Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 896: Surprises

Due to the progress here, Wu Tian was already a lot happier on the way back.

But the problem has not actually been resolved, and this is just a tactic of Wu Tian to ask for directions.

The key is that it seems that Wu Tian will suffer a lot. You must know that if you provide a kaleidoscope for free, you will lose a lot of money.

"Mr. Wu... shall we really provide them with equipment for free in the future?"

Long Yun will have very big doubts about this matter, even if only the cost price is charged.

Providing it for free is equivalent to saying that you want to post it upside down, which is not a small amount for the Wu Group.

The most important thing is that the number of military purchases has always been huge. Thousands of tens of thousands may not be a big deal, but once this thing is promoted...

That's not the case, I'm afraid it will rise to hundreds of thousands to millions...

Wu Tian nodded, this is far more than a favor to him.

"Yes, it's free! Even if we lose money, we must be free!"

Wu Tian has already thought about this. Of course, things are provided for free, but when it comes to debugging and maintenance, these services can no longer be free.

"Then can we all hold it?"

Long Yun was a little worried. The company that had improved in the past is now in crisis, so they can't take it lightly.

We should not let go of such a good profit opportunity.

"Don't worry, it's okay. As long as we can do this thing well, we will definitely get the support of the people when we promote it in society. At that time, it will be impossible for us to go bankrupt."

Wu Tian is quite optimistic about this. As long as he can establish a very proper relationship with the military, his company can rely on this to survive.

And this kaleidoscope can be used not only for playing games, but also for training the army.

For example, in some other places, all activities that are not convenient to develop in the real world can be carried out in a kaleidoscope.

For example, the training of medical students, even the training of pilots, the training of driving schools, etc...

They can all use a device like a kaleidoscope to simulate reality.

As soon as Wu Tian explained these things, Long Yun immediately understood.

It's also because I have considered a little less, and just looking at the benefits in front of me is not enough.

"In other words, we can treat this thing as a huge marketing advertisement!"

In fact, this is also an important link that Wu Tian envisioned. The army would endorse them, so it is natural to sell this kaleidoscope.

The two people talked with gusto, but soon an alarm sounded in the car.

Wu Tian had never heard it before, and he was still curious.


Long Yun exclaimed, and quickly took out her tablet. Inside was a map showing their location, and a huge red dot was quickly approaching them.

"What is this?"

Wu Tian looked over curiously, but Long Yun didn't have time to explain at this time, and quickly tried a brake to stop the car.

Open the door, drag Wu Tian and run.

As soon as they left the car with their front feet, the car was knocked out several meters by something unknown.

The engine compartment at the front of the car was severely deformed due to this impact.

If the two of them stayed in the car and did not come out, they might have been squeezed into flesh by the car now.

"What's the matter!" Wu Tian looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly panicked, but his eyes soon stopped on the person who hit the car.

He knew this guy, and he was also one of the eleven evil stars.

"Our system really seems to be working!" Long Yun was a little happy when she was in a hurry, which proved that her decision to request the launch of the satellite was not wrong.

"Run now!"

Wu Tian and Long Yun turned their heads and ran away. There was a low house next to them. There were alleys on the street. Only two or three people could pass through them, and ordinary cars could not get in.

They plunged in, and soon disappeared.

I didn't know how far they were after they ran. Wu Tian and Long Yun stopped at a place on the side of the street, and they looked around and there was indeed no trace of the enemy.

Long Yun turned on her tablet and looked at it. The red dot on it was far away from them, and it was temporarily out of danger.

"What's going on? Why do you know that enemies will attack us?"

Wu Tian was surprised and said that he did not expect that today's technology has developed to such a powerful place.

"Didn't we just launch a satellite two days ago? Don't we need it!"

Long Yun pointed to the sky proudly. If she hadn't rejected all the opinions and forced the satellite project to launch, there would have been no warning before this attack.

In fact, the principle is very simple, Long Yun uses this satellite to stare at City S.

Once someone came in Wu Tian's direction, they would be deemed to be a certain threat.

But this time, the satellite easily identified such an enemy. His speed was very fast, but he did not change his direction along the way, and almost rushed towards Wu Tian.

So that the satellite has no way to ignore it.

"My dear, are they so good?" Wu Tian couldn't help but sigh. He looked at the red dot on the screen above and moved in towards them again, and the number of the other party increased a little.

"Mr. Wu, let's retreat quickly!"

Long Yun is also unambiguous, and their safety now comes first.

I encountered the enemy just now, who seemed to be the brawny man who fought Wu Tian at the beginning.

King Kong's undamaged body, like a tank, caused Wu Tian to suffer a great loss.

Long Yun quickly notified the security team to pick up the people. The two of them hid in this shanty town. Within ten minutes, the security team's small helicopter arrived.

They quickly escaped easily. Although they don't know how the other party found their tracks, it is clear that their tracking power is not very strong.

It seems that not everyone has the ability to locate their position by smell, and Wu Tianxin is also a little relieved.

It's just that if these eleven evil stars are not eliminated, it will still be a hidden danger after all, and no one can stand that someone is secretly thinking about their lives every day.

As soon as he returned to the Wu Group Company, Wu Tian hurried to the security team.

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