Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 936: Half-hearted project

Since the bailiffs had already arrived at the scene, Wu Tian was helpless. After all, he couldn't break the law.

But for this matter, Wu Tian felt very aggrieved no matter what he thought.

How can I be like this when I am so good? Those people are jealous of seeing that they are making money!

Since the server has been blocked, the game cannot be stopped.

Zhao Yaqian looked at Wu Tian with grief and indignation, making him look a little hairy.

"Um... what else can we do? How is the new server development?"

Since you can't use other people's, you can always use your own.

"It doesn't seem to be good at this stage. One area is not doing very well. The development department is now stepping up."

Song Junyao also looked helpless. The occurrence of such a thing meant that their game department was useless.

Without the game, the players still don't know what it will be like.

"I can't take care of that much, big or small problems, as long as they can be used!" Wu Tian can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor at this time.

When receiving the news, the development team led by Wu Zaibin couldn't believe the command was true at this time.

You must know that the server they developed is still in a state of a pile of parts, without packaging, and piled on a large area of ​​the ground.

Wu Zaibin looked at a bunch of things on the ground, then looked at Wu Tian who had come to check it out, and asked unwillingly, "Are you sure you want to use this?"

Wu Tian was also taken aback, never expected to be so troublesome.

"That's it. I can't manage that much. Just get this up first, as long as it can ensure stability." As long as it can support a period of time, Wu Tian will be satisfied, and he will find a way for the rest. Quickly buy other servers.

Out of helplessness, Wu Zaibin can only be the one who started to direct himself, start to pack things and move.

This semi-finished product must now be played in person. Everyone has no idea, especially since this server is a brand-new server developed by Wu Zaibin. Although the performance is not necessarily comparable to that of the Eagle Country, it is also domestic It is second to none.

After a long period of tossing, the researchers moved these parts back and forth, only to completely change the server room.

"Now you quickly get a brand new exactly the same backup, continue to develop, and replace it directly when you get it out."

Wu Tian had no choice but to allocate several hundred million yuan to Wu Zaibin.

This gadget is very expensive. You have to know that they are only buying various parts for testing and assembly. If each of them has to be developed by themselves, I am afraid it will be impossible to sell the company.

There are many things in it that China's technological level cannot reach.

For example, chips, such as some special flash memory inside, Wu Tianyi thought of this problem, his heart was very sad, but if he wants to catch up, it is not that simple, because it involves The accumulation of technology cannot catch up in one or two days.

That requires a lot of investment and training a lot of talents.

Perhaps he saw what Wu Tian was worried about, and Wu Zaibin casually mentioned something in his ear.

"Mr. Wu, there seems to be a small laboratory in the research institute. There is a young man working on high-performance computers. Do you want to check it out? If there are prospects, we might be able to overtake in a curve."

When Wu Zaibin said this, Wu Tian was immediately interested. There are other things like such a good project, just occupying a small laboratory, can it be said that no one has approved his development.

"Why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier!" Wu Tian muttered, and then hurriedly prepared to take a look.

They have such talents, of course they need to train them well.

After a period of operation, the research institute that Wu Tian presided over is already very prosperous at this time.

There are many professors and students who come and go to conduct research and development in it. The atmosphere is very good, and there is a real academic atmosphere in it.

Wu Tian and Long Yun walked all the way, asking all the way, only then did they find the small laboratory Wu Zaibin said.

It was really a small laboratory, and the room was only 20 square meters, which was smaller than a normal living room.

Knocked on the door, and soon a head that looked a little unsound came out of it.

With his messy hair and sleepy eyes, he seemed to have just been woken up by Wu Tian and the two of them.

"Who are you looking for?" The person who opened the door said lazily.

"Excuse me, are you developing a high-performance computer?" Wu Tian asked very politely. Long Yun was almost swearing at this guy just now, but Wu Tian still stopped him.

"Yes, what do you do?"

Wu Tian saw that he had made no mistakes, so he opened the door and went in. There were electronic devices everywhere in it, which looked like a broken market, just like an electronic garbage dump.

And this guy laid a stall on the ground, and seemed to have taken a rest here.

"Why didn't I see your R&D results?" Wu Tian looked around, but didn't see the high-performance computer he envisioned, and he couldn't help but start to feel a little disappointed.

"No, what the **** are you doing? How come you break into someone's place casually."

When Long Yun heard what this person was saying, she was suddenly out of anger.

"What are you talking about, do you know who we are, who is standing in front of you? Everything here..."

Before Long Yun's words were finished, Wu Tian waved his hand and motioned her not to continue speaking.

"Tell me, if you are making progress here, this matter is very important to me."

The scruffy researcher also saw that the identities of the two men should be unusual, and his eyes became suspicious.

"A lot of things here are confidential. What are the identities of the two of you? If you don't tell me, I can't say anything."

Don't look at other people who look sloppy, but the principles seem to be sticking well.

"Do you want to know so? Well, my name is Wu Tian, ​​the chairman of the Wu Group Company. As I said just now, we really need this research result!"

"You are... you are Wu Tian?!" The researcher couldn't believe it, but the aura emanating from Wu Tianhun's body was indeed different from that of ordinary people.

"Well, our identities are already telling you, are there any results you have here?" Long Yun is already a little bit intolerable. What does this guy mean, I don't know clearly.

"Yes, of course there is! Otherwise, do you think I am occupying a pit here and not shit?"

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