Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 937: Lucky hit

The researcher pushed his eyes and closed his hair again, trying to make himself look a little more regular.

"That's it. I did develop a computer using the latest theories. To be more specific... the energetic particles are..."

This guy seemed to be energized, and wanted to show these principles proudly, but Long Yun interrupted him.

"Okay, needless to say the principle, as long as the performance of your thing is good, it is best to reach the world's advanced level."

Wu Tian's requirements are really not high, as long as they can reach the level.

Where did you know that this researcher seemed a little unhappy.

"What are you talking about? Who do you look down on? I, Li Wei, have done related research for more than 20 years, and I am embarrassed not to make a world first? I tell you, my computer has the most advanced capabilities in the world. More than three times the mass production type!"

When this sloppy researcher who claimed to be Li Wei said these words, his eyes were full of pride, but Wu Tian felt a little strange about this.

"If it's as you said, then I haven't heard of your project before, is there any major flaws?"

Wu Tian is not a fool either. Of course, he knows whether there is something wrong with these flattery. Asking this question, he saw that Li Wei's expression began to change.

"This... does have a major flaw, but I will definitely be able to find a way to overcome it..." Li Wei's expression dimmed immediately, as if he was hit by Wu Tian's weakness.

But he was not idle either. From the mess of things, he pulled out a server host. This thing looked like a big water tank, as if there was really some liquid in it, and it looked pretty good. Science fiction.

Li Wei plugged this thing in, and then quickly turned on the exhaust fan in the house.

"Let me show you, I'm actually quite mature about this thing." Then, he pressed the power switch, and the computer began to respond, and soon displayed text and text on the screen. page.

Wu Tian looked excited and wanted to take a closer look. At this time, the liquid in the case suddenly began to boil, and a large amount of water vapor began to diffuse, as if it was boiling.

In less than a minute, the computer was immediately powered off. And the room was already filled with water vapor, as if it was a heavy fog.

"What's the situation?" Wu Tian was confused.

"This is the reason why this thing is still unusable. The heat generation is too large and the power consumption is also very large. At this stage, there is no effective way to dissipate heat, so its continuous working time cannot exceed one minute..."

Li Wei opened the door and the window again. It can be seen that this is not the first time he has done this.

"Less than a minute?" Such a restriction is simply a death sentence.

Wu Tian suddenly became dejected. If he did this, he didn't know when he would be able to get his new computer out.

"No, it's not a way to go on like this, can't you think of ways to improve..."

Wu Tian is still a little unwilling to give up, after all, this can be said to be the closest to the finished product, but there is no way to use it.

"There is really no way we can do this... I have basically tried it. Even if we use liquid nitrogen to dissipate heat, it can't solve the problem."

Li Wei has been tossing about this for several months.

"Wait!" Suddenly, Wu Tian seemed to have something flashing in his mind, which suddenly gave him some inspiration.

"What's wrong, Mr. Wu?" Long Yun was already preparing to leave this place, and she felt that this project was basically hopeless.

"Have you forgotten the characteristics of the metal we mined?"

Wu Tian said with a look of excitement. He didn't think of this matter just now. Now when he thinks about it, it seems that this problem can be solved perfectly.

"No resistance... and excellent thermal conductivity..." Long Yun just casually said two characteristics, and she understood what Wu Tian meant. From a certain perspective, this material seemed to be used. To make the most suitable material for this computer.

"Okay, you know what to do with the rest! Li Wei, I now formally invite you, I hope you can join the Wu Group, let us complete your research and development results together! "

Wu Tian’s suddenly stretched out an olive branch, which made Li Wei a little bit unexpected. You must know that many people just want to sharpen their heads and squeeze in, but there is no such possibility. He can join in such a simple way. Wu Group Company?

"Really? I'm not dreaming!"

"Of course it's true, what you need to pack quickly, follow us to Huadao, where there are better teams and better laboratories!"

Time was urgent, Wu Tian didn't want to wait anymore, and took Li Wei directly to Huadao.

With the addition of Li Wei, their progress was much faster at once, and the strength shown by this mysterious metal really shocked them.

It's just that some of the key circuits in this computer have been replaced with materials, and the heating problem has been greatly controlled.

It not only solves the heating problem in one fell swoop, but also can run continuously for a long time.

Seeing this, Wu Tian was finally relieved.

What if you don’t have patents? What if you don’t sell good things to yourself? Now I have everything. To a certain extent, I have to thank the Poole company. Seizure, Wu Tian may not have completed this breakthrough in such a short time.

Of course, the good news is not just that once. Zhao Yaqian got a new server and started testing as soon as possible. The game content was updated and tested on a large scale.

Since the performance is several times higher than that of previous servers, almost all of Zhao Yaqian's ideas can be tried here.

Soon, the number of games in Legendary World began to climb, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the largest game in the country.

Happy Wu Tian finally no longer has to worry about their lack of good revenue, and now the game business has completely taken over most of the company's revenue.

Wu Tian, ​​who had regained his former life of drunkenness and gold, was lying on the roof, basking in the sun and drinking fruit juice, uncomfortable.

Long Yun suddenly appeared at this time, and she looked panicked again.

Wu Tian watched her come, knowing that he might not want to be clean again.

"What's the matter? Speak slowly, the sky won't fall."

"Mr. Wu, it's not that we are in trouble, but Nanhe Securities is in trouble..."

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