Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 914: Was discovered

Because Wu Tian's movements were relatively fast, he was just following Long Yun.

At this time, the two of them were not afraid of being discovered, they drove the car and passed away carefree.

Now the security team can reach any corner of their city within five minutes, and if something happens this time, the police will follow along.

At that time, no matter how powerful the other party is, he still has to weigh whether he should risk being pursued by the police.

The place where God Sin lives is actually not very good, and it can even be described as shabby.

The outer wall skin has long since fallen off, leaving the bricks inside exposed.

Wu Tian searched for it according to his own memory. It was a very dilapidated door. It seemed that it would break when pushed, but it would drop scum when it was moved.

"Is anyone there?" Wu Tian yelled at the inside. He was really afraid to knock on the door, for fear that if his strength became stronger, he would knock a hole in the door.

It's just that there was no sound in it. Wu Tian turned around and looked at Long Yun. The two people looked at him, and Long Yun immediately understood what he meant.

Long Yun pointed her tablet at the house, and the infrared light inside was immediately displayed on the screen.

Although this method is a bit unsuitable to be honest, Wu Tian is very anxious now and can't care about so much.

Finding this sin is the top priority.

"There is no one inside." Long Yun watched that there was no high-calorie presence inside, so this was a certainty that they were here wrong this time.

"Then let's wait nearby, maybe he is out." Wu Tian didn't plan to leave immediately, he was going to wait for a while before speaking.

Only after about half an hour, I watched the two figures slowly walk towards this side.

There were talking and laughing, and one of them seemed to be a woman.

When the two people walked in, Wu Tian could see clearly that these two people were Heavenly Sin and Heavenly Spirit.

Originally, when he saw Tianxin, Wu Tian wanted to go out and talk to him, but when he saw the woman's face clearly, he stopped his footsteps immediately.

Wu Tian and Long Yun hid in the dark, without saying a word, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

If you go to see each other, it seems a bit not good, but if you don't meet, this trip won't be a waste of time.

"Why are the two of them together!" Wu Tian was really worried, because the relationship between Tianxin and Tianling seemed a little different.

"Mr. Wu, this is a good opportunity. If we can cooperate with this man, of course it will be nothing to subdue this Heavenly Spirit."

Long Yun began to advise Wu Tian. She really felt that such an opportunity was very rare. If she just gave up like this, it would be a bit of a waste.

"No..." Wu Tian immediately denied this idea. Although it seems to be very profitable, what if the other party does not cooperate?

In this way, they will not only lose a potential helper, but also face the embarrassing situation of two enemies at the same time.

"Let's go back first, go to the car and wait, if the woman leaves, we will come again."

Wu Tian thinks it can only be like this, it is impossible that these two people are always together.

The two settled and noticed that they were just about to leave, and a figure quietly touched it from behind, and put his hand on the shoulders of Wu Tian and Long Yun.

This happened so suddenly that Wu Tian and Long Yun didn't notice when there was someone behind them.

"Where are you going?" A voice that sounded a bit creepy, rang from behind the two of them, this person is not a sin!

Wu Tian immediately moved his body, turning around and grabbing his backhand. His purpose was to find a way to attract this person's attention to himself. Long Yun was just an ordinary person and couldn't involve her.

The other party seemed to have seen through Wu Tian's mind, reached out his hand to grab Long Yun behind him, and the other hand blocked Wu Tian.

At this time, Wu Tiancai carefully looked at the man in front of him.

He really looks like a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, with a smile that is not a smile, and his face is pale. With the voice of speaking, it makes people think that if he goes to the haunted house to find a job, it must be perfect.

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun being arrested, and his heart was very anxious. This secretary has been with him for such a long time, and Wu Tian has long been extremely important in his heart.

Even if he wanted to save his life, Wu Tian would never let anyone hurt her.

While this person greeted someone, he didn't mean to panic at all.

Wu Tian tried to attack several times, but he didn't dare to make too much moves. This place is very close to the room of Tianxin. If there is too much noise, it will be even more for them. unfavorable.

Now, there is no way, Wu Tian can only quietly summon the company's security team to come and support.

Since they can't be dealt with all at once, they can only try to solve the enemy in front of them.

For the rest, Wu Tian had to find a way to hold off for a few minutes.

"You woman, pretty pretty!" The man licked his lips at Long Yun with a very lustful expression.

Although Long Yun was a woman, she was not weak. She tried her best to fight this man, but her attack had no effect on this man.

Wu Tian didn't care so much anymore, he pulled out and took out an electric shock device for self-defense, and he was about to rush over.

At this moment, the door of Tianxin's room suddenly opened, and a figure flew out of it.

Wu Tian's hand was grabbed, and the attack was immediately interrupted, and the pale man was kicked aside.

"Diyou, do you want to find death?" It was Tiangui who came out to save people.

This man called Diyou was subdued by Heaven's Sin, but there was no unhappy expression on his face, and he still felt like a hippie smile.

This makes people even more disgusted with him.

"Big Brother Tianxin, it's been a long time since I saw you." Di You still greeted Tianxin with serious thoughts at this time.

Tiangui's expression was very solemn, but it seemed that he couldn't ignore this guy.

"What are you doing here?"

"There is a task up there, we have to do it." Di You didn't seem to care that these words were heard by Wu Tian and Long Yun next to him, and they said it directly.

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