Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 897: Prepare for counterattack

As soon as he returned to the Wu Group Company, Wu Tian hurried to the security team.

The eleven evil star's matter has really made him a little intolerable, and he has to make an end to this matter.

"Where is Su Cancan?"

After Wu Tian came to the top floor, he immediately grabbed someone and asked, he didn't bother to care about that much at this time.

"What are you doing? Just call our sister Su's name!" The team member standing guard at the door seemed to be a newcomer. He hadn't seen Wu Tian before. Seeing him rampage, he immediately stopped him.

As soon as he said this, he was caught by his companion next to him, and whispered in his ear: "This is the chairman of the company! You are not dead!"

Knowing Wu Tian's true identity, this team member was frightened, but Wu Tian didn't say much about this matter.

He has no time to talk nonsense with these people now, business matters.

"I ask you, where is Su Cancan?"

"It's inside. Sister Su is inside. I'll take you with it."

Suddenly the young man changed his voice and led Wu Tian in.

When I went in, Su Cancan was leading the team members to conduct simulated battle research.

He has been thinking about how to defeat the eleven evil stars all this time.

"How's it going?"

Wu Tian came in with a worried look, seeing them so busy like this, and hoping to hear some good news from them.

"What else, the gap in strength is too big."

Su Cancan didn't get any particularly good results. Perhaps facing one or two of them directly is not a big problem.

But if you face eleven of them at the same time, then this is very difficult.

What's more, Su Cancan still didn't know the abilities and strength of most of them.

"We must find a way quickly! Get ready to hold a combat meeting!"

Wu Tian was very decisive, and even Su Cancan was a little surprised when he said this. Because she feels that things have not yet come to this point.

"No, our current strength..."

Su Cancan hesitated. She felt that Wu Tian had drunk or was stimulated by something, and then made such a choice.

"No, we can't wait any longer. It's not a good thing for us to keep spending like this."

Wu Tian waved his hand. He has already made a decision on this matter. If these eleven evil stars are allowed to continue chasing Wu Tian outside, he might not know when he will lose his life. .

So it's better to just take the initiative.

Take the initiative to engage in a decisive battle with each other, and fight for life and death.

Although Su Cancan didn't quite understand it, he still instructed the big guy to enter the combat mode according to Wu Tian's requirements.

Fortunately, these security team members are from the army, and they are very capable of obeying orders and commands.

Soon a huge command room was erected on the top floor. There were screens everywhere, and you could see all parts of S city.

Long Yun received the news and took a dozen data personnel into this hall.

Operated by these professionals, they can easily monitor the entire s city.

Of course this alone is not enough. Wu Tian also found the military factory deliberately.

The bows and arrows and crossbows used by their security team members are not particularly useful in this kind of battle.

He hopes to secretly obtain a batch of lethal weapons.

This problem is more difficult to deal with. Although Director Wang knew Wu Tian's thoughts, he could not follow what he thought.

"Mr. Wu, we can certainly make this gun, but we can't give it to you. Our law does not allow it to do so."

Factory Director Wang fought **** reason, and did not choose to compromise because of Wu Tian's request.

"But our people can't use this kind of weapon to fight, I'm afraid they can't protect their own safety!"

Wu Tian was also out of the idea of ​​caring for these security team members. Although these people were recruited by himself and were to pay money, Wu Tian still counted them as his own.

He doesn't want these people to be hurt or worry about their lives because of themselves.

"Well, I can't provide you with real weapons, but I can get you some other equipment."

In the end, Director Wang could only compromise like this. He immediately went back to the factory and mobilized a batch of bullet-proof helmets, military uniforms, and so on.

Although these can be regarded as munitions, because they are not lethal, they do not violate the law.

Although Wu Tian is not very satisfied with these, it is better to have something than nothing.

Since the factory could not find a solution, Wu Tian thought of someone who could help him.

It is to take the initiative to ask the police for help. If they can really cooperate with them, then Wu Tian and the others will have a lot more chances of winning.

Fortunately, I had some contacts and exchanges with the police before, and mentioning this should not be particularly disgusting to them.

Wu Tian immediately contacted the chief of the police station, and the two had a secret conversation on the phone.

Not long after, as the representative of the police, Sun Hongsheng drove to Wu's Building in a hurry.

Wu Tian had already waited for him downstairs, and quickly invited him to the secret living room.

It was not the first time that Sun Hongsheng had contact with Wu Tian, ​​but it was the first time that he saw Wu Tian in such a panic.

"What's wrong with Mr. Wu..."

"Captain Sun, there are some things I haven't told you before, but I'm afraid I can't tell you now."

Wu Tian sighed, then took out his tablet, which contained some videos.

It was filmed when the Eleven Fiends were chasing and killing Wu Tiantang.

Sun Hongsheng frowned and watched this video, and finally looked at Wu Tian with a serious face.

"Mr. Wu, what do you want to do? Now that something like this has happened, we will definitely arrest them if you report the case."

Wu Tian sighed. He knew that these policemen would definitely do it, but it was almost impossible to catch these people with their strength.

No matter how powerful the police are, they are just ordinary people.

"You can't catch it... These people have some abilities." Wu Tian said very directly, but this is also the truth.

"So what, he actually offended us, and made trouble in S City, then I definitely can't spare them!"

Sun Hongsheng shook his fist. What he hates most is these people who disturb public order. Otherwise, he would not deliberately be an explosion-proof captain, specifically targeting these forces.

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