Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 898: Police support

Sun Hongsheng stared closely at the physical fitness displayed by the people on the screen. He was not a fool, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that these people were naturally not ordinary people.

Before, he had also heard that there are some people in the countryside who can practice the method to improve their physical condition.

It's just that most people think of these things as being false and nothing.

However, judging from the current situation in this video, I am afraid that these are not things made up of rumors, but real.

"I have an idea and a proposal, which is why I found your police this time."

Wu Tian finally intends to express his thoughts. He did not intend to speak out directly, but took Sun Hongsheng to their top floor, which is the location of the security team.

Sun Hongsheng still didn't know what medicine Wu Tian sold in the jar, and followed him with a look of confusion.

He only looked different when he saw this security team.

Because everything here is like a military base.

He almost took out his mobile phone to notify the police station... Private possession of weapons is definitely illegal. Even if they have a very close relationship with the Wu Group, they can’t just turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. .

"Captain Sun, don't be surprised. This is actually our security team, responsible for protecting the safety of our Wu Group. They don't have weapons in their hands, so you don't have to worry that none of us violates our national laws. "

Wu Tian saw Sun Hongsheng's concern, quickly explained to him, and took the initiative to show that they did not have guns and ammunition here.

In this way, Sun Hongsheng felt a little relieved, and continued to follow Wu Tian towards the big shed in the middle.

Looking inside, Sun Hongsheng was stunned.

Because the screen inside shows a situation in city s.

You must know that the police do not have such a monitoring capability...Although there are cameras all over the city, these things are actually relatively cumbersome to investigate, and there is no real server that can integrate all these data.

Therefore, their current method of handling cases is not much different from that of decades ago. They still rely on on-site inspections and visits.

"Introduce that this is the latest achievement of our company. It can take a bird's eye view of the entire city of S and accurately locate everyone. However, in order to protect public privacy, we do not count the identity information of each citizen."

Wu Tian said without hesitation that he did not intend to hide from Sun Hongsheng. If he wants to cooperate with the police this time, he must show this thing.

Moreover, Wu Tian also had his own ideas, he didn't just say them rashly.

"Mr. is too high-tech..."

Sun Hongsheng was dumbfounded and didn't know what he should say. If their police had such equipment, it would be easier to handle cases in the future. This system was simply what he dreamed of.

"Captain Sun, this time we want to work with your police to fight against such a criminal gang. There are about eleven of them, and they are all very powerful!"

Wu Tian finally stepped into the subject, placing himself in a supporting position in his words.

In any case, they really do not have the authority to target criminal groups. It is actually right to give them the police to do this. After all, the police have the right to use firearms.

As soon as Wu Tian's words were spoken, the appearance of several people immediately appeared on the big screen in the middle.

Among them were the Heavenly Spirit, Diyin, Digu who had attacked them before, and the brawny man who didn't know his name but was covered in a copper wall and iron wall, and the guy who used the whip in the first place.

But the remaining six still don't know what they look like.

Sun Hongsheng took a deep breath. He knew that this matter was not trivial, but as police officers, they must have this obligation to maintain the safety of citizens.

"Okay! I know about this, and I will report to the chief immediately when I go back!"

Seeing that Sun Hongsheng agreed, Wu Tianxin felt relieved a lot. But in this way, it is not enough for the police to cooperate fully with Wu Tian.

"Wait a minute, I have one more condition."

Wu Tian hurriedly stopped Sun Hongsheng. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "If this mission can be a complete success, our Wu Group Company will really have received your great favor."

Sun Hongsheng waved his hand. He never felt that he did this to make others thank him.

"Mr. Wu needn't say that, this is our responsibility."

"That's how I think. If the mission is successful, I intend to donate a set of such a system to our police station free of charge. It is also a thank you for this action."

As soon as he said this, Sun Hongsheng's expression immediately became a little serious.

He didn't expect Wu Tian to say such a thing, it was in his heart.

"Don't worry, I will tell our chief of this matter properly."

After talking about Sun Hongsheng, he hurriedly left, and only one step can jump high.

Wu Tian looked at his back and was also very pleased. This time it seemed that he should be able to grow stronger again.

The police station should not refuse such a condition.

Only with their strength, Wu Tian felt that it was still a little bit worse.

But after thinking about it for a day, he didn't figure out who else could fight side by side with them.

In order to deal with the Tianying Church, some people from the Qingcheng faction were invited. It's just that the enemies they encountered this time, I am afraid that even Su Wenxin and the others can't parry.

Even if these people are on it, they don't necessarily get any benefits.

If he was injured, Wu Tian would have to bear a large amount of medical expenses and even some compensation.

No matter how you count, it's not worth the gain.

That could have something to do with him, and also had extremely powerful fighting ability, Wu Tian thought about it and set his sights on Luo Huaicheng.

It's just that how to operate this matter so that they can also participate, which makes Wu Tian very difficult.

He doesn't have the power to command the army... he doesn't know anyone who can do it.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian didn't know what to do with this matter. He was fidgeting around in the room.

Long Yun came over to report the situation to him, but he was also a little puzzled like this.

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