After signing the agreement, Nangong Ying soon left the Wu Group Company and went back to announce the good news.

They don't have a lot of funds in their hands. Although they didn't get Wu Tian's financial support, they also liberated part of the equity. The remaining thing is to try to buy and collect the remaining 20%.

Baili Zhenlin is too busy inside and out, but the other party is also quick to act, and will not give people any time to react, especially in the trading market, as long as the shot is slow, there is no chance. Up.

The Pulitzer Consortium’s funds can be said to be exceptionally large, and it doesn’t care what the price is. As long as it is available on the market, it will basically be used for all.

Baili Zhenlin can be said to have turned his hair white overnight. Although seeing the contract brought back by Nangong Ying made him a little relieved, the current situation is still very uncertain.

"Chairman, all the people we can contact now are already in touch, and I have already made an appointment with those shareholders. Look..."

Nangongying looked at Baili Zhenlin, and the rest depends on whether his conversation this time will be effective.

"Understood, they are already here, I'll go over now." Baili Zhenlin quickly pulled away and stood up, really has never felt such a difficulty.

The self-confidence in the past is slowly dissipating at this moment of life and death. It may also be because of the great responsibility that I am afraid to let myself go.

There are already several shareholders with different looks in the meeting room. They are all big investors and old partners who have held shares in Nanhe Securities for many years.

"Seniors, how are you doing? I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't asked about it."

Baili Zhenlin forced a smile and said hello as an opening remark.

"Chairman, don't say these things. Everyone knows what the company is like now. Don't worry, we will do our part."

A middle-aged man with a bald head was very angry and looked very slick. This guy said that there are a lot of shares in it. If he can take back all the equity of the people present, Baili Zhenlin will not worry about anything. Up.

"With your sentence, I'm relieved. I call everyone here this time. The main reason is that there is something I want to discuss. Based on the current situation, our shares should be concentrated, and we cannot wait for the enemy to break through. !"

Baili Zhenlin didn't hide it, anyway, he didn't have a better way to do this. If they don't want the company to be acquired, then they must do it like this.

But this approach obviously makes these former shareholders feel very uneasy.

"You mean, you want us to hand over the shares for nothing?!"

Suddenly, several shareholders began to feel unhappy. After all, it must be very uncomfortable to put this kind of thing on anyone.

"Of course it will not be handed in vain. We have to make an agreement. These shares are only temporarily recovered. After Pulitzer no longer threatens us, I will return the shares to you."

Baili Zhenlin said sincerely, he also knew that some strong people are difficult, but at this time, he can only hope that they can understand their own difficulties.

It's just that a few shareholders started to look at each other awkwardly, and no one was willing to respond to this matter.

If the shares are in your own hands, that is safe.

"Well, even if you say that, it's a bit bad. It's better to make a price. You can buy it back with the chairman. In this case, we won't worry about anything."

The bald man looked at something wrong with the atmosphere, and quickly proposed such a plan.

In fact, this is a normal practice, and there is no alternative. Without equity, you have to have money anyway.

The combined value of the shares in these people is almost tens of billions. If Baili Zhenlin could use so much cash at once, he would not have to worry about this.

"This... our company's funds have already been invested in the stock market and real estate. For a while, there is simply not so much money."

Baili Zhenlin was also embarrassed, and he couldn't help it.

"Then it's no wonder we, Baili Zhenlin, I'm afraid there won't be anything to talk about between us."

With that said, some people had already left the meeting in anger, and most of the people in the house left at once.

Baili Zhenlin watched the fruitless discussion, and immediately stayed there.

Nangongying was anxious looking at that, and ran over as soon as everyone was gone.

"Chairman, why don't you say that we exchanged shares with Wu Tian? If they knew about this, they would definitely be willing to support us."

With Wu Tian's endorsement, even their stocks will rise by a big wave.

"You can't do this. The agreement between Wu Tian and us is private and can't be exposed casually. Moreover, this is our killer. Don't worry if you don't have such a critical step."

The two of them were still talking here, when suddenly their little secretary broke in with a look of bad things.

"Chairman, someone broke into our company and is waiting for you at the door of the chairman's office. Many people have come!"

Baili Zhenlin and Nangong Ying both looked at each other speechlessly. They didn't know what was going on, so they went out quickly.

Coming into the corridor, it really is the same thing. A group of people in black are surrounded by a very gentle man with glasses.

Baili Zhenlin hurriedly walked over, stood in front of them, and said sternly, "What do you do? This is the chairman's office, and people can't wait to enter!"

Zhang Zerui pushed his glasses, smiled at Baili Zhenlin, and walked out slowly.

"This is Brother Baili, I don’t think I don’t know what’s going on now. What I want to say is, I’m sorry, you’ve been deprived of your chairmanship. Now I’m the number one in your company. A major shareholder! And, I have complete control over 50%."

Zhang Zerui's voice was like a thunder, and he collapsed to the ground as Baili Zhenlin had told him.

"Impossible! I still have so many shares in my hand, and those shareholders, how could you..." Baili Zhenlin couldn't believe it. They just finished the meeting, even if they didn't cooperate with him. It's impossible to hand over the equity so soon.

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