge Liu Yueyao.

The two people came to the top floor in a hurry, where the security team was already ready, and there was already a helicopter waiting to fly on the tarmac.

"Sister, let's be together."

After several security team members put Su Cancan and Wu Tian on the plane, they were a little eager to try.

But they were all driven by Su Cancan.

"This time the number of the other party is very small, so you don't need to go anymore. On the contrary, it is very likely to be stunned. Just be here to provide support at any time!"

Listening to what she said, although the lads of the security team were a little disappointed, they still implemented the order firmly.

This helicopter was like a nightingale in the dark night, quietly starting to fly towards a corner of S city in the city.

Both Su Cancan and Wu Tian had already put on their exoskeletons, and the equipment they prepared this time seemed to be a little less powerful than the last time.

The exoskeleton is very thin and compact.

"This time the location is more complicated. Those people are hiding in a seafood market. There are so many people. We can't make a big impact."

Su Cancan briefly introduced the situation and posted the battle map.

Wu Tian basically didn't listen to Su Cancan's words very much. He just kept looking at the night outside, clenching his fists tightly, and starting to feel excited about the upcoming battle.

The plane landed on a nearby building, and the two immediately jumped off from it.

There are already two security team members armed to the teeth waiting here.

"Sister Su, the car is already arranged!"

"What about the goal?" Su Cancan leaned over to a telescope on the top of the building and looked towards the market.

"Still in it, I haven't come out in the room!"

Wu Tian took a deep breath, his fists banged straight.

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