Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 891: The secret of Zhixing Technology

Wu Tian was taken aback and stood up abruptly.

"What! What happened!" Gui Lao rushed over with a frustrated expression, yelling at the people in their office very upset.

"Hey, don't insert the USB flash drive into the computer!" The ghost wanted to smash things!

At this time, everyone saw something plugged into the computer in front of Wu Tian.

"Wait! You are not..."

Wu Tian realized that he had been exposed when he left, and ran away without saying a word.

His speed was so fast that the people in the office didn't react, and Wu Tian had already rushed into the corridor.

"Mission failed...withdraw!"

Wu Tian yelled, and the Azure Dragon in the toilet immediately ran out, and the two of them fleeing towards the outside desperately.

It seems that the people of Zhixing Technology never thought that someone would do such a thing, and it turned out to be watching the two of them go away.

Wu Tian and the others were far away, and they could still hear the shouts of ghosts behind them.

"Haha! Eat shit, you guys!" Wu Tian drew a **** to the back of the pen, and their car had already left.

"What happened to Mr. Wu just now?" Qinglong was still a little nervous at this time.

It wasn't scared, but it happened so suddenly that Qinglong didn't have any mental preparation.

"I'm not very clear. I was planning to steal some technical information, but suddenly the alarm sounded."

Wu Tian thought about it. At that time, he also suffered from quick response. Otherwise, if they blocked the door, it would be difficult for him to run.

"It doesn't matter, let's go back and talk about it."

Although there were thrills and dangers, their journey back can be said to be very smooth.

"Remember, don't talk to anyone about this matter, otherwise, neither of us can eat it and we will go around!"

In order to keep it secret, Wu Tian specifically asked Qinglong's mouth to be strict.

"Mr. Wu, what are you talking about, how could my Qinglong betray you!"

Wu Tian still believed in Qinglong's attitude.

After the two separated, Wu Tian quietly prepared to return to his bedroom at this time.

Just when he arrived at the door and opened the door, she saw Long Yun standing not far from the door, holding her arms and looking at Wu Tian.

Behind her, stood Su Cancan, she was questioning the hapless guy who was called by Wu Tian to cover him.

"What did you do?"

Long Yun didn't plan to ask Wu Tianjie about this matter.

It was already obvious, and she didn't want to say anything.

"Yeah, you still know to come back."

Wu Tian was shivering directly, and he didn't expect to be caught by them.

Now things are a little troublesome.

Wu Tian began to search for bowel movements, not knowing what reason he should use to explain this matter.

If you say that you go out to inquire about information... Wouldn't Su Cancan take his skin off?

So after thinking about it, Wu Tian felt that he could never tell the truth.

"Um, I went to play outside..."

"Playing? Why did I never see you go out to play before?" Su Cancan sneered, what Wu Tian wants to do and what to say, she won't be clear?

Isn't this just giving yourself some excuses?

"What I said is true." Wu Tianyi said righteously, as if he had been wronged.

Su Cancan looked at Wu Tian, ​​and then let go of the hapless one.

"Okay, let's do this for the first time. What are you doing out there, I won't pursue it anymore. Now there is something waiting for your decision." Su Cancan suddenly put away his target and began to change It's going to be flat.

This made Wu Tian somewhat unexpected, but it was also a good thing.

"what happened?"

"The Ministry of Aerospace said that our launch is already in vain."

Su Cancan said lightly. After Wu Tian heard it, he was about to jump up with joy.

Is it really possible to launch satellites into the sky now? This is really not easy.

"Okay! Don't worry about this date, I will arrange for some people to come and visit."

In fact, there are not so many people that Wu Tian wants to invite. The biggest customers are Times, and there is Blanche.

He hurriedly ran to make two phone calls, which is considered to be given down.

The launch site this time was still on the island. After this period of construction, some large-scale facilities have appeared on it.

Some laboratories and factories have moved here, and there are living areas for workers and engineers.

Now the entire island has been built into a building.

After turning around for a few days, Wu Tian took Cui Yongji and Blanche to land on this island by helicopter, and was shocked by the scene on this island for the first time.

The southernmost place on the island is their launch site.

There are almost no buildings for one or two kilometers nearby, just for safety.

If they are not careful, the rocket suddenly explodes and the like, then their losses will not be small.

"Mr. Wu, you are here!" Hong Xiangtai walked over with a look of excitement. After the serving meeting, he came back to speed up the development speed. I have to say that with the technical support of the military factory, their rocket development basically Did not encounter any major technical problems.

Anyway, at this stage it is just launching some small satellites, and the orbital height is not very high.

Not to mention the use of rockets, even if the missiles are taken directly, they can almost be used directly.

"Well, how are you preparing? Today is our big day. You see, these two are our big customers!" Wu Tian's implication is also obvious, this time it is not only In order to launch satellites for themselves, there is also the effect of making an advertisement.

As long as it succeeds, Cui Yongji must have an order. By that time, their company will naturally not be short of money.

"Don't worry about this, we have been preparing for a long time!" Hong Xiangtai's desire to achieve results this time is more serious than before.

Zhixing Technology first launched the rocket in front of them. This matter is like a shame, and it has been worrying about Hong Xiangtai's heart.

"Okay! Let's prepare!" Wu Tian also gave them a lot of freedom. Whether this launch will succeed or not will also involve Wu Tian's heartstrings. But he has invested in this matter and don't know how much money he has invested.

If it fails, these investments will be worthless. At that time, it will be a very huge pressure for the Wu Group.

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