Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 880: Milk tea shop

Wu Tian also smiled. He is not a fool either. The reason why he decided to make a lot of money this time is of course also somewhat discreet.

On the way back, Long Yun still didn't quite understand.

"Mr. Wu, if we sell like this, wouldn't they just need to buy a batch..."

After all, this thing can be reused. Once one person runs out, it can be used by others.

Their profit is not very high, and it feels that it is still relatively difficult to make a lot of money.

"That's too naive in what you think. Am I that kind? If he buys it happily, it's fine. If there is still this and that nonsense after the trial, then I have other means to use. Now." Wu Tian is already holding the winning ticket, and he is not afraid of this problem at all.

On the way back, Wu Tian looked at a commercial street that seemed to be pretty good, so he simply took Long Yun down for a stroll.

During this period of time, he has not taken a good rest. Now that he has this opportunity, Wu Tian does not want to miss it.

Long Yun was still a little nervous, she was afraid of any danger in this place.

To be honest, the previous attacks made these people feel a little insane.

Always fear this thing at every turn.

"Don't worry about it anymore. The two of us drilled into the crowd. We are just an ordinary person, no one can tell."

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun's appearance and spoke to persuade her.

"Well, I am not nervous, I usually look like this." Long Yun hardened her neck and would not admit it resolutely.

Of course, Wu Tian has nothing to say about this, so just let her go.

He walked toward this street happily.

This kind of place often has a lot of people lining up on the side of the road from day to night, and it seems that the sound is very good.

Wu Tian looked at the street as if there was a nice milk tea shop, and walked over with interest.

There are already a lot of people in the queue before, and I don't know what is so powerful about this thing, it can make people so addicted to it.

"Long Yun, have you heard of this Yipin milk tea?" Wu Tian has often heard of some Internet celebrity milk tea shops appearing at night.

Many people are very popular, but they can't see what is so powerful.

Long Yun shook her head. In addition to her gender being female, she usually wears women's clothing. She seems to have never seen her make something that girls like.

"Huh, you haven't heard of it? You don't know, this thing is very popular on the Internet now, I see it is drinking in the circle of friends."

The guy next to him seemed to have heard the conversation between Wu Tian and Long Yun, so he interjected very familiarly.

"So, did you drink it?" Wu Tian felt very curious, and he also wanted to know what kind of psychology everyone was like.

Of course the young man shook his head, "Of course I haven't drunk it. This is the first time I came. Going back to take a picture of Moments is enough to keep up with the trend of the times. Anyway, I don't really like to drink this kind of thing."

What he said is very direct, it can be said to be simple and rude.

"Hahaha, there is such an original..." Wu Tian also found it funny. People nowadays seem to have completely dissimilar mentality from before, which he did not expect. Keeping up with the trend and following the trend has become the code of action for some people.

I have to say that this is actually a bit stupid.

"Mr. Wu, look at the place nearby, it seems that someone is selling this thing." Long Yun looked at the sign of the milk tea shop, and it seemed that there was something like joining.

This Wu Tian also knows why he joined his brand and then set up a store similar to other places.

This model seems to be quite common, but I don’t know how it works.

"Oh, why don't we take a look? It's boring anyway." Wu Tian said as he walked towards the door of the milk tea shop.

He pointed his finger at the franchise information on the sign and asked the store.

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes was sitting in the milk tea shop. He was drinking something. Hearing Wu Tian's question, he quickly stood up and walked towards him.

"Hello, are you interested in our milk tea, and want to join?"

Wu Tian looked at this man, and he knew what he was doing. The appearance of his suit and leather shoes was clearly a salesman.

To be honest, Wu Tian actually doesn't like such people. He always feels that sales people will always force such things to him if there is no topic.

This made Wu Tian feel very annoyed. Fortunately, after he had money, he basically never encountered such a situation.

"Well, it's okay, I just ask."

Wu Tian waved his hand quickly, for fear that he would mess with this guy, and then he could not get rid of it like a slug.

"It's really great. I'm the promoter of our Yipin Milk Tea! If you are interested in opening such a shop, you might as well introduce it to you with me."

Wu Tian really does whatever he is worried about. This guy is really the salesman of the franchise brand.

He looked at Long Yun, hoping that Long Yun could help him out, but he didn't expect Long Yun to stand aside at this time, pretending that he didn't see anything...

Long Yun couldn't count on it, so she had to come by herself.

"Hmm... Then just talk about it, what's the good thing about you?"

Thinking that there is nothing wrong with him, Wu Tian decided to listen to what this guy can do.

If you can really make money, this small amount of money is not a problem for Wu Tian.

"This is what you are here. Our franchise brand can be said to have low investment and low threshold..."

When Wu Tian heard this, even if he knew this thing in his heart.

"I've never done this before. Wouldn't it be too easy if I joined in."

The salesman hurriedly shook his head, "Of course this is not the case. You don't have to worry about this. We have done this for you a long time ago. Now we can join with zero basis."

Oh, Wu Tian just thought it was funny.

They don’t need technology, a lot of capital, and experience. If this thing is so profitable, how could it be their turn to teach others.

To put it bluntly, it's still a bit tricky.

If there is such a good thing, Wu Tian must be the first one willing to do it.

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