Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 923: Jessica was kidnapped

That said, but Wu Tian still broke free of Jessica and rushed toward the enemy's place.

The prisoner seemed very cunning. Seeing Wu Tian's arrival, he immediately put down the Molotov cocktails in his hand, turned and ran.

The opponent's speed is like a mouse, and it can run fast in that kind of narrow alley.

If it were in normal times, Wu Tian would never feel that he could not catch up with him, but now he has few good places.

Every movement will make him feel heart-piercing. Just like this, chasing behind him and not falling behind, is already making Wu Tian drive out of the strength of the milk.

Looking at it like this, it would definitely not work. Wu Tian saw a baseball bat on the side of the road at this time. He took it up in one hand and felt the weight in his hand.

Then he flung it in the air, throwing a very high arc.

The guy in front of him who was still running away gave a weird smile, as if he was triumphant, thinking he had become a mouse playing with cats, but he didn't notice the threat from the sky.

The ball stick hit the back of his head all at once, and the man was lying on the ground, and there was no reaction immediately.

Wu Tian sneered from a distance. Monkey Sun couldn't escape the palm of Tathagata Buddha no matter how great he was. This guy wanted to get rid of Wu Tian, ​​but he really underestimated him.

When he was about to go to see who this person was, suddenly there was a life-saving voice in the direction behind him. This voice Wu Tian knew very well that there would be no other people besides Jessica.

damn it! Wu Tian felt regretful at this moment. He was thinking too simple, thinking that there was only one person on the other side, but they still had accomplices.

I rushed back to see that Jessica was already being threatened by someone at this time, and a dazzling dagger was pressing on her neck at this time.

Next to her is a man who also wears black clothes and a dark hood, just like the one who attacked the car just now.

"Haha, Wu Tian, ​​didn't expect it, your woman is now in my hand hahahaha."

Wu Tian looked at Jessica. Although she was being coerced now, she was not harmed. This made Wu Tian a little relieved.

He now needs to rest quickly, accumulate strength, and at the same time find a way to rescue Jessica.

Just listening to the kidnapper's tone, it seemed that he knew himself and had some fun with himself.

"Who are you?" Although Wu Tian pretended to be unforgettable, he realized that he had never seen this person.

"Hehe, you are really forgotten by the nobles."

With that said, the kidnapper opened his hood and revealed the scary face hidden underneath.

His hair is gone, replaced by patches of scars. The facial features on his face are already completely unrecognizable. Only the eyes and mouth can distinguish them. The rest is messed up, and it's horrible.

When Jessica saw the robber’s face, she immediately screamed as if she had seen a ghost. She screamed, but it stimulated the kidnapper. He grabbed the dagger and faced Jesse. Ka's belly was just a knife, without any hesitation.

"What are you doing!" Wu Tian didn't expect that this person would actually do it. Jessica was hit by a knife and immediately covered her abdomen, and fell weakly.

The expressions in her eyes were all praying to live, and she was almost heartbroken looking at Wu Tian.

"What are you doing? You brought me everything, so today I want to let you know what revenge is!" The kidnapper laughed haha, his arrogance was so arrogant that Wu Tian couldn't bear it. The resident wanted to rush over and kill the person directly.

But his knife was still hanging around Jessica's neck, but any rash move Wu Tian would cut through Jessica's throat instantly, at that time, no rescue would matter.

Now we still have to stabilize the kidnapper's emotions.

There was a big fire nearby just now. At this time, raindrops began to fall from the sky, and it seemed that they had fallen to the bottom in response to Wu Tian's mood.

"Don't think that you can kill every person of the Tianying Church, and don't think that we will forget it. When we were in the warehouse, if our brothers hadn't escaped fast, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the opportunity to come to you today. Revenge."

The kidnappers also revealed their identity and purpose at this time, and Wu Tiancai realized how dangerous his situation had become.

There were survivors in that battle in the warehouse, which was something Wu Tian didn't expect.

"Is there something, let's say slowly, didn't you come to me? You let her go, she doesn't care about this matter at all." Wu Tian looked worried, Jessica's state was more It's getting worse, and if treatment is not started, I am afraid that her life will really be in danger.

"Do you think we would just forget it? It's impossible. You just kneel down and beg us today, and we won't let go."

The kidnapper didn't want to be accommodating at all, but moved the knife closer to Jessica.

At this time, Wu Tian was in a hurry and couldn't take care of so much. He was about to start thinking of ways to break in, anyway, he must rescue Jessica in an instant.

After all, she was not her own, and she didn't care about anything before. If she knew that the other party was here to make trouble for her, Wu Tian would not let Jessica follow her.

"I use myself in exchange! You can do anything to me. I have absolutely nothing to say, as long as you let her go!" Wu Tian raised his hands. At this time, he wanted to be close to each other, so he could only show weakness Up.

"Oh, it's interesting now." The kidnapper suddenly threw a dagger at this moment, and it landed at Wu Tian's feet.

"You use this to poke three holes in your body, and I will let this girl go!"

The kidnappers just got right that this woman was very important to Wu Tian, ​​so he began to make various demands unscrupulously.

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to ask him to stab himself... But seeing Jessica's increasingly weak look, Wu Tian picked up the dagger anyway.

"Don't... leave me alone..." Jessica exhausted her last bit of strength and said, she could see Wu Tian's eyes, let alone three knives, it was thirty knives, Wu Tian Will follow suit.

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