Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 905: Deterioration of the situation

To belittle the enemy is to make fun of his own life, and Wu Tian agrees with this sentence very much.

"That's how it is said, but he still needs to keep going on this line."

Long Yun also agreed with Su Cancan's statement that if there is an inner function in the eleven evil stars, their next actions will become very easy.

"Even if the Eleven Fiends appear, our threat will not be lifted."

Wu Tian rubbed his temples and said another threat he had heard.

"Tianying Church has not been completely wiped out...their leader is still there!"

Su Cancan immediately shouted impossibly.

She experienced the battle firsthand, and Su Cancan can remember exactly what happened now.

Not only did she remember, she also left a lot of videos.

No one can survive such an explosion.

Moreover, after the police investigated, they also determined the number of dead bodies, which was consistent with the number they had previously determined.

"I don't know why, but Tian Sin told me this, so I don't think he has to lie to me."

Wu Tian also chose not to believe it at first, but if Tianxin said so, and then the eleven evil stars that reminiscent of them suddenly appeared, it was obvious that someone was naturally operating this thing.

"Then things started to become troublesome..."

If the strength of Tianying taught them is still there, they have been dormant for this period of time, it is really too tolerable.

None of them thought that Tianying Education would be able to do this. If they were allowed to continue to grow, then they would take a fatal blow against the Wu Group.

At that time they could not resist at all.

Knowing this news now is like life-saving to Wu Tian and the others.

"Yeah, we are now directly working on the Eleven Fiends. I think it is meaningless. Even if we can defeat them, we will definitely lose both sides. At that time, Tianying Sect will come out and make trouble again... We will not have any chance."

Wu Tian takes a long-term view, so if this matter is not absolutely certain, he cannot continue to execute it.

You can't make jokes about your own lives.

"I have always had one thing that I don't understand..."

Su Cancan hugged his arms and said faintly, "What is the irreconcilable feast between us and Tianying... As for the hatred against us like this?"

Wu Tian sighed. He had thought about this before, but he soon figured it out.

In fact, it’s nothing.

In the society, Tianying religion relies on various underground black methods.

They can do anything as long as they give money.

In the past, it was because of the money that Tianying Sect sent someone to target Wu Tian.

It's just that the halberd was broken into Wu Tian's hands twice in a row to sink the sand. Obviously, this is a very bad influence on the reputation of the sky-high price.

If they want to regain their status as the leading overlord, they must first get rid of this Wu Tian who has caused them to fail twice in a row.

This is also an important reason why Eleven Fiends were dispatched this time.

The second reason behind is that Wu Tian and the others killed 20 or 30 people through an explosion.

They are all members of the real Tianying Church, although they don't know whether they were sent to death on purpose or they were cheated.

However, in terms of the results, Wu Tian did form a hatred with Tianying Church, which may not be able to be resolved.

"It's no use saying so much. Now we and them are dead and alive. Since we don't want to die, we can only let him die!"

There is no need for an organization like Tianying Church to survive in the world. What Wu Tian thinks is that simple.

This is also in line with their police's thinking, but they have never been able to grasp some of Tianying's handles before. Now with this opportunity, Wu Tian's cooperation with them is a natural fit.

The car finally returned to the Wu Group Building soon, and a few people quickly came to the top floor, preparing to hold a meeting to report what happened at night.

After listening to Wu Tian's statement, Sun Hongsheng and the others frowned.

Everyone is evaluating whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

First of all, it is good that Tianxin is willing to help Wu Tian, ​​but the information it reveals also reminds them all the time that the opponent's strength is very powerful, far exceeding their current expectations.

"In that case... the last bombing... has something to do with you?"

Suddenly, Sun Hongsheng brought up this topic, and Wu Tian's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Whether this answer is good or not, in short, it is somewhat inappropriate.

First things are done by them, but dozens of lives are not so easily exonerated.

Therefore, I must not admit it, especially without any evidence.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that the greatest hatred with Tianyingjiao is naturally Wu Tian of the Wu Group.

If he said he had nothing to do with this matter, he would not believe that Sun Hongsheng was killed.

Seeing Wu Tian didn't speak, Sun Hongsheng sighed and said helplessly, "This matter has been closed. Even if I say these things now, he can't change his facts."

What he meant was simply that he didn't intend to feed the scumbags of Tianying Church to preside over the so-called justice.

For them, this ending is already very good.

"It's fine if you know it in your heart. There is no need to ask me..."

Wu Tian said something very unnaturally. It really felt weird to say something like this from his mouth.

"That incident was originally classified as an accident, and the government did not intend to track down anyone's actions. These people illegally possessed explosives and committed a felony themselves."

The topic is a bit far-flung, but Sun Hongsheng still feels that this matter may not be that simple.

"If the main force of Tianying teaching them is still there, or their leader is still there, where is he now?"

Sun Hongsheng held his cheeks and looked at the map of city s with a look of helplessness.

This place is really too big. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a needle in a haystack to find a few people out of the tens of millions of people.

"Captain Sun, can you bring up the household registration information of your police station, so that you can connect with our system, investigate the identity of everyone we can detect, and then investigate!"

Long Yun thought about it from a technical point of view, maybe she could really find out where this person was.

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