Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 919: Subject to others

If it is under this kind of thinking, the motive of the other party's attack will naturally be well understood.

It's just that Wu Tian didn't plan to let it go.

They are not bullied by the Wu Group.

Facing Wu Tian's question, Song Junyao smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"This... I'm afraid we still have to wait for Xiao Zhao's situation..."

Song Junyao didn't know much about technology either, she focused more on planning.

Zhao Yaqian was busy jumping up and down alone, but Wu Tian didn't understand these things, so she could only do it on the sidelines and watch in a hurry.

This situation continued for most of the day, until Wu Zaibin brought his people in and forcibly took over the server, which temporarily stopped the external attacks.

However, just this half a day has caused the players in the Legendary World to have a lot of complaints, and news of complaints has been sent over.

"I'll hurry up and make a statement! Stabilize the player's emotions!"

Song Junyao knows that this time is the most important thing. If they don't make any expressions, the players will definitely be very angry, and then they will be angry with their Wu Group.

Wu Tian also frowned. Now that the matter has happened, there must be no mistake in trying to deal with it.

It's just that he wants to know who is causing them trouble at this time, Wu Tian will definitely not suffer from this dumb loss.

"Wu Zaibin, you quickly find out for me, who is the source of this attack!"

Wu Zaibin responded and everyone sighed. This is related to the reputation of their company.

The dignified Wu Group Company is known as China's No. 1 Technology Enterprise, but it was compromised by somebody's server. If this kind of thing spreads out, it is estimated that people will laugh out loud.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, I can't spare them!"

With such affirmative words from Wu Zaibin, Wu Tian nodded slightly relieved, the rest is a matter of time.

Since the other party wanted to make a fuss, Wu Group had to let them see what their true technical strength was.

Soon, with the help of superb technology, the staff found out the real attack addresses, and then through the investigation and correspondence on the map one by one, their target fell on a company called

Almost all IP addresses correspond to this place, which means that the attacking computer must be from this company.

This company is not very famous, Wu Tian and the others have never even heard of it.

Song Junyao seemed to think of something when he saw this name.

"This company seems to have also launched an online game, which is very similar to our game... But because of their own mismanagement, now their players are basically all circulated into our game."

"So they hold a grudge?"

Wu Tian felt a little funny. Couldn't these people engage in some normal business competition? They always use this kind of indiscriminate means to improve their company.

"I think it might be... after all we robbed their business..."

Song Junyao didn't feel guilty because of this incident. On the contrary, the players' eyes were discerning. If it weren't for their poor game performance, how could they turn their heads and join their legendary world.

"Collect all this evidence for me! This matter can't let them just leave it alone! Call me the police!"

Wu Tian is also very simple and neat. Since the other party uses this kind of indiscriminate means to attack him, he will also not have any pity for this small company.

The normal way is to call the police and publish an announcement on the Internet. Wu Tian didn't follow any of these steps.

The player’s lost account data and the like were also restored through the backup server. I have been busy all day, and the attack this time has come to an end.

Since Wu's Group Company's response was relatively rapid, players did not complain too much about it.

Everyone thought that this incident was over, but what they didn't expect was that a larger-scale cyber attack instantly paralyzed the Legendary World server one night two days later.

And this time, the opponent was even more aggressive, not only deleting the player's account, affecting the player's login, but even trying to delete some game data in the legendary world by occupying the server.

Wu Tian didn't know what happened that night. When he woke up the next morning, he found that the Internet had already changed.

Everyone was talking about the massive downtime in the legendary world, and there was a lot of talk about it, and no one knew what happened behind it.

When Wu Tian arrived at the game operation department, he didn't need to arrange for him. Wu Zaibin was already here to fight the fire.

Just because of the previous experience, everyone quickly had a countermeasure, and successfully blocked the opponent's attack, and took back control of the game.

But this time lasted a whole night, and the impact could be described as extremely bad. Many players have begun to post online posts questioning whether the Wu Group's capabilities are reliable.

This happened twice in a row, and it was indeed a big blow to the reputation of a game company.

"What the **** is going on this time?"

Wu Tian was very angry. Generally speaking, it shouldn't happen in such a situation. Last time, Wu Zaibin took some people to take preventive measures for the server.

But this time they discovered that none of the previous preventive measures worked in a round of cyber attacks.

Wu Zaibin has a fever in his face, which is equivalent to slapped him in the face of the guy in charge of network security.

"We are not very clear about this... now we are stepping up to investigate the cause."

Wu Tian took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger. After looking at Wu Zaibin, he stopped mentioning this matter.

"I know what went wrong." Zhao Yaqian suddenly interjected at this time, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Say it!" This time not only Wu Tian was anxious, even Wu Zaibin and the others were equally anxious.

If they can't find where the problem lies, they will still be unable to resist the other party's cyber attack next time.

Zhao Yaqian took a few people to the storage location of their server and pointed to the nameplate on it.

"These are high-end servers imported from Eagle Country. I found that in these several attacks, they all came from unknown ports of these servers. In other words, they know where the weaknesses of our servers are."

Hearing what Zhao Yaqian said, Wu Tian suddenly took a breath.

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