Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 870: Flee in a hurry


Wu Tian exclaimed, he did not expect that the other party would be so powerful, but on the contrary it gave him more motivation to fight.

It just made him even more curious about who these people were and did not report their names.


The other party just gave a cold snort, and then immediately waved the whip in his hand and continued to attack Wu Tian.

This is the first time Wu Tian has seen such a silent master.

"Who the **** are you? Today we will be fighting to death and death! Why not give each other names?"

Wu Tian beckoned, and after avoiding another whip, he greeted the enemy instead.

"I have nothing to say to you!"

The other party's voice was very deep, like the roar of a beast.

Immediately afterwards, the whip began to attack where he was standing, but Wu Tian was as agile as a monkey, jumping up and down.

Is the other party just like that? Wu Tian felt that he should already know the opponent's strength, and he started to feel a little commotion.

As he dodged, he began to approach this person, seeing that he was already within Wu Tian's attack range, Wu Tian accelerated and slammed into the past.

It's just that this punch turned out to be like hitting an iron plate. Wu Tian only felt that he had hit a mountain with this punch. The other party didn't move at all, but Wu Tian's own tiger's mouth was hurting.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw that his fist was hitting the sturdy man's chest just now, and the opponent had already blocked Wu Tian's charged blow just by relying on his own body.

The burly man lowered his head and looked at Wu Tian with disdain, then let out a loud roar, and shook Wu Tian away from him.

Wu Tian only felt that his ears were tingling, and his body suddenly became untenable.

And the other guy with the whip also saw the opportunity to attack at this time, Wu Tian's hand was already in a great crisis.

Su Cancan flashed, rushed to Wu Tian's side, and rescued him like lightning.

"I told you, don't be careless!" Su Cancan's always steady voice began to tremble, and she was obviously shocked by the opponent's strength.

It shouldn't, how could there be such a powerful person.

Their intelligence this time can be said to be a complete failure.

"No, we have to withdraw."

Although somewhat unwilling, Su Cancan still knew that the current situation was very unfavorable for both of them.

As soon as Wu Tian heard this, it was of course impossible. He immediately broke free of Su Cancan, and stood back in front of the enemy again.

"I won't just leave like this, my people don't let them bully!"

This time, Wu Tian didn't plan to go back empty-handed. He is now ready, either he wins or the other party wins. Anyway, he won't start well.

"Wu Tian! Do you know the strength of the other party!" Su Cancan is already a little anxious. They are now surrounded by eleven powerful people. Whether they can escape is a problem. Two of them were already beaten and there was no way to fight back.

To fight with so many people at the same time, the pressure is too great.

"So what if you know?" Wu Tian was still a little obsessed. When he thought of Liu Yueyao lying in the ward, he felt a surge of energy and blood.

He wants revenge, he wants to make these people pay! Wu Tian began to attack actively.

His speed was faster than before, and his power began to be stronger than before.

It's just that the man with the copper wall and iron wall on the other side is still like a city wall, firmly blocking all Wu Tian's attacks.

The guy behind with the whip kept waving the whip and harassing Wu Tian.

He couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit with a whip on his body, and the exoskeleton suddenly fell to the ground in pieces.

Wu Tian looked at the remains of the exoskeleton on his body, and took off all the rest.

Nothing like this makes Wu Tian feel more comfortable.

"Old seven, old nine, don't waste time!"

A dull voice on the top of the building rang like a thunder. This voice lingered in Wu Tian's ears. Just hearing it was enough to make him feel a little trembling.

Although I was not afraid in my heart, it actually had a potential impact on my body.

Wu Tianshi really began to feel the oppressive feeling of the other party against him. It was truly helpless.

Although he didn't want to say it, Wu Tian really felt what it was like when he was desperate at this time.

As Su Cancan said just now, it seems that their only chance is to run away.

But this desperation made Wu Tian begin to burst into adrenaline, he put on a starting position of a special-shaped fist, gently running his breath.

"Wu Tian! Let's leave now!" Although Su Cancan had been on guard and did not join the battle, she did not do anything at all.

It's just that the security team outside can't help much at this time, they can only launch some long-range weapons to support them.

"Our people can fire gas bombs at any time, which can create a good opportunity for us!"

This was the only solution that Su Cancan came up with, and the helicopter was already on standby nearby.

"Thank you, run away like this when you come!" Wu Tian said coldly, his eyes only had the enemy in front of him.

The other party didn't worry about what was going on with the two of them, and threw it over with a whip.

Wu Tian quickly dodged his body, but the place where he hid was exactly where the strong and strong man hit him.

He couldn't dodge for a while and was punched in the chest with a strong punch.

Suddenly, there was a sweetness in the mouth, and a mouthful of blood came out.

When Su Cancan saw this, he didn't care so much, and quickly sent a signal to his own people.

Two smoke bombs were thrown down from high altitude.

When it fell on the ground, there was a green mist.

At the same time, Su Cancan quickly rushed to Wu Tian's side, pulled up his body, and ran away desperately outside while the smoke dispersed.

While running, the gas bombs in the back were still throwing away.

Even though those eleven people are powerful, they dare not act rashly in the face of such gas bombs.

This kind of thing, whether you are good or not, treats everyone equally, and one who doesn’t pay attention will die very miserably.

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