Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 924: Outbreak of despair

Under the gaze of the kidnappers, Wu Tian was already wet from the rain, but this appearance could make him relax a little.

The pain from the burn of the body is less painful.

"Do it! If I count to three, if you still don't do it, I will cut my knife, or I don't mind stabbing her three more times!"

The kidnapper continues to be aggressive, but it would be a big mistake to think that he is acting like a tiger.

Wu Tian clearly knew that this person could do it, and he could do everything. People who have already experienced a near death will not take their lives so heavy.

Without a word, Wu Tian was in his abdomen and thighs, and quickly thrust three knives. After these three knives passed, Wu Tian almost didn't stop.

In an instant, blood began to flow down from the wound, and mixed with the rain on his body. In less than a minute, a blood-red puddle formed under Wu Tian's feet.

"Haha, I really let you do whatever you want." The kidnapper was very happy to say that Wu Tian was like this. He felt that he could no longer be happy.

"You promised me, let her go!" Wu Weather said panting, the colic from the wound almost made him speechless.

Jessica was already crying with red and swollen eyes. When she saw Wu Tianzhen stabbing herself with a knife for her, Jessica was already heartbroken.

"Okay, I really promised you that." The kidnapper pushed Jessica outside at this time, and the pouring rain fell on Jessica at this time. The two of them were covered in blood. It looks the same.

Wu Tian managed to squeeze a smile, at this moment, he still wanted to give Jessica hope. I will save her.

Jessica moved her steps, trying to walk over, when suddenly the kidnapper moved.

Wu Tian's eyes immediately became horrified. He could not imagine something in front of him. The bright blade came out from Jessica's chest at this time.

The kidnapper stabbed Jessica's vitals from behind.

Wu Tian screamed angrily, his anger was completely ignited, just now, in order to keep Jessica alive, he kept suppressing his impulse.

But at this time, the kidnapper turned out to wipe out everything Wu Tian did.

"Is it painful? Pain is right, this is what you let us taste..."

The kidnapper was still smug, probably thinking that he was determined to win, but his voice stopped abruptly before he finished his words.

Wu Tian's speed exploded to the extreme in the moment just now, and Wu Tian didn't care about any injuries or other things.

The dagger in his hand was like a bolt of lightning, and it struck the kidnapper's neck in an instant.

The kidnapper suddenly felt that he couldn't speak, so he touched his neck in surprise and found that his hands were covered with blood.

He couldn't believe it and wanted to see Wu Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that after turning his head, he realized that his head was already separated from his body.

The blood soon stained this small alley, Wu Tian quickly turned around and held Jessica.

He tremblingly grasped the knife stuck in her chest, and countless emotions flooded into Wu Tian's heart at this time.

"Am I going to die?" Jessica said laboriously. Of course she knew what she was doing.

At her age, of course she doesn't want to die, but sometimes, many things are not what she wants.

"No, you won't, I will definitely let you live!" Wu Tian's voice was like when the two of them met at first, as gentle as the sun after the rain.

Accompanied by the sound of sharp footsteps nearby, Long Yunhe, Su Cancan, and the others were late to arrive.

The two of them were quickly sent to the helicopter.

Jessica lost too much blood, and she had lost consciousness by relying on Wu Tian.

Wu Tian's injury this time can be said to be more severe than before.

The main reason was that he stabbed his three knives, which were really not waterproof at all. Under those conditions, Wu Tian could only do it.

After emergency treatment, Wu Tian didn't have any serious problems. He didn't hurt the vitals.

It's just that Jessica's state is not so good. The operation has lasted for more than ten hours, and even after Wu Tian regained his consciousness, it was not over yet.

Outside, Jessica's father was also crazy. His daughter was abducted by a man, which made him furious. One of the bodyguards was counted as one, and they were slapped severely.

Zhang Lao used almost all his power to find people everywhere in the city.

Regardless of his physical weakness, Wu Tian decided to wait outside the operating room for fear that he would hear any bad news.

"Long Yun, she will be fine, please!" Wu Tian was very nervous. Jessica's injury was so severe that the knife that pierced her chest almost killed her on the spot.

"My dad is already undergoing surgery. You have to have confidence in my dad." Long Yun's tone is very flat, in fact, her heart is not good, but in Wu Tian's mental state, Long Yun must let him It's enough to be strong.

Su Cancan walked over at this time, and she was in charge of the subsequent handling.

"We have found the remaining few people, and the security team has been dispatched to arrest them. Should we hand it over to the police?"

Strictly speaking, their security team does not have this right to arrest people, but if they count on the police, they don't know when they will be able to arrest them.

What's more, there is such a serious incident, it is impossible for Wu Tian to just let it go.

"Have you caught them... Give them to Yin Rumeng, she knows what to do."

Now Yin Rumeng is the only remaining part of the red forces, and can be said to be the leader of the largest underground organization in S City.

This matter is not convenient for Wu Tian. After all, Sun Hongsheng and the others are still in the company. If they lynched here, they would be easily discovered.

"I want them to live, and if they die, it would be too cheap for them." Wu Tian was not the kind of cruel personality, but this incident really hit him too hard.

The sentence of cutting grass and roots is really not unreasonable. If things are not done cleanly, it will only bring endless trouble to oneself.

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