Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 918: being targeted

When the staff meeting came down, Wu Tian's heart was still pounding.

He didn't expect that he would be so excited, and the cheers along with all the staff made Wu Tian feel refreshed.

It’s just that this scene looks a little strange, and people who don’t know may think it is an MLM conference.

Not to mention that this kind of meeting has a particularly big trouble, that is, it makes people feel very tired. Wu Tian is already sweating.

He hurriedly wanted to go back to his room, take a good shower, and then take a rest.

"Mr. Wu!"

Long Yun's voice rang behind him, Wu Tian hum, turned his head and followed the sound to look over, and saw Long Yun standing by the wall, holding the tablet in his hand, looking at Wu with complicated eyes. day.

"what happened?"

"Thank you for everything you have done for the company."

Hearing these words from Long Yun's mouth, Wu Tian blushed all of a sudden. He didn't know why, and he was immediately shy.

"What are you doing... do your thing."

Ashamed of seeing people without a face, Wu Tian almost ran away. But since this time, the cohesion of the company up and down can be said to have improved more than one level.

After taking a shower, Wu Tian felt a little hungry, so he went to the cafeteria to see if he had anything to eat.

Unexpectedly, at this time I ran into Zhao Yaqian, who was just as lonely as herself foraging.

Wu Tian ordered a meal and sat opposite Zhao Yaqian with a plate.

How her figure looks really lonely, Wu Tian feels a little unbearable when she looks at it.

"Why are you eating here alone..."

Zhao Yaqian was also helpless for Wu Tian's question.

"People always have to eat, is there any difference between eating alone or for several people?"

Wu Tian choked with this answer and didn't know how to proceed.

I wanted to talk casually, but I couldn't tell anything, so I might as well just talk about work.

"By the way, the company hasn't invested too much resources on your side during this period of time. Now it's getting better. If you have any needs, you can just say it."

Wu Tian actually wants to communicate more with his employees. He is not very old, and he is not the kind of superior character. He can become an approachable leader.

"The servers you bought before have arrived. Although they did not meet our expectations, they are still usable. It will not be a big problem after a period of time, but I still recommend that you quickly develop a supercomputer."

Zhao Yaqian expressed her thoughts while eating, without delay on either side.

"This supercomputer..."

Wu Tian didn't actually have a clear concept of this thing. No one had ever told him about this before, and he had never cared about it.

"What's the use?"

"What is the use?"

Suddenly a man's voice came from the side, and there was another person on their little table.

Wu Tian turned his head and saw that it turned out to be a rule he hadn't seen for a long time.

"As a rule, what have you been doing this time? I don't think I have seen you for months..."

It is not accurate to say that for several months. It should be said that Wu Tian has never seen him since he came to the Wu Group Company. It’s as if this person has never been before...

"Of course it's the virtual currency of our company..."

Wu Tian may have forgotten all about this matter. At the beginning, he recruited the established rules in order to control the voice of virtual currency.

"Could it be that you are also interested in this supercomputer?"

"Of course! Don’t forget that our FangteCoin is also built on the computing power of computers. I mentioned to you a while ago that building a large-scale computer platform is important for our company. Said to be absolutely helpful."

Upon hearing such words, Wu Tian felt that his ears were almost able to cocoon.

These people open their mouths, it is a super large-scale project, this kind of thing can definitely become their pillar industry for other companies.

But in the Wu Group, there are too many such plans to set up projects.

"This... Although our company has made some money recently, it doesn't have much money to spend... Good steel has to be used on the blade."

In this way, Wu Tian tried to reject the idea of ​​the rule.

"I don't need to say more about the importance of FangteCoin."

"The server I need, you promised me this!"

Now it's not just a rule, even Zhao Yaqian has joined the ranks of asking for funds. Wu Tian suddenly felt like he was being collected.

"This...Let’s do it, give me your thoughts into a document and then I will take it to the company’s meeting to publish it. See if there is any way to solve it. If our own strength can be researched and developed, then I will call you Funding."

Both are important, and it cannot be said that the one given to it will not be given to the other, so it is better for everyone to study and discuss how the money should be spent.

Before they finished their meal, Zhao Yaqian's mobile phone rang.

She answered the phone and heard a few words, suddenly put down her meal and turned around and ran.

Wu Tian and Cheng Gui looked at each other, looking at Zhao Yaqian's current situation, it seemed that something was not quite right, and the two of them hurriedly followed up without eating.

Zhao Yaqian ran back to their department directly, Song Junyao was already waiting inside, and hurriedly greeted Zhao Yaqian.

"Not good! Look at it!"

Without saying a word, Zhao Yaqian rushed to the console where they were monitoring the game. Seeing the red error report on the screen, her eyebrows frowned.

Wu Tian and Cheng Gui didn't know what had happened. After coming in, they didn't dare to talk to Zhao Yaqian directly, but went to ask Song Junyao.

"What exactly happened here?"

Song Junyao shook her head, her expression was also serious, it seemed that something very important had happened.

"Our game server has been attacked... Many players have no way to log in, and their accounts are also being deleted in large numbers..."

This is a very fatal blow to a game company, and it is no wonder why Zhao Yaqian's reaction was so big.

Wu Tian immediately realized how serious this matter was. He quickly called Wu Zaibin and asked him to send some technical backbones to support Zhao Yaqian's department.

"How could this be…"

Wu Tian worriedly looked at the screen inside, and finally the game got a little better, now why such a thing suddenly happened.

"We can't say that...the recent reviews have been very good, and there has never been such a situation."

Song Junyao is also helpless. They usually attach great importance to safety. Zhao Yaqian personally checks all the safety systems.

"Can you find out who is attacking us?"

"Maybe it is possible, we can track the attacker's network address!"

There was a word in Wu Tian's mind that was so popular that their game is so popular now, it will definitely arouse other people's resentment or jealousy.

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