Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 871: Eleven evil stars

Several people were eager to chase, but the person who spoke just now waved their hands and stopped their actions.

"Let them go, it will be a long time!"

It was the night, Wu Tian and Su Cancan came arrogantly, now like two mice being chased by a cat, hurriedly escaped from the alley in the seafood market.

He quickly disappeared in the middle of the night while riding a nearby helicopter.

Wu Tian was already a little delirious at this time, he just felt that his chest had been painful ever since.

Su Cancan quickly opened Wu Tian's clothes and saw the wound inside.

The punch just now almost dented Wu Tian's chest, and it was obvious that a fractured rib could be seen.

It is a miracle that Wu Tian is still alive.

"Quickly, inform Dr. Long Zai'an!" Su Cancan was really panicked, Wu Tian can't die in such a place!

As soon as the helicopter landed, several security team members rushed over with the cart and lifted Wu Tian onto the cart.

Those who heard the news rushed over quickly, and no one thought that Wu Tian was injured twice in a row in such a short time.

And this time it was still so serious.

Long Zaian immediately began the operation on Wu Tian. From late night to late night of the next day, everyone did not rest and stayed quietly outside the operating room.

Su Cancan's expression was especially ugly. This time it was mainly because of a problem with her intelligence, she didn't realize that the other party had such a powerful ambush.

I am afraid that the other party is not exactly what I imagined, or a few people are fighting alone.

It has a very sophisticated plan, and even some organization is behind it.

It's just that those eleven people seem to be very powerful, and they shouldn't be formed temporarily. Their cooperation is very tacit.

While thinking wildly, Su Wenxin walked over at this time, called Su Cancan outside, and asked carefully what happened.

Generally speaking, to be able to label Wu Tian like this, it is basically necessary for Su Wenxin to have the same strength as Zheng Taiwen before.

"Eleven people? One of them is a whip, and a man who knows a golden bell and iron shirt?" Su Wenxin was shocked after hearing what Su Cancan said.

She was already a little worried in her heart, because she thought of a very terrible thing, if it was really what she imagined, it would probably be a huge catastrophe for Su Wenxin and the others.

The expressions of Zheng Taiwen and Su Wenxin are almost the same, both look like something bad.

"Master, do you know anything?"

Su Cancan is very smart, and he can see something from his master's expression.

I am afraid that this time things will not be easy.

"No, they should have been..." Su Wenxin looked at Zheng Taiwen in disbelief.

Zheng Taiwen also shook his head: "Impossible, the original Eleven Fiends were wiped out ten years ago, and they all died in Mobei!"

Many people in all sects know this matter, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

"Eleven evil stars? What is that?" Su Cancan vaguely felt that no matter who these people are, they are probably a big trouble for them.

Two of them came out at random, they were so powerful, if eleven people cooperated perfectly...what a powerful character would be able to defeat them.

"That was a group of people who suddenly emerged more than ten years ago. They were very powerful. They killed a lot of people. Later, all the masters of various factions made a decisive battle with them in Mobei... Kill as many as possible..."

Su Wenxin gave a brief introduction, and she immediately seemed to think of something, with a strange look on her face.

"Could it be... they weren't dead at the time?"

Zheng Taiwen frowned. You can't talk nonsense like this, but he can't help thinking in this direction.

"Only a few people survived at the time. No one can say whether this thing is true... after all, we didn't go to the scene."

Fortunately, they didn't go because of their lack of strength. Otherwise, Su Wenxin and Zheng Taiwen would probably not survive that battle.

Su Wenxin frowned, turned around anxiously, and left, "I'll contact the boss. This matter is not a trivial matter. If they are really not dead, then we will be in trouble."

Seeing her master being so nervous, Su Cancan started to panic. Could it be said that things have reached this point?

"You don't need to worry, if it is really Eleven Fiends, don't worry, they won't deal with ordinary people."

Zheng Taiwen kindly reminded him, but it did not help Su Cancan.

Just now, Long Yun saw that Su Cancan seemed to be talking about something, so she came over quietly.

Seeing Su Wenxin and Zheng Taiwen frowning in a hurry, Long Yun began to have some bad thoughts in her heart.

"what happened?"

Su Cancan looked back at Long Yun who was asking her question, and swallowed hard.

"I'm afraid we have a very powerful enemy!"

Long Yun was surprisingly calm, and didn't get confused because of Su Cancan's tension.

"That's it, then I will issue an S-level alert now! Your security team is now fully lifting the weapon restriction!"

Having said that, Long Yun quickly went to arrange other things.

Since the last incident, she began to study and approve an early warning level.

Now I really didn't expect it, it really came in handy.

Seeing Long Yun's calm look, Su Cancan suddenly felt like he was in comparison and panicked too much.

Isn't it an enemy? No matter how powerful he is, I can't just surrender before encountering an enemy.

Even if Wu Tian knew that he could not beat the enemy, he still insisted on attacking!

Thinking of this, Su Cancan immediately regained his courage, and the look on his face was so frosty.

She looked towards the operating room, frowned, turned and left.

There are many things waiting for her. When Wu Tian is injured now, she must stand up and guard everything here.

The Wu Group Company, which was carrying out various tasks smoothly, suddenly began to receive so many urgent news.

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