Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 890: Identity disguise

Zhixing looks like a start-up company that has just started. Even if it is late at night, this place is still brightly lit.

Wu Tian and Qinglong had arrived at the door of their company a long time ago, but they never went in. The two of them were waiting for an opportunity.

Soon, a takeaway boy riding an electric car came over.

Upon seeing this, Wu Tian quickly stopped him.

"Eh, you two, what are you doing?" Wu Tian is now wearing a set of security clothes. There is still some distance from the door, and he has stopped these two takeaway boys.

"Master, we are delivering food."

The takeaway boy didn't know what was going on. They had never been stopped before.

"Oh, what? You leave all of this, we will send it in for you, and the company will conduct strict inspections for these two days, and no outsiders will be allowed in. Let's pass it on for you."

Wu Tian and Qinglong made it look like they were real. After the two takeaway boys looked at them, they chose to believe what they said, leaving everything behind and rushing to other places by themselves.

After being fooled by the takeaway, Wu Tian and Qinglong immediately began to change their outfits, this time they were dressed up as takeaway boys and put on their yellow uniforms.

This time, the two of them walked to the door of the company with the takeaway. The security here just looked at them and put them in.

Wu Tian also asked about the address above, and the other party knew everything.

I guess I often meet people who deliver food in this place, so it's no surprise.

The two of them easily infiltrated this office building. They were not fortified by one person, except that there were some surveillance in the corridor, but it didn't seem to be a big deal.

"Hey, you are here, and we are all hungry." Seeing Wu Tian and they came, the hungry staff inside rushed over like a hungry tiger.

Wu Tian and the others were robbed in an instant, and the takeaway they were holding was taken away in an instant.

"Damn, you guys won't be like this, aren't your bosses giving you food?" Wu Tian suddenly felt like he was pretty good looking at them.

"Hey don't mention it, we are all too busy now, the task is tight, and it is estimated that we will have to work overtime today."

While talking, the staff spit out this matter with Wu Tian.

It may be that Wu Tian is a takeaway, so I think there is nothing wrong with talking to him.

"Is that so? I saw something about your company on TV, oh my god, that rocket is really spectacular!"

Instead, Wu Tian started talking with these people, and Qinglong continued to perform his task and distribute food.

"Haha, yes, we also think it's good, but we are too tired, we are almost exhausted!"

"I think there seems to be a company in our s city that is also working on this thing... I don't know who is better at that time!"

Wu Tian started to talk slowly at this time. Anyway, things are progressing well now.

Reasonable people know that Wu Tian is talking about the Wu Group Company, but these employees show a look that they don't care very much.

"His one is definitely not as good as ours, our technology is relatively mature..."

The guy was interrupted by the person next to him before he could finish his words.

"Ahem..." The person who reminded him cast a look at the place opposite them, which was an office.

"Oh, it's okay! Those ghosts can't understand us."

The person being reminded doesn't seem to care about this at all.


Hearing this, Wu Tian knew that his speculation had made great progress when he left.

As expected, Zhixing is not a technology developed by itself, but a mature technology used by others.

Then the only one who can provide this is Eagle Country.

It just so happens to correspond to the ghost mentioned by the person just now.

The things here are also finished, Wu Tian and Qinglong looked at each other.

Qinglong suddenly covered his stomach, looking very painful.


Wu Tian looked nervous and hurried to help him.

"Aron, what's wrong with you?"

"Stomach hurts... Um, is there a toilet here?"

Qinglong looked at the staff, wanting them to show the way.

"You...what are you...doing?"

It seemed that they felt a bit noisy here, and a white man came out from the opposite office, staring here with a serious face.

"Um, I'm sorry, my brother suddenly had a stomachache..."

Wu Tian hurriedly explained that this ghost now even speaks Chinese dialect unsatisfactorily, but the frame looks very good.

"No! This is... the company! What I don't want to do... prohibit..."

Gui Lao wouldn't care about Wu Tian and the others, he wanted to drive them out with a look of disgust.

Qinglong became more serious at this time, almost unable to stand up.

"No, if my brother has a diarrhea here... the two of us have a big deal to leave, then you will be in trouble, and I will do it for your own good!"

When Wu Tian said this, the ghost suddenly waved his hand impatiently, and agreed to their request.

"Do you need help?" The staff member who was talking to them just now was also very polite to help.

"Thank you really."

Wu Tian supported Qinglong, and with the help of that person, he got Qinglong to the toilet.

Seeing that he had nothing to do with him, the employee was ready to leave, but before he walked out of the toilet door, his body suddenly fell down.

Wu Tian and Qinglong got this guy into a toilet cubicle.

He stripped off his clothes and Wu Tian put them on his body.

Not to mention, the two of them are similar in shape, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

"Mr. Wu, be careful!" Qinglong reminded Wu Tian very intimately, that he wouldn't be able to help much later.

Wu Tian tidyed up his clothes and walked out, sitting tightly.

"I'm back, are those two okay."

As soon as I walked in, a colleague came to inquire.

Wu Tian said, did not speak, but did it very quickly, and began to check the person's computer and the files on the desk.

Just now, Wu Tian felt that these people didn't look like scientific people, and this investigation really did.

They are not doing research at all, but are translating some documents.

Wu Tian remembered that he seemed to be carrying the keyboard with him, so he quickly took it out and prepared to plug it into the computer and copy these things.

As a result, just plugged in, the computer suddenly started to rustle and everyone in the office looked over.

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