Wu Tian looked at them eating in the cabinet, and suddenly felt even hungry...

He didn't move a bite, and in the end the Tianling ate it all in a daze.

"It's delicious! Where did you find this store? Push me over when you look back!"

Tian Ling was satisfied after eating, touching his stomach and leaning against the chair, feeling uncomfortable.

Tiangui seemed to dislike her very much, and he didn't even wink at all.

"Are you okay after all..."

"Oh, what are you doing with such a bad attitude... Why can't I come and play with you?"

Tian Ling smiled as if he had become accustomed to such things.

But on the other side, it's not so refreshing for the other party.

Both Tianxin and Wu Tian hope this guy can leave quickly...

After all, she stayed here for an extra minute and a second, and Wu Tian might have increased a lot now when she was discovered.

As if he was thinking of something, Tianling frowned suddenly.

"Aren't you always alone... Why did you order two takeaways today?"

After Tian Ling had eaten his food, he realized that something was not quite right.

Tianxin's eyebrows moved, but they were still calm.

"I want to order a few takeaways by yourself? Do you have to approve it? It's just that I want to order more at once. You know I can't be lazy..."

Tiangui casually pulled out a reason, and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

But Tianling is not that easy to fool, she is a girl especially very clever in this regard.

"No, you are not such a person! It is very strange to see you ordering takeout, hoarding food? I have known you for so many years, when did you do such a thing?"

Tian Ling felt that Tian Gui must be hiding something, otherwise he would not behave in such an abnormal manner.

"what do you want to say in the end…"

On the contrary, Tianlin's attitude aroused Tianling's curiosity even more.

Tian Ling did not directly answer the question of Heaven's Sin, but stood up and wandered around the room.

She looked at every corner with great interest, and from time to time she opened a month and other places to check.

Wu Tian's heart was about to jump out...how did things develop like this.

He didn't even dare to breathe loudly, for fear of being discovered by Tianling.

"Are you hiding something here? Or are you hiding someone here?"

Tian Ling suddenly walked to the closet, and Wu Tian was hidden inside. She did not open the closet directly, but leaned back against the closet and looked at Tian Sin with a smile.

Wu Tian swallowed fiercely, wanting to find that she only needs to open the cabinet door.

Tian Sin's frowning eyebrows, his face became extremely ugly.

"Tianling! What the **** are you doing! As soon as you come in, you are looking everywhere in my room. Have you got my permission?"

It seemed that hearing Tianxin's voice made her feel a little unhappy, and Tianling's temper began to rise.

"What? What else do I need your permission?"

Suddenly, Tian Ling and Tian Sin started shooting fire, and the mood and atmosphere outside began to become a little embarrassing.

"Don't always pretend to be crazy and stupid in front of me, do you really think I'm giving you a face?"

Tian Sin didn't care about that much at this time, and didn't intend to leave Tian Ling a bit of face.

Hearing him say this, Tian Ling even shed a little bit of tears in his eyes, as if he felt very sad about Tianxin saying this.

"You...how can you say such a thing! Don't you know how I have treated you for so many years?"

When Wu Tian listened inside, he felt that there was something between these two people...

It always feels like something is wrong, not like a dialogue between two normal partners.

"What are you talking about now?"

Tianxin still had a cold face, as if it were a robot without emotion, not caring what Tianling said.

"Okay! I understand what kind of person you are! You are so veiled, there must be something wrong with it!"

With that said, Tian Ling turned around and was about to open the cabinet door.

Wu Tian is already ready to be discovered. Once discovered, he might be able to take Wu Tian's life instantly with the strength of Tianling.

At that time, let alone oneself, I am afraid that this one's own savior will also be involved in the sin of heaven.

With a squeak, the cabinet door was opened, and Wu Tian had already closed his eyes, afraid to face what would happen next.

However, there was a thumping sound at the door of the cabinet...no one made any threats to Wu Tian.

He slowly opened his eyes and suddenly found that Tianling had already fallen in front of the cabinet door.

And Tianxin stood behind her, gesturing with a hand knife in his hand.

It seems that this guy should have knocked Tianling fainted just now, so at the last moment, Wu Tiancai did not reveal it.

"Don't look, you pack your things and go!"

Tian Sin didn't care so much, he put Tian Ling on the bed and said to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian also knew that he was not safe here, and if he continued to stay, he might be discovered by others.

"Okay, but you must also pay attention to safety!"

When Wu Tian was about to leave, he did not forget to leave such a sentence to Tianxin.

Tian Sin didn't say anything else, just hummed, his eyes still fixed on Tian Ling's body.

Although he spoke very resolutely just now, his eyes were full of tenderness at the moment. People can't help but have infinite reveries about his past.

Wu Tian hurriedly fled from here at this time, following the guidance of Long Yun and the others, he easily found their car.

"Mr. Wu, what happened?"

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian with a flustered expression, knowing that something was wrong inside.

"Don't mention let's go!"

Wu Tian hurriedly urged to drive, and while on the road, he told what had happened just now.

The people in the car were very surprised, and no one thought that there were so many stories in Eleven Fiends.

"In my opinion, this sin of heaven should be a breakthrough for us. If he can work with us, it will certainly not be a problem to eradicate these eleven evil stars.

Su Cancan immediately came to this conclusion after listening to it. In fact, if it can be like what he said, this is really not a big problem.

"Don't underestimate these eleven evil stars. This Tiangui is also very jealous of their leader Tiangang Disha. I think this person should not be underestimated."

Wu Tian hurriedly reminded that for the leader of the Eleven Fiends, they knew too little.

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