Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 942: Debt pressure

Baili Zhenlin was also taken aback when asked by Wu Tian, ​​and then he laughed.

"Sure enough, I really can't hide anything from you..."

When he said this, it was tantamount to admitting that he did have other means.

Seeing him say this, Wu Tian was also relieved. At least it proved that it was not a mistake to help Baili Zhenlin.

If he left it like that, Wu Tian would regret that he gave the shares to such a person.

"It's like this... I used to save a hand before. I made a lot of debts and bonds in the company. If you exchange these debts and bonds for some shares, then you can hold a lot of my debts. ."

Baili Zhenlin slowly said his method, which he had accidentally prepared before, but he did not expect that it would actually come in handy.


Wu Tian didn't react for a while, he didn't want to understand how these things would help Nanhe Securities.

"Yes, it's a debt. If I let Nanhe Securities owe you a large sum of money, and now Nanhe Securities is already Zhang Zerui's, then can you blatantly ask him for the money?"

Baili Zhenlin quickly awakened Wu Tian, ​​which made Wu Tian suddenly realize.

"That's it!" Wu Tian couldn't help but secretly gave a thumbs up. He didn't think of such a trick after thinking about it.

If the amount of this debt is so large that Zhang Zerui can't pay it, the only way he can do is to sell his assets to repay the debt.

The only thing that needs to be done now is to ask Wu Tian to gather all these debts and keep the amount of this debt soaring.

The greater the amount, the greater the pressure on Zhang Zerui.

Once he can't support it, I am afraid that he can only choose to let Nanhe Securities go, and even his Pulitzer consortium will suffer great losses.

This can be said to be a strategy of killing two birds with one stone, and it is no wonder that Baili Zhenlin is so relaxed now.

"You should have said this kind of thing early! I will send someone to deal with this problem now!"

Wu Tian hurriedly called Long Yun over and told him the matter.

Baili Zhenlin sat aside and smiled and said: "If you say it too early, wouldn't this kind of thing be heard by others, when Zhang Zerui knows that the effect will not be so good."

Wu Tian just smiled and knew that Baili Zhenlin was definitely not a fool. He didn't say that there was a reason why he didn't say it.

With that said, things still need to be done. Wu Tian immediately began to raise funds and began large-scale purchases of Nanhe Securities' bonds and debts.

At the same time, Baili Zhenlin also greatly cooperated with Wu Tian, ​​and even through some means of accounting, Nanhe Securities owed a large amount of money to the Wu Group Company.

With his and Nangongying's identities in Nanhe Securities, it was easy to do this kind of thing, and there was no obstacle at all.

In just a few days, Wu Tian has already mastered up to 200 billion Nanhe Securities debt.

Now that you have all the guns in your hand, you have to go to Zhang Zerui to try it out.

Wu Tian deliberately picked a sunny day, and then the security team, as well as the executives of those companies, followed him.

The motorcade rushed directly to the Pulitzer Consortium’s company address and left.

Ever since he became the chairman of the Pulitzer Consortium, Zhang Zerui has always been the one with a sharp edge, and he did not expect that his opponent would come to him.

Looking at Wu Tian in front of him, Zhang Zerui couldn't believe her eyes, it was really feng shui.

"Isn't this Wu Tian, ​​President Wu? Why did Yaxing come to play with me today?"

Zhang Zerui still looked so gentle, but the brutality that was revealed under his gentle face was already deeply understood by Wu Tian.

"Don't talk about those useless, I came to you today just to ask for it!"

Wu Tian just opened the door and didn't give this guy any face. Anyway, they were already ripped opponents, so of course they didn't need to care about so many messy polite rules.

"Accounting? I remember well, our Pulitzer consortium and your Wu Group company, I am afraid that there is no direct relationship. Where did you come from?"

"You don't want to cheat me up there! Since I'm here, naturally I have my reason!"

Wu Tian nodded to Long Yun, and then Long Yun hurriedly delivered the debt note in his hand.

Zhang Zerui was a little strange, not knowing which one Wu Tian did.

He took the debt and took a look, and suddenly he was a little confused.

The above clearly stated that it was not that the Pulitzer Consortium owed Wu Tian money, but Nanhe Securities owed Wu Tian money.

The key is that the amount of this amount is also extremely large, as high as 200 billion.

"How come... I never heard of such money before?"

Zhang Zerui was a little surprised. He glared at the secretary beside him, presumably they should have investigated these things before.

"Of course you won't know. These were originally decided when Baili Zhenlin and I were engaged in the project before. At that time, he had no funds for the land and it was all paid by me."

Wu Tian has already started to talk about it now. Anyway, the debts in it have all aspects. The key is that they are legally reasonable.

So no matter how Zhang Zerui investigates, he owes the money.

The acquisition of Nanhe Securities will not only get his benefits, but also its debts. Now this debt has been passed on to Zhang Zerui.

"This one…"

Zhang Zerui started to sweat a little on his forehead. Although the Pulitzer Consortium was very rich, the 200 billion yuan of funds was a big burden for him.

"Hurry up and give me a happy message, whether the money is still paid or not! The deadline is almost reached!"

Wu Tian began to press harder and harder. It is rare to have such a chance. Of course, he would not let Zhang Zerui be tortured.

"Mr. Wu, wait here for a while, I'll be right after a meeting."

Zhang Zerui turned his head and left, then went to a board meeting.

This kind of thing must be clearly explained to the people on the board of directors, otherwise he might even be ousted like Zhang Lao before even making a decision.

After one or two hours of intense discussion, Zhang Zerui finally walked out with an unhappy expression.

Wu Tian looked at Zhang Zerui leisurely, just amused in his heart.

"How is it? Is there any result?"

Zhang Zerui nodded slightly, and said slowly: "We are willing to pay this money in cash!"

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