Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 940: Unexpected cruelty

Zhang Zerui thought it was funny. He beckoned, and the female secretary beside him hurried up to show Baili Zhenlin's current shareholding structure.

The above clearly shows that Zhang Zerui has become the largest shareholder, holding more than 50% of the shares, and Baili Zhenlin has regressed to the second position, with only 40% in his hands. .

Among them, this 30% was secretly held by Wu Tian.

When the facts were really in front of him, Baili Zhenlin didn't have so many right and wrong.

He swept away the decay just now and stood up heartily.

"Well, since that's the case, then I won't say anything. I will go to pack up my things and make room for Chairman Zhang!"

Baili Zhenlin's bold face seemed to be that there was not much pressure on him.

Of course Zhang Zerui didn't say anything, he must be happy to see it happen.

"Very well, if you say so, I feel more at ease. However, Brother Baili does not have to leave the company. My business is busy, and the things here are still left to you to manage."

With that said, Zhang Zerui turned around and left Nanhe Securities with his own people, as if they had never been here before, and the wind disappeared without a trace.

Baili Zhenlin and Nangongying looked at each other.

Everyone knows that things change quickly, but no one thought it would change so quickly, almost no one could react. It is already handing over the power of the company.

"What are we going to do?" Nangong Ying cried a face, and Nanhe Securities, whom they had struggled for so long, turned out to be a wedding dress for others.

Baili Zhenlin's eyes were angry, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"We won't just leave it alone!"

The news soon reached Wu Tian's ears. Unbelievable, he even went to Baili Zhenlin for verification to ensure that Baili Zhenlin's equity was still there.

This guy now has shares in the Wu Group Company in his hands, and nothing can be said of this thing to flow into Zhang Zerui's hands.

However, watching Nanhe Securities fall in this way, Wu Tian also felt that it was not a solution. There must be something wrong behind this.

After thinking about it, Wu Tian also felt that he couldn't just let it go. He quickly called Wei Jiaming over.

"Hurry up and investigate what happened to these shareholders of Nanhe Securities, and why they suddenly sold all their shares!"

There must be something tricky in it, Wu Tian is very convinced of this.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wu, I'll do it now!" Wei Jiaming didn't ask much, and went out directly after receiving the order.

With Wei Jiaming's guarantee, Wu Tianxin was relieved a lot.

Only a day or two later, the news from Wei Jiaming did not satisfy Wu Tian.

"Mr. Wu, I followed a few people and communicated with them. They said that part of these shareholders was sold for money, and the other part was threatened."

Wei Jiaming's reply really confirmed Wu Tian's conjecture.

Wu Tian frowned immediately, pacing the room, very upset.

"You said you can get in touch with them, so if we have some evidence, can we sue the Pulitzer consortium, saying that they are compulsory for the transfer of shares."

Wei Jiaming rolled his eyes, and it seemed that there was some truth in doing so.

"I will go to communicate with them, if possible, I will arrange as soon as possible."

Such things generally do not leave evidence, so witnesses are the biggest evidence.

Watching Wei Jiaming go out, Wu Tian's heart began to pick up. This is probably the only opportunity to come back, and he must seize it well.

Wei Jiaming's movements are very efficient. It didn't take long before he took a few people to Huadao in a hurry.

They came in secretly, so they didn't attract many people's attention.

Wu Tian hurriedly went to the meeting room to meet these people. They were all shareholders of Nanhe Securities.

"Hello, how are you, Jia Ming has already told me about the specific situation. We will now consider one thing, that is, how to get rid of this issue."

Wu Tian didn't talk nonsense with them, he came straight up and said his thoughts straightforwardly.

"Mr. Wu, we also know how important this is, but it's not that easy to handle."

One of the shareholders said helplessly, the expression on his face seemed to show a wave of fear.

"how do I say this?"

"They threatened us. We did say at the beginning that we would never sell our shares, but they used our family's lives as a guarantee... What can we do?"

As they said, tears of these shareholders began to flow down.

Not everyone wants to betray Baili Zhenlin, but under such oppression, how can they resist? How can they resist.

It is impossible to disregard the lives of his family because of this incident.

Wu Tian gritted his teeth, and was suddenly furious.

He didn't expect that this Pulitzer consortium would actually do such a was a bit of a lower limit.

"In this way, your family will all be sent to me, and I will protect you! As for the others, you don't have to worry about it. If you need to testify, you will testify!"

Wu Tian has already made up his mind to manage this matter to the end. Since he wants to do this, he must relieve the worries of these shareholders.

"Oh, thank you so much!"

Shareholders expressed their gratitude to Wu Tian one after another, and some excitement began to flash in their eyes.

The presence of Wu Tianzai really made them feel very relieved.

These people had just been sent away, and an hour or two had not passed. Suddenly, an unexpected incident began to be broadcast on the news.

It is said that in S city, there have been several homicides.

Wu Tian hadn't paid much attention to it, thinking it was just some murder.

But when he knew who was killed, Wu Tian's face turned green.

Because these dead people are the shareholders who have just met with him.

Wu Tian was still a bit naive, and underestimated the other's cruelty.

He even started to report to the police and contacted organizations such as the China Banking Regulatory Commission to investigate the acquisition, but he did not expect such a situation to happen.

The witnesses on which he relied were naturally useless. And the remaining people will definitely be forced by this homicide, and they will definitely not come out and say anything.

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