Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 930: Pride will lose

The battle instantly entered a state of intense heat.

During this period of time, Su Cancan has been thinking of ways to train his security team almost every day, hoping to fight against these Eleven Fiends. Now this opportunity has finally come.

"I've been torturing you all the time. If you guys hate me, it's time for you to vent today! Let me see if you are a mule or a horse!" Su Cancan is very rare and waved in his team. Mobilize before.

After speaking, Su Cancan rushed up first, and her lead immediately caused a great response. At this time, dozens of security team members behind her also began to expand in an orderly manner.

When Di Gudi Yin saw this situation, they smiled at each other, but relaxed.

"I thought it would be boring, but it seems there is still some fun."

Digu laughed, this voice sounded like a demon in hell.

"Take it to death!" Su Cancan wanted to fight with these people a long time ago. Before, most of them had fled. This time he finally had such a chance to fight.

Finally, no one will come to stop him, what Eleven Fiends, all people are afraid of them, but Su Cancan is not afraid.

In other words, she has long been intolerable to these people.

Digu and Su Cancan immediately fought together. Both of them were very fast, and there was almost no way to observe their movements with the naked eye.

It's just a rough idea that you can clearly see that two dark shadows are entangled together.

Diyin stretched out as if bored, looked at the security team not far away, and hooked his fingers at them with disdain.

"As for you, use what you have."

As soon as his words fell, suddenly, an overwhelming rain of arrows shot over. With such a formation, Di Yin was really taken aback.

Gehyun's reaction speed is still quite fast, and he wants to avoid it when he pulls away, but the coverage of this batch of arrow rain is so large that Gehyun can't avoid it, and it has to use his body to force Dodge.

But no matter how flexible a person's body is, there is no way to avoid all the arrows. Two arrows pierced Diyin's body, but he was surprised because this arrow did not have an arrow.

Diyin originally thought he would be injured, but these arrows were not sharp.

But before he could be happy, the metal cap on the top of the arrow suddenly released a powerful electric current, which instantly charged the ground to the ground.

Under the stimulation of the electric current, the muscles of Di Yin's body were twitching, and this kind of stimulation was not something ordinary people could accept.

And this one is also specially designed to deal with powerful practitioners like them.

Many people will practice some horizontal exercises such as golden bells and iron cloth shirts. The skin and the like are extremely hard and will not be easily damaged.

But if you use this kind of electric current, it's not the same. The mysterious skills you practice are all in vain.

Seeing the ground fell to the ground, the lads of the security team immediately began to think over here very excitedly, ready to check the status of this guy.

As a result, when they were still a few meters away, Di Yin suddenly bounced off the ground dexterously, and his body was as light as a cat.

The lads of several security teams hadn't reacted yet, each of them was punched or kicked, and they were all shot out in a second or two.

If they weren't wearing mechas, they would have broken bones at this time.

"Oh, you guys really have some tricks. You have come up with this kind of trick! It's amazing, but it's almost impossible to deal with me?"

The ground shook his body, indicating that he had nothing to do with him, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

The weak performance just now was just temporary.

Such a scene suddenly made the players a little nervous. What kind of monster is this guy...

"Don't panic, everyone, continue with Operation Plan A!" A voice rang from the security team. This was their team leader.

With human command, the players who were once soldiers immediately began to change their tactics.

Several people came out with a strange-shaped gun from behind.

The huge muzzle can almost squeeze a ball.

They used this to aim the ground hidden, and then pulled the trigger very decisively.

Several black metal nets were fired from the gun and then unfolded in the air.

When Di Yin took a look, he suddenly felt surprised, other things were easy to hide, but this was really a waste of energy.

He turned around and saw that there was a table next to him. He copied the table and put it on his head.

Several metal iron nets were buckled on the top of the ground cover accurately, but because the table was blocked, it did not affect his actions.

At the same time, on the other side, the battle suddenly separated at this moment, and Su Cancan slammed into the wall from the air like a cannonball.

The area where they are located is not very big. Su Cancan hit the wall almost instantly, leaving a very deep depression on it.

"Sister Su!" The players rushed over quickly, for fear that Su Cancan would be seriously injured.

Digu rushed towards this side with a grinning face, first tore off the iron nets around Diyin, and threw it towards the security team.

This hand borrowed flowers to present the Buddha, causing the security team members to trip to the ground by their own weapons.

Di Gu Di Yin stood in front of Su Cancan maliciously, and looked at her coldly.

"Today is considered to be your bad luck. If you ran into the two of us, you might die very miserably."

Di Yin threatened with no concealment, and with a bang, he took out a short knife that was not the size of a palm from his body, and was about to stab Su Cancan with his backhand.

At this time, the security team was almost subconsciously firing a thousand arrows.

At this time, Su Cancan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly turned over and threw two inconspicuous little black snakes from under him.

They were mingled in the arrows, and went directly towards the lonely two people.

Di Yin, who was not thinking at all in this regard, did not dodge at all, just looking at his short knife attack, Su Cancan stretched out a hand and blocked the knife with his own flesh and blood.

At the same time, the other hand clasped this Diyin's wrist and grabbed it firmly.

At this time, the little black snake was already vomiting a letter and flew to Diyin's face, but for a moment, Diyin screamed.

He covered his eyes tightly with his hands, as if he could no longer see anything.

This black snake is so powerful, just one bite can destroy a large piece of body tissue.

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