Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 912: Luo Huaicheng's sudden visit

Such a question seemed to embarrass Zhang Lao. He glared at his daughter unceremoniously, as if she asked something that shouldn't be asked.

Mr. Shi didn't think there was anything wrong, and smiled at this Jessica.

"My work is rather mysterious, and most people can't imagine it."

With that said, this Jessica was of course more interested, and kept asking, this Mr. Shi kept doing Tai Chi with her, but said nothing.

The two went around each other like this and finished their lunch.

When these people were gone, Wu Tian removed his disguise.

He still stood near the table blankly, looking at the place where Zhang Lao and the others had once sat, in a daze.

Suddenly he noticed that there seemed to be something in Mr. Shi's position.

He leaned over to see that it turned out to be a small leather bag.

Wu Tian quickly picked it up with one hand. He looked around and was about to take it apart, but he didn't expect that there was a sound of footsteps.

He quickly put away his thoughts, straightened up the color, and pretended to be clearing the table.

"This little brother, did you see a small bag?"

Wu Tian turned his head when he heard the voice, but he couldn't think that the person talking to him was the one Mr. Shi.

Wu Tian was a little surprised at such close contact, but he was no ordinary person, and he immediately calmed his emotions back.

"Hello, is this what you asked?"

Wu Tian had no choice but to hand out the purse he found, before he had time to look inside.

"Thank you so much! This is a tip for you!"

While talking, Mr. Shi took out a thick wad of money from his purse, which seemed to be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

"Sir, you still have to check if there is anything missing in the bag, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no hope of looking for it later."

Wu Tian said this deliberately, just wanting to borrow this Mr. Shi's hand to see what's inside. By the way, wouldn't it be better if he could know the identity of this guy.

But I didn't expect that this Mr. Shi would not do what Wu Tian had imagined. He directly held the bag and waved at Wu Tian.

"No, I believe it won't be lost." As he said, he walked away.

Wu Tian only dared to let out such a long breath at this time, because he found himself in front of this person, and he didn't even dare to let it out.

Shen Xue looked at Wu Tian with a strangely complicated expression. She didn't know what doorway he saw. After sending off the guests, she hurried back.

"What's wrong? Is there any gain?"

Wu Tian shook his head, but then nodded. He also couldn't tell whether these things were harvests.

This Mr. Shi tells the truth and makes Wu Tian feel very curious, what does he do? It is impossible to be an ordinary employee. Wu Tian wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

"Nothing, the only certainty now is that they will be our biggest obstacle."

Wu Tian's eyes began to become very solemn, and the smile on his face had already disappeared without a trace.

Here is still entangled with this matter, and on the other side, Wu Tian and the others have even begun to consider how to deal with the following matters.

"Then how do we do it well, do we want to think of a way to start first?"

Shen Xue didn't understand the relationship behind this matter very clearly, but she understood that if Wu Tian could feel like a big enemy, these opponents were naturally not so easy to deal with.

"I'll go back and find a way now. Today is really hard for you." Wu Tian smiled at Shen Xue at this time. He felt that he didn't need to involve everyone.

He could do this kind of distressing thing alone, and Shen Xue should just sit happily with the things that interest him.

After returning from the hotel, Wu Tiangang was about to invite people to discuss this matter, but he was called away by Long Yun unexpectedly.

Because under their company, there are actually several cars with military area photos parked.

Wu Tian was still wondering, wondering if something happened in his company, which caused some countermeasures by the army?

"What's going on? Someone from the army came here?" Wu Tian asked Long Yun curiously. They didn't have any communication with the army, but I never thought that the other party would take the initiative to come to his place. .

"It's Captain Luo Huaicheng. He was very excited when he came. I don't know what happened. He called to see you. Now I have arranged for him to wait in the lounge."

Long Yun didn't dare to act rashly towards the captain of this special brigade, after all, that guy looked fierce.

"Okay, take me over and have a look." Wu Tian was also a little unsure of what this guy was here for. Could it be that there was a problem with the training system they provided?

With such doubts, Wu Tian walked into the meeting room very confused. At this time, Luo Huaicheng seemed to be impatient for a long time, and he stood up immediately when he saw Wu Tian come in.

"You can be regarded as coming!" Luo Huaicheng's voice was full of anger, and it made a person's body for a while when he heard it. It seemed that the voice alone could scare people.

"Captain Luo, what's the matter?" Wu Tian couldn't help but his body trembled with his voice. Wu Tian quickly asked, not forgetting to give him a smile that looked good.

"What's the matter?" Luo Huaicheng's eyes widened, his hips akimbo seemed to be a big boss coming to collect debts.

"Is there something wrong with our product?" Wu Tian asked cautiously, he couldn't offend this guy.

"No! Your product! It's so good! I have never seen such useful equipment!"

Luo Huaicheng saw that he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, and no one thought that what he said was praise. This made Wu Tianzheng nervous and seemed to be wasting his thoughts.

"Oh, I thought something was going on, it scared me!" Wu Tian quickly stroked his chest, originally worried that if there is something wrong with this kaleidoscope, it might lead to their army. Give up the next order.

"Oh, you don't know, our drill this time was almost zero casualties! Our superiors were all stunned and couldn't believe this fact!" Luo Huaicheng felt excited that he was about to jump up.

At the beginning, he still doubted whether the thing Wu Tian provided was really useful or not.

But now he definitely has no more doubts.

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