Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 913: Looking for helper

This time Luo Huaicheng came from the exercise field just now. The reason he was so happy was that he reported his new training method to the leader.

Unexpectedly, the leader was also very interested in the simulation of the battlefield using the brain wave device, and he immediately asked him to contact Wu Tian to purchase in large quantities and conduct large-scale exercises and training.

"Oh, you can rest assured this time, this military kaleidoscope, we have to decide, this time a conservative estimate, there will be tens of thousands of sets!" Luo Huaicheng said to Wu Tian with a happy face, just because of this matter, It is not enough to make him feel excited, and there is one other thing that he cares very much about.

"There is also the exoskeleton mecha you sent last time. Our military requires you to mass-produce it immediately!"

Wu Tian didn't think of this. Kaleidoscope immediately needed a lot of it. Wu Tianzhi didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, that thing could adapt to a wider range.

But this exoskeleton mecha is completely different. This is a brand new next-generation human body assist device.

As for how to use this exoskeleton mecha, Wu Tian didn't have a particularly clear idea.

"Are you sure about this?" Wu Tian still couldn't believe it. This gadget is really a big money maker. If the military factory is allowed to fully develop this aspect of production, the output and profit will be very scary.

"I'm sure, the ordinary troops are not needed at this stage, but the above decision is to let our special brigade try it out first."

Luo Huaicheng’s expression of excitement probably meant that the exoskeleton mecha was used in the exercise. If good results were not achieved, he would definitely not make a request so quickly.

"This is no problem! It's just the money..." The production of exoskeleton mechas is not without cost. The materials and labor in it are a very large expense.

Luo Huaicheng knew what Wu Tian was talking about. He waved his hand and said boldly: "This money is not a problem, we can pay first! Of course, have you started selling this product to foreign countries? Then we must be ahead of them!"

This is easy to understand, after all, they are all from China, and there is no need for good things to be used by outsiders.

"You can rest assured that what we have previously provided is only the ordinary version, or the civilian version, and we also sell such products. For the military, we have a specially developed military version!" Wu Tian said with a smirk. , When he first developed this thing, he told Director Wang of the military factory about this matter and asked them to come up with two versions.

When Luo Huaicheng heard it, of course he was even happier. As for how much the military version would cost, he didn't really care.

Their special brigade, not only has a relatively strong combat effectiveness, but also a variety of military equipment, it is also the most advanced existence. Some equipment that is still being tested is sometimes used by their special brigade.

Therefore, once this black technology has a very good effect in military use, it can soon be promoted like other military forces.

"Happy cooperation!" Luo Huaicheng and Wu Tian smiled and shook hands. This was a result that everyone was very satisfied with.

"Hurry up on your side, but we still have to rush for training."

After talking and laughing for a while, before leaving, Luo Huaicheng still kept urging Wu Tian.

After sending this guy away, Wu Tian finally felt a little relieved in his heart.

I finally had a stable backing.

It is not quite right to say that it is a backer. The main reason is that the order will be very stable in the future. With the order from the army, Wu Tian will not be starved to death.

Moreover, his company and military factory are unlikely to go bankrupt.

If they go bankrupt, who will the army find to develop such a product?

This time, Wu Tian really saw the high profits of the military industry and the broad prospects.

In this field, the price is very insensitive. As long as the product is relatively good and the price is reasonable, there is no need to worry about no one buying it.

Even if China’s army looks down on it, Wu Tian can sell it to some other countries. Strictly speaking, this thing is a very stable rigid demand.

No country will not arm its own army.

This matter came to an end for the time being. Wu Tian had this good news, but he did not relax his vigilance because of this.

He quickly trot all the way to the security team base on the top floor.

Looking at the time, it should be the result of face recognition.

Now the opposite of security, in addition to the former security team, more people in the police station.

Sun Hongsheng basically took a group of backbones and simply lived in this place for a long time.

"How is the situation?"

As soon as Wu Tian came in, he asked the person in charge of this matter.

The big screen in the middle already shows the number and percentage of people that have been screened out.

"Now we have only checked out seven or eight people, that is, there are three or four we haven't found."

This result is already pretty good. In fact, they found six before, it was because the six people showed up by themselves.

If it were the sin of the previous helper himself, then in other words, there were still four people who did not appear.

"As long as we find these four people, are we going to start to close the net?"

Wu Tian looked at Sun Hongsheng. In this regard, the police have a better say.

"It stands to reason that it is better to find out everything clearly, but we have been guessing outside like this, and the effect is still a little bit." Sun Hongsheng was also very upset about this matter.

At that time, it will be hard to catch the remaining people.

"..." Wu Tian was silent for a while, what Sun Hongsheng said made him suddenly have a bold idea.

They really didn't have any way... Didn't it happen to have an internal response from the other party? It was the sin that saved Wu Tian before.

Wu Tian thought of this person almost immediately. If he was willing to help, the matter could be resolved almost immediately.

It takes no effort and time at all.

"Do you have any idea?" Sun Hongsheng looked at Wu Tian's silence, as if he had some idea.

"This seems to be really wait for my letter, I'll go out!"

Wu Tian stood up, and immediately wanted to go out to find that Heavenly Sin. He probably remembered the place where he went last time.

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