Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 922: Molotov cocktail

For her being conquered so quickly by herself, Wu Tian didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Instead, I was a little embarrassed to use Jessica for a while.

But seeing her so excited, Wu Tian also knew that he really didn't need to waste such an excellent opportunity.

"So, are you willing to help me? But, you have to know who I am..."

In order to ascertain this matter, Wu Tian also specially emphasized this premise. If something happened in the back of the province, it would be no good for this woman to become bewitched by herself.

Jessica lowered her head, her eyes drifted a little, seemingly tangled.

"I know... but I still want to help you. I don't know why, I like you better than my dad!"

He is really a big nympho, Wu Tian is starting to be a little speechless at this time, he can't think that this girl is so stupid, but if she is not stupid, it seems that he will not be fooled by himself.

"Well, I would like to thank you in advance. I will contact you in a day or two. Of course, I won't let you help in vain. I can also promise you one condition."

At this time, Wu Tian was rather embarrassed to take advantage of this little girl, which made him feel a strong sense of guilt.

Since this matter has been discussed, Wu Tian simply drove the car and prepared to take her back.

As she brought Jessica out secretly, in order to compensate, Wu Tian also accompanied her to stroll around the street for a long time.

When the two were on the road, Jessica was very close and took Wu Tian's hand. They looked like a couple.

Wu Tian didn't even express any objection to this, and he could even deal with it in the direction of blurring the relationship between the two people.

After playing, they are almost done everything. At this time, the two of them walked towards Wu Tian's sports car, ready to leave for another place.

When Wu Tian just got in the car, before Wu Tian had time to start the car, he watched a man in dark clothes approaching not far away.

He hid his face in the deep brim of his hat, making it impossible to see his appearance.

Wu Tian didn't care about this person, he still sat on his own business.

"I'll take you home first, and then we will contact again." Wu Tian smiled at Jessica, and the two reached a good consensus.

As they were talking, suddenly a bottle flew towards their car, the bottle smashed on the front windshield of the car with a click, and the liquid inside was suddenly spilled.

Both Wu Tian and Jessica were completely overwhelmed by this situation, and they did not expect such a thing to happen.

"What to do?" Jessica was a little scared. After all, the car was made like this, whether the two of them were leaving or not.

Before he finished his words, another bottle smashed over again. This time Wu Tian looked carefully. It was the unknown man who threw it out. There seemed to be several such bottles beside him.

"Stay in the car and don't move, I'll go take a look." Wu Tian cautiously exhorted. I don't know what is going on outside. Now that I can see it, it's safer in the car.

"Then you must be careful!" Jessica was worried about Wu Tian's safety, a little reluctant to let him go.

"Don't worry, I won't be okay." Wu Tian unfastened his seat belt, reached out and touched Jessica's head, which was a kind of consolation for her concern.

Wu Tian opened the door and walked out, and at this time a fireball smashed towards the sports car.

The strong, pungent smell of gasoline instantly made Wu Tian realize what liquid was filled in the bottle that had just hit his sports car.

He immediately realized that it was not good, and quickly turned around to run to the other direction of the sports car and rescued Jessica.

But the speed at which the bottle flew out was so fast that Wu Tian could not react, and the sports car burst into flames instantly.

"Broken!" Wu Tianxin was suddenly shocked, such a strong flame, even he was a little too close.

Jessica's cry for help came from the car. Wu Tian gritted his teeth at this time, and in the end, no matter how much, he rushed into the fire.

The car door was already burning hot, but Wu Tian still reached out to grab the door handle on it. After a hard grasping or two, Wu Tian found that the car door was not moving.

Jessica slapped the car window desperately. She was already extremely scared in the car, and she didn't even have time to cry.

Wu Tian knew that he couldn't wait any longer, he pushed back, then hit the door glass with a punch, reached in and unlocked the door lock inside, and then quickly pulled Jessica out.

At this time, Jessica was already a little unable to walk. She was so scared that Wu Tian didn't care about her injuries, so she hugged her and ran away.

The flames behind him continued to increase, and the sound of the bottle breaking still continued. Wu Tian turned his head and glared fiercely at the person who attacked them. At this time, he had already moved his own killing intent.

The huge flame quickly swallowed the entire car in, and the fuel tank was inevitably burned by the fire, and a violent explosion occurred in an instant.

At this time, the sports car that was still very glamorous was only leftover parts of this place.

"Wu Tian, ​​how are you?" Jessica only noticed at this time that in order to save her, Wu Tian's clothes had been burned to pieces, and there were few pieces that were good.

She was crying, and tears couldn't help but rushed down at this time, blurring her eye makeup, like black tears drawing a long black line from the corner of her eyes.

Wu Tianjing reminded her that she felt that it was indeed a little painful, and then she quickly wanted to sit down, and there was a burst of burning pain immediately all over her body.

Because of the anxiety, when I saved the people just now, I didn't have much reaction. Once I came to my senses, I knew how serious my injury just now was.

"Fortunately..." No matter how painful he is, Wu Tian doesn't want to be so unbearable in front of Jessica.

After all, he can be regarded as the boss of the Wu Group, how could he be so vulnerable.

"You wait here, hurry up and call the police, I'll go and catch the prisoner!" Wu Tian didn't plan to just let it go, knowing that the man almost killed both of them in the fire.

Jessica grabbed Wu Tian's clothes with a look of fear, and said nothing.

"No, I don't want you to leave me." If something happens again, Jessica really doesn't know what else she can do. If she leaves Wu Tian, ​​she will immediately become Liushenwuzhu.

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