Sun Hongsheng grinned at Long Yun's suggestion.

In fact, they definitely have this thing, but if they want to provide it to the Wu Group Company... this is a little inappropriate.

"It's better not to do this...this is our police secret!"

Sun Hongsheng was a little embarrassed to refuse. Of course he knew that this was actually very effective for finding the enemy.

However, in the current situation, if these data are provided to the Wu Group Company, will they be able to investigate the location of every common citizen independently of the police in the future?

If this is the case, then this thing must not be done. Even if they are for just purposes, they cannot arbitrarily violate the human rights of others.

Wu Tian heard that he refused, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

As long as this thing can be done, it's good, the key is this and not the other.

"Captain can't say that."

Wu Tian blinked, and an idea immediately appeared in his mind.

"Does Mr. Wu have anything to say?"

Sun Hongsheng vaguely felt that he was going to be trapped...but he didn't know what Wu Tian planned. For the time being, soldiers could only cover up the water.

"That’s right. Didn’t I promise you to send you a monitoring system like this before? If you transfer these data to connect with our system, I will send this system to you directly after this matter is over. Is it over?"

Wu Tian's abacus is very good, and this is a win-win situation for both parties.

On the one hand, Wu Tian can achieve his goal in this action.

On the other hand, after using it, directly send this system to the police station and they can use it directly, without the need for adjustment.

Sun Hongsheng didn't expect Wu Tian to propose such a method, and he hesitated for a while.

But the plan Wu Tian said is indeed a very good idea and very feasible.

"This... is mainly your confirmation, this data cannot be circulated outside..."

Sun Hongsheng slowly began to let go, this was really his biggest worry at the beginning.

If this can be guaranteed, he can agree to this matter just now.

"What's the matter? Just connect your demographic information statistics database and interface with our system, and you can use it directly."

Long Yun explained once again that Sun Hongsheng might have misunderstood something.

In fact, Long Yun's meaning is not to let them submit all these data, but to connect to the database interface through the network.

After this matter is completed, if the police station does not want this system to be connected with the citizen's identity information, it can simply disconnect the database.

After Long Yun's explanation, Sun Hongsheng understood what was going on. Since this is the case, he has nothing to worry about.

"You can rest assured that I will contact the bureau now."

Sun Hongsheng nodded, and immediately prepared to go out and call.

Wu Tian was relieved and sat aside watching their progress.

After connecting to the database, since there are almost tens of millions of people in the entire city, the number of people that can be photographed by satellites outside can be less than one million.

At the same time, identifying the lives of millions of people is not a trivial matter.

"Everyone, this meeting can be suspended first. The system will run for a period of about 12 hours before it can meet our requirements."

There is no way for a long time. Their computer skills are, after all, limited.

Hearing that he had to wait another night, although Wu Tianxin was anxious, there was no good way.

After the meeting, Wu Tian returned to his room somewhat listlessly.

I just met Su Wenxin and Zheng Taiwen on the road. The two of them seemed to be going out. Seeing Wu Tian so bored, they took the initiative to greet him.

"What's wrong with you?"

Su Wenxin looked at him like this, feeling a little distressed in her heart.

"Master Su, it's okay, it's just that I've been a little tired recently..."

This thing has been suppressing Wu Tian, ​​pressing on his heart like a big mountain. If he couldn't get rid of the eleven evil stars, Wu Tian always felt that any of his actions seemed to be tied to shackles.

"Then do you want to hang out with us?"

Su Wenxin initiated a sincere invitation to Wu Tian. In the past, the two of them often went to bars together...

"It's better not to go..."

Wu Tian was a little worried, almost every time he went out, he would be found by the Eleventh Killing Star.

If you encounter danger again this time... To be honest, Wu Tian is very worried about his safety. It is impossible to escape successfully every time.

In case of failure, wouldn't he be finished.

"What are you afraid of, I am here."

Su Wenxin patted herself on the chest, saying that there is no need to worry about him in Wu Tian.

Wu Tian would definitely not believe what Su Wenxin said.

But Zheng Taiwen next to him seems to have the same attitude towards this.

"You can rest assured, these eleven evil stars, in my opinion, are not so easy to find you."

Hearing what they said, Wu Tian's heart began to shake again.

"Then or I still follow you? But where are you going to play?"

Wu Tian asked curiously, if the place they are going to is very interesting, then it is okay if they are worth going.

If it's not worth it, don't waste this experience.

"You'll know this when the time comes!"

Su Wenxin smiled, didn't tell him the answer, but kept a mystery, let Wu Tian guess by himself.

Of course Wu Tian couldn't guess, so he simply followed them out with his curiosity.

Since Zheng Taiwen's kung fu has been abolished, although life has not had much impact, there is no difference between ordinary people.

He is not even as strong as some ordinary people, but he seems to be very happy during this time without any discomfort.

It is probably because of Su Wenxin's side with her. The two of them are together every day, and it seems that they are doing well.

Su Wenxin and Zheng Taiwen drove Wu Tian to a very luxurious bar in S City.

The cars parked at the door were all luxury cars, and those who came out were the children of various wealthy families, as well as the poor beauties with little cloth.

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