Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 935: Sudden Curse

Wu Tian didn't expect such a big move, and he couldn't recover for a while.

"Mr. Wu, congratulations, your company has become the first company to develop in cooperation with our military." Xia Kejun is still so heroic. After hearing her voice, Wu Tian really believed what they said. It's all true.

"Ah, thank you so much. By the way, is it possible if I use some of this material to produce something?"

Wu Tian immediately began to have some ideas. If he could only study, of course it would not work. Then it would be a waste of work.

"Of course, we will give a certain amount. Of course, this amount may not be very large. After all, this kind of strategic materials must be strictly controlled."

Xia Kejun clearly explained their policy to Wu Tian. After he had no doubts, Wu Tian also happily signed his name on the document, which is considered to have reached this agreement.

Before leaving, Xia Kejun seemed to remember something. He turned his head and said to Wu Tian: "By the way, this matter must be kept secret at the highest level... We are a professional department. If you are suspected of leaking secrets here, I am afraid that your price will be very serious then."

Although the way she spoke was very Qingrong, the words actually made people feel the threat of the sword, light and sword shadow, which made Wu Tian swallow fiercely, how dare to move that kind of thought.

He didn't know why. As long as he saw this Xia Kejun, his mind started to get a little nervous, but he always felt that the other party knew what he was thinking, without any concealment at all.

"Well, don't worry about this, but I have a small request. You should probably also know that I have a security team here. See if you can give me a special industry certification. I want to arm this security team. ...To be honest, there are many people who have offended, this security issue is not easy to deal with..."

Of course Wu Tian would not let go of such a good opportunity to strengthen his strength.

"Your careful thinking, we know, the people from Tianying taught you that you were scared like this? It's really worthless..." With that, Xia Kejun turned his head to save him, and even ignored Wu Tian.

Wu Tian looked shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that the other party would also know about Tianying Church, and he seemed to know the strength of Tianying Church very well.

But then I think about it, the other party is a department of the country, and it doesn't seem to be difficult to know this.

After thinking about this, Wu Tian quickly began to focus his work on the construction of this military base.

It was almost half a month later. Originally, Wu Tian was used to such an ordinary day. Suddenly Long Yun hurriedly walked over from outside and broke into Wu Tian's office.

"Mr. Wu, it's not good, we received the court's ruling!"

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun with a strange expression, it seemed that this kind of thing didn't need to be reported like Wu Tian.

"Didn't the company have a dedicated legal department? Just leave it to them."

"It's not that simple. This is an order from the court, asking us to stop using Eagle State Road's servers now!"

Long Yun's anxiety is of course not without reason. If it is a trivial matter, how could she be so emotional.

"What?" Wu Tian quickly accepted this ruling and carefully checked the above requirements.

"This company is the brand from which we purchased the server. It seems that the Eagle Country officially requested that the export of this high-tech product be banned. Therefore, our servers with abnormal sources cannot continue to be used, otherwise they are suspected of infringement."

This server is the server they are now using to operate Legendary World. If the server is shut down as they say, then the game will be over.

The most unbearable thing for online games is that the server is out of service. Even if it is only for one day, it will have a huge impact on players.

"This is troublesome. Let's think of a solution quickly. You can contact this Doyle company to see if it can be accommodating or negotiate. We can pay a certain amount of compensation."

Wu Tian also knew at this time that he could no longer save money. I am afraid that this money was reluctant, and he could not lose too much.

"I have tried to contact, but the other party will not respond at all. This plan will not work."

Long Yun shook her head helplessly.

"Is there any alternative? Are there any alternatives to choose from? Are there other countries that have such powerful equipment?"

Wu Tian also began to panic. It was ruled that the time required above was only one day. If the problem cannot be solved, their business will be fatally hit.

"For the time being, before our server was developed, Doyle's server was the top one in the world... We had no alternative products to choose from."

In the face of such a monopoly situation, Wu Tian felt deeply powerless for the first time. His own vitals were in the hands of others. It was really people who wanted you to live or die.

Wu Tian, ​​who is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, can say that he has thought about any method, and even called Xia Kejun, hoping that she can help, but in this situation, from the military to the police, they said they were powerless.

Because all the procedures of the other party are sound, and their requirements are reasonable and legal.

After a day's delay, the people from the court really came to the door on time.

Wu Tian's face was ashamed, but in this situation, he had nothing to do.

"Hello, we are the enforcement police of the court, supervising you to implement the court's ruling."

The three bailiffs stood in front of Wu Tian, ​​although they did not deliberately come to the ground, they still made Wu Tian look unhappy.

"Everyone is from Huaxia, don't you feel heartache by doing this?" Wu Tian has no choice but to move out this excuse.

Although that was the case, Wu Tian was forced to take them to the game department and watched them start backing up data step by step and shutting down the server.

"We also have no way. The court has been accepting this matter for a long time, and it has been delayed for a full month." The bailiff said that he had no choice. After all, this was also to comply with the law.

It's useless to say anything at this time, Wu Tian still watched them put a seal on the server, and Legendary World had to go offline at this time.

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