Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 882: do charity

It's really the order from the top, if the next one is going to be exhausted.

People from the Wu Group Company have recently experienced this deeply.

Among them, the one who suffered the most is Wu Zaibin.

In the past, Wu Zaibin's weight was quite large, and he looked like a little fat man.

But now if I go to see him again, this guy should be so busy that he has lost dozens of catties...

According to his words, Wu Zaibin can apply to host a weight loss club to ensure that he can lose weight.

"Mr. Wu...I think it's better for you not to make such a fuss."

Long Yun said lightly, she didn't regard Wu Tian's words as unreliable, but felt that he was a little confused about the priority.

Leaving aside the issue of funds, this matter does not involve any funds, but manpower is a big issue. Long Yun really couldn't spare any manpower for this matter.

"It's okay... I think this is a good thing. We have done good things and others have benefited."

Wu Tian hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter, and was still indulged in his beautiful ideas.

Long Yun sighed, pulling Wu Tian involuntarily and left this place.

“That’s why you don’t know anything. Our current funding problem has not been completely resolved. If we randomly open new projects, it will consume a lot of money. Moreover, the work of our employees has reached a limit. Increased."

"Is it serious enough for this?"

Wu Tian was a little surprised. He just thought that they were short of funds. He didn't expect that even human resources were starting to be short.

If this situation continues, they will soon be unable to continue to expand outside.

The size of the company will only be limited to this.

"What about this, no, it won't work if this continues!"

Wu Tian scratched his head. He had expected such a situation before, so he specially prepared the institute.

I just hope to continue to provide him with some high-quality talents from there, but the research institute is mainly aimed at the aerospace sector.

Or some other science and technology departments. Regarding ordinary employees... Wu Tian really didn't think of this.

"Now we don't have the funds to recruit, so all new projects are suspended!"

Long Yun's words can not be denied, she was very tough and rejected Wu Tian's request, not at all procrastinating.

"Well, if you don't want to, I will find the funds and people."

Wu Tian didn't plan to just leave it like that. Money could talk about everything.

"That's what you said, Wu Group can't give you any help!"

On the contrary, Long Yun choked with Wu Tian. Since this is the case, let's see if Wu Tian can do this without the help of the Wu Group.

The two drove back to the Wu Group Building.

Long Yun went on her own, and Wu Tian was sitting in the office, thinking about getting this milk tea shop.

The money is very simple for him. He called Nangongying directly, and the matter was resolved.

Nangong Shadow’s funding comes from Nanhe Securities, which has nothing to do with Wu Group.

The rest is to find someone. Although Wu Tian wants to make milk tea, he can say that he doesn't understand this aspect at all.

For this reason, Shen Xue was about to ask for advice, but Shen Xue was completely exhausted because he was busy with the hotel.

Don't say it's here to teach him, there is no time to even take a look.

Obviously, this is probably specially arranged by Long Yun... just don't want Wu Tian to find help from the company.

But as the saying goes, soldiers come to cover the water.

If he couldn't get through here, Wu Tian started to take another path.

He called Blanche, and as soon as he said this, Blanche sent two people over.

Although these two people are actually to monitor the execution of their orders, Blanche said that they could also help Wu Tian prepare for the milk tea shop.

You know, Blanche is the princess of Cha'er Kingdom, and they are serious Western countries. In terms of milk tea and afternoon tea, they are rooted in red. The authentic can no longer be authentic.

The quality and grade of these things are made by their people.

After figuring out the doorway in this milk tea shop, Wu Tian also began to make drastic preparations for this matter.

Of course, in order to build momentum, he also specially spent some of his own money and asked Wu Zaiyao to give them an interview.

Suddenly, the Internet began to be turbulent again. No one thought that Wu's Group Company suddenly developed such a business...

This is completely contrary to their previous statement of pursuing high technology...

After all, there is no high-tech in Nong Milk Tea.

Things got bigger and bigger, and many reporters even started to be surrounded by the Wu Group Building, wanting to interview Wu Tian what he thought.

This shock to everyone is even more exaggerated than when he announced that he would take the high-tech route.

In the next few days, the people arranged by Blanche had already arrived at the Wu Group Building, and Wu Tian specially invited them to his office.

This time, there are men and women, and the headed person is Blanche's personal maid.

Wu Tian felt very familiar when he saw it, because he had already met him on a small island in South Asia before.

"What's your name?"

Wu Tian looked at the Blanche personal maid in a maid outfit and asked politely.

In any case, it turned out to be a guest, and there was no distinction between high and low status in China.

"You are too polite. You are a friend of our lady. There is no need to add a respectable name when calling us."

The personal maid was also very polite, and quickly responded to Wu Tian's words.

"You can't say that, one yard goes to one yard. I heard that you are very good at black tea, so I hope you can show me."

Wu Tian has been looking forward to it for a long time. He has long heard that their black tea from Chaer Country is famous all over the world, and ordinary people simply cannot drink the special and authentic royal black tea.

The close maid took out a set of exquisite tableware from the box she was carrying, and then borrowed the hot water in Wu Tian's office to start using this set of tea-making techniques.

I have to say that it really looks very beautiful, and when the black tea is brought to the mouth, the fragrance is unprecedented and noble.

After these two things, getting a milk tea shop is naturally handy, and there is no problem at all.

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