Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 920: Break through from weakness

This kind of high-end equipment is controlled by others, and this situation will happen.

Since it is not Wu Tian's own product, such a thing has happened. Wu Tian and others have no good solutions. It is best to produce them by themselves, which is the safest.

"His grandmother, why did we run into this kind of thing!" When Wu Zaibin saw this, he punched the wall next to him very uncomfortably.

Wu Tian did not speak, but fell into contemplation.

This time is the other party's deliberate code? How did they know these loopholes, could it be said that they were also provided by the Eagles?

"Are you sure it is this nine-net technology company?"

Wu Tian asked suddenly, and the two people next to him were taken aback for a moment, and then they nodded quickly.

"From the point of view of the IP address, their final layer is this place. There can be nothing wrong with this city."

Wu Zaibin said very positively, he patted his chest to make sure.

"Okay, follow me." With that, Wu Tian pointed at Wu Zaibin, and the two left the game department together.

Wu Zaibin knew Wu Tian must have some thoughts at a glance. He stayed beside Wu Tian for such a long time, and he had a very unique understanding of his temperament.

"Shall we go to the door?"

Wu Zaibin said happily, he wanted to feel this kind of thing a long time ago, and it must be very refreshing to take the initiative to visit the door.

"No, no, no, you can find out who the boss behind the Nine Net is, and see if it has something to do with the Pulitzer consortium. By the way, check all the computers in our company!"

It is not too late to fix the situation. If they quickly fill in their correct loopholes, they can also avoid a greater crisis in the future.

After arranging Wu Zaibin's affairs, Wu Tian himself hurriedly returned to his room and put on clothes that looked quite vigorous.

He already vaguely felt that he knew who was behind the scenes, so this time he simply tried to find a way to prove that his judgment was not wrong.

After getting dressed, Long Yun just walked in. She was originally planning to report on the matter, but she looked at Wu Tian in a suit and leather shoes. She looked at him with a little difference, and even forgot her business.

Don't look at Wu Tianping, when he didn't show much leakage, but in fact, if he put on a suit, he would be completely different, and his temperament began to rise.

"You... are you going to?" Long Yun has never seen Wu Tian dressed in such a formal dress on many important occasions, so now looking at him suddenly like this, she can't understand it.

"I have something to do, you don't need to follow me." Wu Tian said lightly, already tied his tie quite neatly in his hand.

After speaking, Wu Tian walked out in a stride, took a car key, and left in a hurry.

Long Yun looked at his back, and now she was confused. Fortunately, Wu Tian has a locator. If Long Yun and the others want to find Wu Tian, ​​they can determine his location at any time.

In order to carry through his temperament to the end, when Wu Tian went out, he deliberately drove a super luxurious sports car.

I have to say that Wu Tian like this can be regarded as a rich man.

Everything was ready, Wu Tian quickly opened the phone book in his mobile phone and found the phone number of Jessica who had left behind.

The call was made quickly, and when Jessica answered the phone, there was a lot of noise from inside, probably in a place like a bar or disco.

"Hey, who are you?" Jessica hadn't seen this phone number, and her voice was a little wary.

"Don't know who I am? The last time you used me as a shield, you just forgot?" Wu Tian's voice was very gentle, like a river of spring water, with warmth.

Jessica, who hadn't been interested in it before, immediately became interested when she heard such a nice voice.

"Is it a handsome guy? Your voice is so good, but I still don't understand what you mean. Could we say we've seen it before?"

Jessica didn't take Wu Tian's matter to heart at all, and she had forgotten it a long time ago.

Wu Tian smiled softly. He thought for a while and said: "Of course we two met each other, and you had a pretty good impression of me at the time, so I thought, can I ask you to come out and eat something? ."

Since the other party had forgotten about it, Wu Tian simply began to make up random things.

Anyway, Jessica certainly has no way to judge whether what Wu Tian said is right or wrong.

"Okay, okay!" Jessica agreed without hesitation at all.

She was really overwhelmed by the voice in Wu Tian's phone. Just relying on the voice, she constructed a handsome face in her mind.

Just for this, Jessica felt that she had to come, otherwise she would suffer too much.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Tianxin felt only amused for a while. This woman was so stupid that she was fooled by a few words.

I really don't know what she learned when she grew up in Eagle Country.

Not long after, two luxury cars appeared in Wu Tian's field of vision and parked in the parking lot. From above, several powerful black bodyguards came down first, followed by the western-looking Jessica.

Although she is a Chinese, she modified herself completely according to the Western aesthetics.

Her hair is a big golden wave, she wears clothes that show her belly button, and her chest is high. Every step he takes can attract the attention of countless men nearby.

Seeing the person he wanted to find came, Wu Tian hurriedly greeted him.

Although Jessica is usually carefree, but when it comes to meeting with others, it is inevitable to be a little shy.

This is a character that she can't get rid of no matter how she decorates her appearance.

"Hello, Miss Jessica." Wu Tian stretched out his hand to Jessica quite gracefully, like inviting his dancing partner at a dance party.

"Are you the one who talked to me on the phone just now?" Jessica just glanced at Wu Tian and felt that she was almost choking.

As she imagined, Wu Tian was very handsome, but she didn't expect that she had actually seen it. The other party had already exceeded her expectations by far, and she was so handsome.

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