Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 881: The truth about joining

If there is such a good thing, Wu Tian must be the first one willing to do it.

Although in his heart this matter had long been regarded as a lie, Wu Tian still pretended that he didn't understand anything on the surface, and asked the young man to continue explaining it to him.

"So, this thing is that as long as I can invest 50,000 yuan, and then rent a store, I can have such a good business like this store?"

Wu Tian's tone was very surprised, as if he had just met the mayor of the city.

"Yes, yes, as long as you choose our brand, we will never go wrong with this."

Sales are also full of enthusiasm, and everything they do is like the real thing.

"Well, then, I will give you a blank note, which is considered a loan. Can you put the money in for me first, and then if it succeeds, I will return it to you twice."

Wu Tian smiled. At this time, he was already planning to tease this guy.

"This doesn't seem very good... Our company doesn't seem to have this business yet..."

The salesman seemed to really think about this issue, but it was the first time he met someone who said that.

"If you don't have it, I'll just make such a request. It's just that I don't think there is much meaning for you to join, and I don't feel that there is anything special that I pay attention to."

Wu Tian showed some unwillingness to himself, which made the salesman a little excited.

"Boss, you can't say that. This is a business with a loss and a profit. We provide the means to join, but it is only to help you clear some obstacles in the way forward. It cannot be said to completely replace your own business ability. ."

Hearing what the salesman said, Wu Tianxin gave a cold snort, and let him say anything he had in conjunction with.

"Well, seeing how hard you are, I am willing to join. But you have to tell me that there is something I need to prepare."

Wu Tian felt that he didn't have enough weight just to say these things, so he simply proposed such a condition for joining.

Speaking of this thing will definitely make the salesman extremely excited.

"It's very simple. The initial fee for our first brand of milk tea is 50,000 yuan. Then you need to rent a store with an area of ​​not less than 30 square meters. The decoration must be carried out according to the specifications required by our company."

There are already some tricks in it, and Wu Tian is not a fool, he has already known it in his heart after a long time.

"In other words, with only fifty thousand yuan, there is no way to open this milk tea shop?"

Wu Tian looked surprised, because just now their publicity stated that they would open a milk tea shop for 50,000 yuan.

"Sir, you are joking again. Our 50,000 yuan is only specifically referring to the initial fee, and other expenses are not included in it. I hope you can understand this point."

Wu Tian directly stood up and waved his hand, pointing to the salesman and loudly said, "You are a fraud! It was written clearly in this way, but now I am telling me to add more money. If this is the case, why do you pay? Use this kind of publicity?"

The salesman did not expect that Wu Tian would suddenly shout out loudly, and immediately the eyes of the surrounding people looked over.

He quickly stood up and comforted Wu Tian with a look of fear.

"Boss, I actually don't know a lot of things. I can't do anything with our company's regulations..."

He is really a person who is purely used to carry the pot, and these things have nothing to do with him, nor are they written by the salesman.

"Then I don't care! You are false propaganda! I am going to industry and commerce to sue you!"

While Wu Tian was talking, he was about to leave. Where did the salesman ever see such a situation, and he was a little confused at once.

He rushed up to stop Wu Tian, ​​but he didn't know what to say to him, hesitated...

Looking at him like this, Wu Tian just feels funny in his heart, dare to sell at such a level?

"You are a liar, you are all a lie! Don’t think I’m not clear about the initial fee of 50,000 yuan, and there will be some messy things to be renovated later, let alone 50,000 yuan, I think it will be added. The last 100,000 won’t necessarily bring this shop down."

Wu Tian's statement was immediately recognized by the people next to him. Some people who didn't understand the situation inside were likely to be deceived by their propaganda.

If you really paid 50,000 yuan, then you said later that if you don't rent the store, if you don't go to the decoration, you will definitely not get back the initial fee.

It's like going up to Liangshan. After taking the first step, you have to follow up step by step, and you can't look back at all.

"Boss, I was really wrong... Just treat this as if I hadn't said it, OK!"

At this time, the salesman hurriedly packed his own things and didn't dare to stay in this place any longer. He found that he was really arguing with Wu Tian. This guy didn't follow the routine to play cards. If you say you don't want it, don't you want it, there is no need to dismantle others.

The reason why franchise companies like them are able to emerge in endlessly is because there are always some people who want to simply make money and believe their words.

But the result is to push yourself into the fire pit one by one.

It is obviously impossible for anyone to share the real money with others.

Wu Tian saw the salesman go away in despair, and suddenly some thoughts began to appear in his mind.

It seems that there is really no special professional franchise company to do this kind of thing. Most of them are deceptive.

No one will truly be willing to share their ability to make money with everyone.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian suddenly felt that he could do this by himself.

Anyway, with the strength of his Wu Group company, it is of course no problem to get such a milk tea brand.

As long as they can launch some good products and get everyone's approval, they can naturally promote all these things in the way of franchising.

At that time, Wu Tian will simply not ask for any initial fee. Wouldn't it also benefit the working people?

The most critical point is that Wu Tian only needs to inject a small amount of capital, and maybe he can reap the favor of a large number of people.

With such support, what kind of products Wu Tian wants to launch in the future will have much lower resistance.

After making up his mind, Wu Tian quickly called Long Yun over and told her about the idea.

In the end, Long Yun's eyes rolled.

Wu Tian really came to whatever he thought... One thought a day in his mind, regardless of the busyness of the people below.

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