Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 900: Action meeting

There was a burst of joy in Wu Tianxin, as expected, even the police could not bear such a big temptation.

Sun Hongsheng smiled and gave Wu Tian a very big daydream.

What kind of decision was passed by the police station that made this guy so happy.

"Don't delay any longer, it's midnight..."

Wu Tian is too sleepy, and wants to finish the phone call and continue to sleep.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. That's it. The director decided to set up a new task force for this matter to mobilize the elites of our various departments to deal with this incident. At the same time, this action has already been reported to the public security department above. hall."

Sun Hongsheng talked a lot about it, but Wu Tian just listened to it.

In other words, the police department attaches great importance to this issue and has reported it to a higher level.

"Then what are you happy about?"

"I tell you that the main person in charge and communicator of this operation is me! And because your monitoring system is very high-tech, our bureau has also decided to accept your donation."

This is not beyond Wu Tian's expectations, he originally believed that the other party would definitely want these things.

How could the meat delivered to the mouth give up? This is obviously unrealistic.

"If it's done, don't worry. Since we have done what we said, we will definitely give you what we promised and won't take your account."

This system is actually not worth much, but the only expensive thing is the satellite above.

In order to get this thing, Wu Tian invested nearly two or three hundred million in it. Sending such a system to the police station was only a port of theirs.

And Wu Tian still has many ports available.

"By the way, let me give you a small piece of news. It is said that it is very likely that a special forces team will be sent to help us carry out this mission this time. Moreover, it is said that all aspects of this operation must be videotaped. If it succeeds. It will be handed over to the top for analysis."

When Sun Hongsheng said this, Wu Tian's heart immediately began to agitate.

It can be seen that the high-level police's vision is quite good. The biggest reason they did this is probably to promote the reform of the entire police station.

It is impossible for the country to not know that these cultivators exist, but this thing is not suitable for everyone, and it is destined that only a few people have this ability.

In the past, most of these cultivators were simple and simple, and would not do any harm to the common people, so no one had too many complaints about their existence.

But now it is different. These people have come out to make trouble, and they should have been suppressed long ago. With this opportunity now, the police will certainly not let it go.

Moreover, if the strength of the high-tech enterprises represented by the Wu Group can be comparable to those of these practitioners, does that mean that ordinary people can also have the same strength as these practitioners.

The meaning of such a thing is extraordinary.

"Special Operations Squad?" Wu Tian vaguely felt that this special operations squad might just want to test whether it is high-tech or a cultivator.

"I don't know much about the specific situation, but it is said that it is probably some special forces near us..."

What Sun Hongsheng heard was also ambiguous and he was not sure.

"I'll just say so much if it's OK, you can rest quickly, and I will come and find you tomorrow!"

Sun Hongsheng hung up the phone decisively, but Wu Tian couldn't sleep instead.

He was too excited in his heart. If he really made this matter bigger, it would also be a very good opportunity for their Wu Group.

Finally, until dawn, Wu Tian didn't close his eyes all night. It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, but that he is no longer sleepy after answering the call.

I have always been very excited, and even some hope that the action will start quickly.

As expected, Sun Hongsheng came early in the morning. Due to his news, Wu Tian also dismissed his plan to find Luo Huaicheng and the others.

A group of them were in the combat conference room, preparing to study how to carry out this operation.

Of course, the first point is to find the location of these eleven evil stars.

Long Yun has already marked a few points on the projected map. If you zoom in on these places, you can see clearly that they are a few red little people.

"We can already find these few people, but the rest are not so easy. And as far as we know, most of the Eleven Fiends are not much different from ordinary people, and they can distinguish them. Won't come out."

This is also the biggest difficulty they encountered this time. If you can't find the enemy, you will naturally have no way to attack them.

"Can't this system implement facial recognition?"

Sun Hongsheng frowned. The police were actually helpless with this kind of needle-in-the-haystack search.

The permanent resident population of s city is as high as 10 million. In such a large area, it is hard to get such a few people, and these few people are still scattered.

"Satellites can only be viewed from above, it is difficult to recognize faces. But we can judge their identity by comparing the heat information on their bodies."

Long Yun also expressed helplessness about this. The identity information of these people was recorded when Wu Tian and the others encountered it.

"Then can you figure out a way to seduce these remaining people?"

Sun Hongsheng looked at Long Yun, and the police couldn't help much in this matter.

Long Yun focused her eyes on Wu Tian...

"This... depends on Mr. Wu's meaning."

Wu Tian was listening there, unaware that they were talking about themselves.

"Huh? How does it have anything to do with me?"

"How can it have nothing to do with you! The other party has been directed at you these few times!"

Su Cancan interjected. Every time this guy spoke, his mouth was very poisonous.

Hearing what she said, Wu Tian thought about it as if it was the same thing.

"You mean you can let me go fishing?"

Sun Hongsheng laughed embarrassedly, "I didn't say that, you think so. But at this stage I don't have any other better methods."

After Wu Tian heard it, there was a shower of rain. He was afraid of being killed by these people when he went out, so he called the police to find a way to arrest these people.

In the end, I still have to let myself go fishing to seduce these people. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

Wu Tian's strong protest did not produce any good results.

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