Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 885: Powerful maid

After running out, Wu Tiancai realized the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, the three enemies surrounded his place along three roads.

There was only one road left for Wu Tian to choose, and he could only run desperately along the remaining road.

The few people in the back walked leisurely and followed, like they were playing a game of cat and mouse, not in a hurry.

"Digu, since you want to move your muscles and bones so much, let me give you this opportunity!"

Tian Ling said slowly, the three of them were already together, and seeing Wu Tian running away, she only felt a little funny.

Tianling likes to see his enemies running away desperately. The despair on his face is intertwined with the desire to survive, which will give Tianling a unique sense of success.

"Can't ask for it!"

Digu's temper was originally bad, but now he finally had this opportunity, naturally he didn't want to let it go.

He chased up with small steps, although the steps are not very large, but the speed is very fast.

Wu Tian’s road seemed to be a dead end, and the shops in front of it began to become fewer and fewer.

Going further inside and then inside again, even customers can't see a few.

Wu Tian suddenly realized that things were not good at this time, and he seemed to be in a trap.

The reason why the other party left an escape route for himself was probably because he wanted Wu Tian to run to such a place.

The other party is probably planning to do it directly...

"Broken! Run, run back and call for someone, here I will stand!"

Wu Tian knew that he might be inevitable, but this maid might not be the other party's target, so there might be ways to put this hope on her.

"Mr. Wu! How can this work! Miss told us, let us treat you and the young lady equally, and it is also my duty to protect you!"

The maid's will was beyond Wu Tian's imagination, she did not intend to escape at all, and there was no fear on her face.

"This is not the time to talk about this! I don't have the time to gossip with you, if you don't run, you may die here!"

Wu Tian said anxiously that he was really a little angry. The other party was not a good person. Maybe it was the same group who attacked him last time.

They naturally kill people without blinking. When the time comes, the maid will probably not have the chance to run.

They are still arguing here, but Di Gu has already rushed forward.

He flew a kick and kicked it towards Wu Tian. Fortunately, Wu Tian's reaction was quicker. With an idea, he dodged to the side and avoided this kick.

Digu didn't stop, he didn't plan to defeat the enemy with one blow, because that would be a lot less fun for him.

Wu Tian was thrown into a fall by the impact just now, and he quickly got up from the ground, preparing to meet him head-on.

But when he was moving, Wu Tian only felt that his chest suddenly felt a sharp pain.

I am afraid that the action just now caused his wounds to be torn...

Wu Tian gritted his teeth, almost unable to support his body, but the enemy is currently, even if he can't hold it, he must carry it.

"Take your life!"

Digu let out a low growl, then concentrated his whole body strength on his fist, and hit it with one punch.

Wu Tian wanted to hide again at this time, but found that he couldn't use his strength anymore.

Oh, could it be said that I am going to finish playing here today!

It was the first time Wu Tian felt true despair. He felt that he was really hopeless.

It was at this moment that a figure stood in front of Wu Tian, ​​and Digu's fist did not touch a single hair of Wu Tian's body.

Wu Tian looked at the maid standing in front of him with a look of surprise, he couldn't believe it.

After considering so much, I just hope she can escape. After all, he is not a member of the Wu Group Company. If something happens here, Wu Tian feels that he can't explain to Blanche.

In addition to this, Wu Tian was shocked by other things. He never expected that this maid would be so powerful. She put her hands on her chest and pushed all the strength of her body.

He just took the punch of Digu.

Just now, just the power of the fist wind exploded, it had already set off a gust of wind in the surrounding air.

The power of this fist cannot be underestimated, at least ten times stronger than that.

But what is the origin of this maid...Since she can catch this fist.

Digu was even more surprised than Wu Tian, ​​and he couldn't believe that the beautiful girl in front of him could actually be equal to himself.

He quickly retracted his fist, jumped a step back, and then began to look closely at the woman in front of him with his eyes.

"So there are experts here!"

Although the maid was very powerful, this punch was not without any damage to her, and a little blood began to flow out at the corner of her mouth.

The power just now is too great, even the maid just now probably couldn't completely block this thing.

"Are you all right!"

Wu Tian quickly stood up and helped out the maid, for fear that she would use her body to resist.

It's just that the other party is not as weak as Wu Tian imagined. After shaking his body twice, he has already stood still, standing firmly at his feet, and his half-rickle waist seems to be accumulating strength.

"Mr. Wu, stand behind, and I will take care of this enemy!"

Just now the maid said to protect Wu Tian, ​​it seems that this sentence is not a joke, but true.

I'm afraid she really has this strength...

As soon as the voice fell, the isolated grinning rushed towards the maid, and the two immediately fought together.

The two sides turned out to be evenly matched, and Di Gu was very angry at first. This attack can also be said to have had enough strength. But I didn't expect to have no effect on this maid at all.

His speed is fast, and the opponent's speed is also fast.

He is strong, but the opponent is also as solid as a rock.

The battle between the two made almost everyone around him dazzled, and Wu Tian couldn't believe it was true.

Even after the other party's two companions arrived, there was a bit of a daze watching this scene.

"Diyin, go and help!"

Although things made Tianling feel very surprised, she still made a decision immediately and couldn't waste time in such a place.

There are three of them, but Wu Tian and the others only have two. Taking advantage of the current number advantage, of course they have to rush up and subdue the other party.

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