Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 892: The crisis behind joy

With an order, a huge fireball in the distance began to soar into the sky, like a newborn sun, across the sky.

Several of them with more important identities have been specially arranged with an observation deck, so you can clearly watch the launch situation here.

The launch time is not very practical, which is a matter of ten minutes. When he heard that the mission was successfully completed, Wu Tian immediately walked to Cui Yongji and Blanche with a smile on his face.

"You guys, how do you think we did this?"

Wu Tian looked proud and made it clear that he wanted to hear some compliments, and at the same time he came to promote these two distinguished customers.

"Very good! Our previous agreement can continue." Cui Yongji was very satisfied, and this matter was considered within his expected range.

It's just that Blanche's eyes are a little erratic, probably thinking about the curves in it.

"Wu Tian, ​​what you got is really good, but our satellite launches in Chaer Country are basically our fixed suppliers, so..."

Blanche put on a sad expression and did not intend to follow Wu Tian's thoughts.

They are all smart people, of course they know that Wu Tian wants to promote his rocket.

"You can't say it so early. Our offer is very calculated!" Wu Tian was speechless for a while, this guy clearly wanted to bargain on the spot.

Blanche drank black tea leisurely and looked at Wu Tian leisurely.

"Is it reliable or unreliable? I don’t think it’s good to say it right now, and... I heard that there seems to be a Zhixing company. I also sent a quote to the aerospace department of Chaerguo. , The price is very low."

What she represents now is the interests of their country. This is because Blanche herself has a personal relationship with Wu Tian and she can't choose blindly.

Wu Tian suddenly looked upset. This Zhixing Technology really stretched out its hands everywhere, and it turned out to be more on the road to commercialization than Wu Tianyuan.

It may be that Wu Tian was a little worried, and Cui Yongji laughed.

He came over and patted his shoulder lightly to cheer Wu Tian.

"Don't worry too much. Am I still supporting you? Let me launch ten small satellites first."

Cui Yongji is not so sensitive to money, which is completely different from Blanche.

After all, he is a private enterprise, so he can spend his money whatever he wants.

"It's really great!" Wu Tian quickly shook Cui Yongji's hand with excitement, and at the same time he did not forget to cast a small unconvincing look at Blanche.

With Cui Yongji's order, Wu Tian felt that he would be able to relieve himself immediately.

Although Cui Yongji had said before, I hope Wu Tian will give him a great discount on the price.

Wu Tian launches a rocket once, and the estimated cost is at least about 150 million.

This cost is still because their technology is not very mature, and it can even be greatly reduced later.

Relatively speaking, Cui Yongji is very generous, directly priced at two billion, ten satellites can be two billion.

The large amount of funds that Wu Tian invested in the aerospace department before finally returned a little.

The pressure is relieved a lot.

After seeing the two guests away, Wu Tian did not feel complacent because of his success, but expressed deep concern about the progress of Zhixing Technology.

These guys are much better than I thought.

After returning from the island, all people looked happy, but Wu Tian looked very serious.

Even Long Yun, who has always been very serious, couldn't hide the smile on her face this time.

"Mr. Wu, my system can already be officially launched! Now we can gradually monitor the entire s city, and then you don't have to worry about someone attacking you."

Long Yun found Wu Tian happily and told him about this, but Wu Tian nodded gently, and did not take the matter to heart.

"What's wrong with you?"

Long Yun put away her smile and began to become a little nervous.

"Things won't be easy..." Wu Tian mumbled and said, Zhixing Company is now his thorn in the flesh.

Thinking of the existence of this company and their potential for continuous development, Wu Tian felt that he could not sleep well.

"What are you talking about?" Long Yun heard him say something, but didn't hear him clearly.

Wu Tian shook his head lightly, his fingers snapped on the table.

"I'm talking about our competitor! Don't underestimate them. You should collect his information now!"

Some of the previous intelligence work has basically stopped, and now it is necessary to quickly get these things up again.

Long Yun nodded, now she has changed her shotgun, and with this new satellite, she can collect information in this regard more comprehensively.

"Ok, don't worry about this!"

With that, Long Yun turned around and was about to leave, but her mind was still on Wu Tian's frowning eyebrows.

To be honest, she rarely sees Wu Tian being so worried.

Without two steps, Long Yun watched Hong Xiangtai walk in with a group of people before she left the room.

They were not much different from Wu Tian's expressions, and they were all worried.

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Tian looked at these people coming over, feeling a little at a loss. He didn't seem to contact this Hong Xiangtai.

He looked at Hong Sang-tae's eyes as if something was not quite right. It was not like the emotions he should have when the rocket was launched successfully.

Moreover, Hong Sang-tae did not come alone, he was accompanied by a group of people, these are his former colleagues in Korea.

Vaguely, Wu Tian felt that something big might happen.

"Mr. Wu, let me apologize to you first!" Hong Xiangtai stood in front of Wu Tian's office desk, suddenly feeling a little nervous, and he started to cry in his words.

"What's wrong? Say it well, don't worry, don't worry about anything!" Wu Tian was fooled by him, and he didn't know what to say, but this guy was making some calculations. ?

For a long time, Wu Tian was relatively at ease with Hong Sang-tae. When he was recruited, he had been conscientiously completing his work.

"Mr. Wu... we have to go... but we can't bear it..."

Hong Xiangtai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and everyone followed his emotions and began to become sad.

Wu Tian was completely confused now, what and what was all this.

"I didn't let you go, and I didn't do anything. You can tell me exactly what is going on?"

There are still many space missions waiting for them to do. If these people are gone, wouldn't it be like drawing salaries from the bottom? How can Wu Tian's space business continue?

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