Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 929: Crisis under calm

With the start of the team, a team with the Wu Group logo finally started.

They swaggered across the streets of S city mightily, looking very spectacular.

The news on the TV station had already begun to report this matter, but Wu Tian requested that no one be allowed to be interviewed, nor would they be allowed to make irresponsible remarks outside.

So many people are guessing what they are going to do.

It wasn't until the convoy drove to the vicinity of Huadao that people realized that this place was completely built, and this time the famous super company Wu Group finally planned to enter this island.

For a while, many people became very interested in this flower island.

At this time, the people from Nanhe Securities had already set up some small pavilions for entertaining in the nearby real estate.

Baili Zhenlin asked them to specially receive these famous reporters.

For a while, the area of ​​Huadao became a focal point of the entire city of S, and many people have already begun to put their eyes on this area.

Wu Tian ignored these. Although he said that real estate is indeed making money, he felt that it was meaningless.

"Mr. Wu, all of us have already entered." Seeing that the convoys were already on the pontoon one by one, Long Yun hurried over to urge Wu Tian to also start preparing for the island.

Wu Tian nodded. After so long, he has not been as excited as today.

"Okay, this safety issue must be paid attention to!" Wu Tian looked at the pontoon with some worry, although Huadao was nearly one kilometer away from the coast.

But this is also able to stop some people who make little trouble, but those who are really capable, still have the means to enter the island.

"Don't worry about this. When we built this time, security was already the top priority. Our monitoring is not an exaggeration to say that you can see any corner of this island."

Long Yun said with confidence that this matter was personally promoted by her, and there are satellites in the sky, which can be said to be foolproof.

"Well, that's the best. Maybe we can live some clean lives in the future."

While talking. The two of them, as the last people to land on Huadao, quickly began to move towards the island.

It can be said that the flower island is very lively now, everywhere is beaming, many people are excited and happy.

"Mr. Wu, Yu Naixin has arranged a celebration party, would you like to attend?"

The sky was gradually getting darker, and Long Yun watched Wu Tian enter her room without coming out, so she came over to see his situation.

"I feel a little tired. You can go for me." Wu Tian's voice was very lazy, as if he didn't want to go.

Long Yun walked over and tried his forehead, and made sure that this guy did not have a health problem, and then she agreed with confidence.

If nothing unexpected happens, maybe this evening will be passed in this way.

It's just that in the middle of the night, Wu Tian suddenly woke up from the middle of the night. He didn't know why, but he was a little flustered in his heart.

Wu Tian looked inside the room and then outside the window. Everything was calm.

"Did I have a nightmare?" Wu Tian stroked his chest, thinking it was a false alarm.

Suddenly at this time, a harsh alarm sounded from downstairs.

Huadao, who had already fallen asleep, was suddenly awakened at this time, and all the security team members began to enter the state of duty.

Wu Tian saw the crowd outside and knew that something must have happened, so he quickly dialed Long Yun's phone.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Long Yun was panting, as if running.

"Mr. Wu...I don't know, I'm going to the monitoring room now!"

Hearing Long Yun's words, Wu Tian quickly turned over and got out of bed, and he was going to see what happened.

On the first day when I arrived at Huadao, something like this happened, and it was just slap Wu Tian in the face.

When they arrived at the monitoring room, Su Cancan and Long Yun were already here.

Wu Tian's face was heavy, and he quickly walked over.

"What happened?"

Su Cancan looked at the screen in front of him solemnly, and saw two figures on it, destroying the door of the medical area at this time.

In that direction, it was their company's internal hospital, where Jessica was hospitalized.

"I don't know, they might be here for Jessica, maybe it's the old school Zhang!"

Su Cancan said very uncomfortably. Several security team members had already checked the situation, but they seemed to have been attacked by these two people and injured.

In such a situation, as the chief security officer, Su Cancan certainly wouldn't let it go.

"Is Zhang Lao?" Wu Tian pondered for a while, is this old man still not giving up?

Not to mention, it is really possible.

"Be careful, and be careful." Wu Tian looked at the two figures on the screen. At this time, he felt as if they had seen them somewhere.

"You don't need to say this!" Su Cancan rushed out without saying a word, leading people. They were very fast, all wearing mechas and full of power.

At this time, Long Yun had been analyzing the identities of the two men. After a period of comparison, she finally used the computer to distinguish the two men.

"Mr. Wu, this is the Eleven Fiend! The ground is lonely!"

Long Yun was also surprised, she didn't expect the other party to come to the door on the initiative.

"It's broken! You can't let these two people into the ward!" Wu Tian was anxious immediately. The other party's meaning was obviously to find Jessica.

No matter what they plan to do to Jessica, Wu Tian can't let them do it.

Regardless of the serious injuries on his body, Wu Tian rushed out of the monitoring room and desperately pursued Su Cancan and the others.

And not far away, Su Cancan and the others had already fought against these two people.

The security team who rushed up at the beginning almost never insisted on a face-to-face encounter, and they were overthrown by the two.

Su Cancan saw the face right now, and then he realized that his enemy turned out to be Eleven Fiends.

"Hey, isn't this the little girl? It seems to belong to the Five Poisons." Digu pointed at Su Cancan and hooked her finger at her, very provocative.

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