Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 869: Fall into a trap

The atmosphere of a stock market in the seafood market is full of hawkers and people sitting on the street eating food stalls.

If such a place appears in a movie, it is easily reminiscent of the scene of young and Dangerous street melee.

Su Cancan's car can't drive inside, so he can only choose to walk in this place.

The two of them wore a layer of clothing on the outside of the exoskeleton, and they didn't seem to see anything from a distance.

"The gray-white two-story building in the northeast corner. They are two people, about 30 or 40 years old. It is still unclear what weapons they carry. We still have to be careful."

Su Cancan whispered the situation in the walkie-talkie. When Wu Tian heard her say this, he immediately fixed his eyes on the two figures.

Infrared glasses can penetrate walls and directly see the location of people inside.

When the two people arrived downstairs, the small vendor on the first floor seemed to open a seafood stall here. Seeing two people came, they quickly came over to greet them.

"Two, do you eat seafood?"

Hearing the hawker's voice, Wu Tianli didn't even bother, so he jumped over and walked upstairs.

Su Cancan hurriedly followed.

The icy attitude of the two made the hawker very uncomfortable. A strange look flashed through the glasses, and the mouth was muttering.

When no one noticed, the hawker pressed a button on his hand.

At this moment, Wu Tian suddenly saw the infrared silhouettes of the two men began to blur.

The whole room seemed to be a hot red, and the two people were no longer found.

"Not good!" Wu Tian exclaimed in a low voice. The two were about to run away, so he quickly accelerated his pace.

The two of them were almost like a siege hammer, they directly smashed through the door of the room, and they broke in in a daze.

But at this time, there was a cloud of hot smoke in the room, where there were traces of the two suspects.

"Running?" Wu Tian hated his fist and hit the wall, and began to find a way for the two to escape. There is only one door in this room, so they can only be other exits.

Sure enough, looking along the wall, Wu Tian saw that the skylight was open.

He squeezed out along this place without saying a word. Su Cancan followed closely again and again, and on the one hand, he quickly informed his people and asked them to check whether there was suspicious people nearby.

Outside the skylight is the wall, and Wu Tian jumped directly from it. Fortunately, with the support of the exoskeleton, Wu Tian did not feel much impact.

He looked around, and immediately saw two figures disappearing in the alley. Those who didn't say anything just caught up.

Su Cancan's speed didn't have to be slow. The two of them were originally stronger than ordinary people. Now they have the blessing of the exoskeleton, they are suddenly faster, and they chased it in three steps and two steps.

It's just that this happened so fast that people around didn't notice what was happening here.

Except for a pair of eyes from the food stall on the first floor.

"Wu Tian don't chase too deep, be careful and ambush!" Su Cancan watched Wu Tian rushing and gave him a warning.

Actually speaking, this operation has failed.

The other party already knew they were looking for them, so naturally they would run away desperately.

It is impossible for things to be resolved silently.

"I can't control that much. If we let them go this time, we won't know when we will find them next time!"

Wu Tian didn't want his own revenge to wait so long, he wanted these people to pay for Liu Yueyao's affairs now.

The more they chase behind, the more they find that each other's escape route becomes very difficult to track.

But fortunately, Wu Tian and the others' physical fitness far surpassed the enemy, and they just bitten and said nothing to relax.

Suddenly, the two people in front stopped, and the road ahead had come to an end, surrounded by a narrow alley.

"They stopped!" Wu Tian yelled excitedly. Instead, he accelerated his speed and rushed directly at the two men.

Su Cancan originally wanted to calm him down a little bit, but after another thought, the two of them couldn't lose their spirit, so they rushed over.

The two suspects suddenly turned around and threw something like a grenade at Wu Tian and Su Cancan, and a burst of smoke exploded in the air.

Suddenly the alley was completely covered.

Such a method is actually meaningless to Wu Tian. With his infrared glasses, he can easily see the positions of the two people.

"It's done!" Wu Tian saw that the two people had not moved their positions, and he was immediately happy. Once he rushed to their side, there were 10,000 ways to subdue the two of them instantly.

What he didn't expect was that a tall man suddenly jumped out, stood on the road in front of Wu Tian, ​​struck him with a punch, and smashed into Wu Tian severely.

The strength of the opponent is not inferior to Wu Tian. The two people are like two cars colliding with each other, and the impact even spread a translucent shock wave around.

what happened? Wu Tian was surprised for a while, why suddenly there was another person, and he was still so strong?

Only at this time the smoke began to dissipate slowly, and the situation in the alley began to become clear.

Wu Tian and Su Cancan suddenly felt a circle of cold and murderous eyes.

I thought it was just two people, but at this time there was already a circle of people around Wu Tian and the two of them.

The opponent's strength is very strong, and the aura that it exudes can make Wu Tian feel that it is comparable to the Tiangui Tianying he had faced before.

"Yeah, it seems we have stabbed a hornet's nest!" Wu Tian was not only not afraid, but excited.

One-sided suppression is not so fun for Wu Tian, ​​so much more interesting.

"Yes, there are a total of eleven people, and the two of us are guilty and suffered." Su Cancan's voice is also without the slightest fear, and it is still as cold as before.

The other party didn't report his name, and suddenly a person started to shoot directly and rushed towards Wu Tian.

Holding a steel whip in his hand, a whip was thrown, almost tearing the air apart.

Wu Tian's certificate, knowing that he can't just hide, he hurriedly avoided.

The whip fell on the ground with a snap, and the stone bricks on the ground instantly turned into dust.

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