Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 884: Encircle

Sister Liu thought about it, but she absolutely couldn't let go of such a good opportunity.

If Wu Tian can be caught here, then the task of the eleven of them will be completed.

It is only a matter of time before the destruction of the Wu Group Company is left.

The two were ready to get out of the car immediately, and Di Gu was still dozing off in the back seat at this time.

Diyin walked over uncomfortably, and pushed Digu.

"It's time to start!"

Di Gu's eyes are blood red, and the thing he hates most is that others come to disturb him to sleep.

Several people swiftly walked towards Wu Tian's side, but the person involved did not even notice that they were talking to the beauty of Cha'erguo.

By the time he noticed, the three people had already surrounded the two of them in a triangle shape.

Wu Tian saw that there was something wrong with the situation. He had never seen these three people before, and the aura on them was also very violent.

"You hide behind..."

Wu Tian pulled the maid behind him, how could he keep the girl in front of him at a critical moment.

The other party would find himself, which Wu Tian did not expect, but since things have already happened, then settle down as they come.

"What do you want to do?"

Wu Tian's expression immediately became cold, and he began to adjust his breathing.

If possible, Wu Tian didn't want to conflict with these people.

The injury on his body has not yet been completely agile, and fighting these people may not be able to take advantage of them.

"Follow us obediently! We don't want to be rough in the public!"

There was a fierce expression in Liu Jie's eyes, which everyone could see. She was not joking.

Wu Tian looked at these people carefully, their clothes were different, and there was no similarity that could be compared.

He also couldn't guess what the identities of these people were.

It's just that they don't have weapons in their hands. Wu Tian feels that they shouldn't dare to make any drastic actions in the public. There should still be a chance for him to escape.

"What if I can't agree?" Wu Tian smiled and looked at them with his arms.

Although the maid was behind Wu Tian at this time, her expression began to become serious. It seemed that something went wrong with the progress of the matter.

"Then I'm sorry, we are not good people either!" Sister Liu rushed towards Wu Tian at an unpredictable speed.

Wu Tian just felt a flower in front of him, and then subconsciously raised his hand to block his chest.

I don't want to be the one who really blocked this Tianling Liu sister's attack. The movements of the few of them were not very big, and there was almost nothing unusual in the eyes of the people next to them.

But Wu Tian could clearly feel the tremendous power from his arm just now.

Moreover, the two men beside him hadn't moved yet, maybe the strength of the three of them was very powerful, but at such a moment, Wu Tian knew that he could never beat them.

"Wait a minute! Have something to say!" Wu Tian quickly took a step back and moved a little away from these people.

He looked around cautiously, and it was unrealistic to run away. At their speed in such an open place, he caught one by one.

It can only go to relatively narrow places, and places with many people.

Wu Tian looked around, and just not far behind these enemies, there was an entrance to a commercial building. There is just right for Wu Tian to circle with them.

"Follow us! We will let you go, otherwise, I can only interrupt your hands and feet and take you back."

Sister Liu felt that Wu Tian finally recognized the reality and knew that she was great here.

She beckoned to her two partners, ready to buckle Wu Tian and take it to the car.

It just didn't expect that Wu Tian suddenly rushed towards them at this time, and the wind also pierced through the gap between the three of them.

Not only Wu Tian, ​​but the foreign beauty also ran out with Wu Tian. They ran directly to the mall door behind them.

Tian Ling was stunned for a moment. She never thought that the other party had chosen to escape. It was really stupid. Does this guy think that the three of them can't help it?

Di Gu's eyes were flushed and he was about to catch up immediately, and unloaded eight pieces of Wu Tian to calm his anger of getting up.

"Wait, don't move too much, we are not here to disturb ordinary people." Although Tianling Liu sister also wanted to solve Wu Tian directly and more easily, she still knew that they could not be in this way. Causes riots in the environment.

The best thing is that no one knows about their existence, otherwise, it would not be good news for them to come by the police.

The three of them hurriedly followed behind, but Wu Tian was no longer there at this time. There were a lot of people in the mall, and there were counters everywhere.

No matter how good the eyes are here, there is no use for them.

"Diyin! Use your method!" Seeing the trace of Wu Tian, ​​Tianling did not panic, but asked his companions to show their true ability.

Di Yin did not speak, but lay his body on the ground, twitching his nose a few times like a dog, and began to sniff in the air.

His ability can be said to be very suitable for use in such a place, and Wu Tian and the others are also a good opportunity to escape into the mall.

It is much easier to cover people's eyes and ears here than outside. Tianling and the others can naturally use some more threatening methods.

At this time, Wu Tian and the maid were hiding in a fitting room. The two of them didn't even dare to show the atmosphere.

There are indeed some people outside, and a few sales assistants are guiding the guests to look at the clothes.

Hidden here, the other party shouldn't be found, they don't have so many eyes.

It's just that Wu Tian is thinking this way, but Tianling and the others are already under the guidance of Diyin, and they have begun to approach the fitting room from different directions.

When they were about ten meters away from this place, Wu Tian only felt a palpitation in his heart.

To be honest, this feeling didn't make people feel very comfortable. He immediately realized that something was wrong.

The sound of Tianling's high heels was like the footsteps of death, walking towards him step by step.

"It's broken! We have to run away!" Wu Tian was suddenly taken aback. At this time, he didn't care about so many rushing out and continuing to escape.

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