Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 899: Make suggestions

"Mr. Wu, what's wrong with you?"

Long Yun simply poured a cup of hot tea for Wu Tian, ​​hoping that he could ease his emotions after drinking it.

Wu Tian talked to Long Yun about what he was worrying about now. He thought he would feel better after saying it, but the result was not like this.

"Luo Huaicheng is a special brigade...different from the general army."

Long Yun held her cheeks for a while, and it was really difficult to get involved with them.

It is even more impossible to mobilize them to fight for themselves.

Special forces like Luo Huaicheng and the others were dispatched either by following the above orders or by spotting some foreign terrorists or hostile forces abroad.

Only under such circumstances will special forces be dispatched.

Otherwise, in general, the police will solve the problem at best.

So Wu Tian asked the police to cooperate. There was nothing wrong with this matter.

"In other words, from a normal point of view, this is absolutely impossible for us."

Long Yun nodded her head as an acknowledgment of Wu Tian's statement.

"But do we have any workarounds?"

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian. Normally, this guy's mind is very fast, and he can often come up with some crooked ways. Maybe this time can also play this advantage.

"A workaround...I really can't figure this out..."

Wu Tian frowned, thinking repeatedly and suddenly patted his thigh.

Normally, there will be no such workaround.

However, if a lot of things happen together, forming a coincidence, can it also achieve his goal?

"Do you have a solution?"

Looking at Wu Tian like this, Long Yun suddenly became a little excited.

"Yes, it's a bit difficult!"

Wu Tian was a little excited, he quickly took the map.

"Do you remember when Luo Huaicheng said that they are about to conduct the next drill. Although he can't tell us where the drill is, we can guess by ourselves!"

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Long Yun quickly took out her tablet and began to mobilize the satellite to search.

There must be no ordinary people around the general exercise venue, otherwise it is easy to accidentally get injured.

So they will choose the suburbs or deep mountains.

But you can't always choose such a venue. Sometimes the city is also a scene that may appear in the future battlefield. Special brigades are especially good at street fighting in the city.

"Don't tell me Mr. Wu! I'm afraid there is such a place!"

Long Yun found a suspicious location on her tablet.

This place is in a location near the sea, and there is a shanty town nearby. A contractor has already contracted all of this place, and it seems to be redevelopment.

"Why do you think it is here?"

There is no sign on it, and of course it is not possible. How could the special brigade training tell others that we are going to conduct exercises here.

What if someone comes to watch or steal their secrets?

"When the developer planned to demolish this place before, the excavators were already in place, but suddenly they said it was going to stop work for a month. There are not many residents nearby. I think it is very suitable for drills here. "

Long Yun's statement is not without reason, she also reached such a conclusion through a series of conditions.

This is because the government has stipulated that this area must be blasted and other people are prohibited from entering.

In a sense, this is simply setting a scope and area for their exercise this time.

If they really fight fiercely, and even the developers don't use it for demolition and relocation, just let these special brigades do it.

"Then is there any other places in the city? If only this place is in this state, then this place is basically the same!"

Wu Tian is also gearing up, and now he has a suitable thinking that slowly becomes clear.

Although there is no way to directly get involved with the special brigade, other methods can be used.

If their combat range spreads to this exercise area, then the special brigade has enough reason to participate in this operation.

Wu Tian's abacus can be said to be crackling. At this moment, he involuntarily picked up a cup of tea and laughed and became intoxicated.

"I'm really a genius!"

If it had been placed before, Long Yun would hear this sentence most of the time, giving Wu Tian a big eye.

But this time Long Yun also had to admire that even though Wu Tian's idea was a wrong move with the sword, it was true and correct, and it had a certain feasibility.

"Let's get such a big battle this time, will it be too dazzling..."

Long Yun is a little worried about this issue. They have always been relatively low-key. After all, they are in business. Generally speaking, they should keep a good distance from some other forces.

"I also want to keep a low profile, but the other party doesn't allow it."

Wu Tian sighed. His words were sincere. If it hadn't been for this period of time, it had been Tianying Sect and these eleven evil stars, Wu Tian felt that the bad luck around him would not have been broken.

There are always people who want to make trouble for themselves, if it weren't for his own strength, Wu Tian felt that he might have finished playing long ago.

"Don't worry, I will try my best this time!"

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian, ​​vowing to guarantee. With the help of high-tech equipment, they may not be as passive as before.

"Okay, okay, you should go ahead and leave me alone."

Seeing that the time was not too early, Wu Tian planned to take a rest first.

Tomorrow, he will go to the military area to discuss this matter with Luo Huaicheng.

If the other party is willing, of course everyone is happy, but if not, Wu Tian quickly thinks of another way.

It is obviously unscientific to carry out this matter without telling the other party. Even if it is really successful, Wu Tian wouldn't want to watch his business plummet.

After a busy day, I went to bed in a hurry to sleep.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hongsheng called in the middle of the night.

"Tell you a good news!"

Sun Hongsheng's voice seemed to have won a five million prize, and he kept trembling.

"What good news? Could it be that your side passed my plan?"

There was a burst of joy in Wu Tianxin, as expected, even the police could not bear such a big temptation.

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