Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 943: Start of small action

The 200 billion shot at a sudden, even the Pulitzer consortium began to be overwhelmed for a while.

And all these pressures are on Zhang Zerui alone. Although he is rebellious, the two hundred billion yuan of funds going out is not a small sum.

However, he didn't intend to let this matter just leave it alone. He still had so many cards in his hand to play, and of course he wouldn't just give himself up in this round.

Seeing Wu Tian and the others go, Zhang Zerui was very unhappy and knocked on the wall beside him. After being silent for a while, he went to the dark by himself and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Let some of them move me up, this time I will do it directly, I will let this Wu Tian go up and up well!"

His voice was accompanied by a pair of fierce eyes, if people saw it, it would definitely feel that it was not like the character Zhang Zerui usually showed.

Back to the Wu Group Company, Wu Tian is still happy and happy here.

Let alone other things, the two hundred billion in hand is a real deal. With so much money, Wu Tian feels that he can save money for the time being.

It just didn't meet their expectations. Originally thought Zhang Zerui would find a way to throw away the shares of Nanhe Securities in his hand, but he didn't expect this guy to bite on.

I would rather spend so much money to pay Wu Tian's bill than do such a thing.

You know, the total assets of Nanhe Securities are only more than 100 billion yuan. It is really a big loss to spend 200 billion yuan for them.

Although he said that he had money, Wu Tian didn't tell this matter. Otherwise, someone would definitely come to him immediately to ask for project funds or something.

Wu Tian had a beautiful day, but he didn't expect that he hadn't enjoyed the comfortable days for a long time, and suddenly some bad news began to come out.

Early in the morning, Yu Naixin came to Wu Tian anxiously.

At that time, Wu Tian had just woke up and had not put on his clothes, he heard someone knocking on the door anxiously outside.

Wu Tian looked strange when she saw Yu Naixin, because she rarely came to Wu Tian in such anxiousness.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Wu, it's not good, we have been attacked in some places!"

Of course, Yu Nai's anxiety was not without a reason, but rather something happened.

"What?!" Wu Tian immediately began to become horrified, and quickly followed Yu Naixin to the control room to check the situation.

There was a mess here long ago, and there were people coming and going everywhere. Wu Tian looked from left to right, but he did not see Su Cancan and Long Yun.

"What is going on now?"

Yu Naixin took Wu Tian to the lobby of this central control room, saying that it was the central control room, but in fact this place monitored the entire city of S, with a large screen hanging in the middle, the content of which was the map of city S.

The two places of the Research Institute and the Wu Group Building are now marked in red.

"Mr. Wu, we had explosions in these two places last night. The initial judgment was deliberate and artificial. Now Secretary Long and President Su are dealing with this matter, and the security team has already begun to dispatch!"

Hearing Yu Naixin's explanation, Wu Tian also understood why he didn't see Long Yun's figure.

"That's good, are there any wounded? You must quickly find out who did this attack!"

Although Wu Tian was a little relieved, he wouldn't put this matter down. This attack was too coincidental. Judging from the timing, it happened to be the night when I returned from the Pulitzer consortium.

How could there be no such thing as Zhang Zerui? Wu Tian's first feeling was that this guy was doing the trick, but he couldn't find any evidence.

"I haven't sent a report yet, but it is said that the situation is not very good, and there may be some casualties." Yu Naixin said about these things, and his expression began to become a little serious.

Of course she also knew how difficult this matter was, but there was no better way, she could only wait for news from the front lines.

Wu Tian was silent for a long time when he suddenly thought of a question.

"Yu Naixin, the security team has gone out, what about the safety of Huadao?"

Yu Naixin didn't seem to have thought about this question, but Wu Tian asked him for a while.

"This... It is said that there is no big problem. Our entire island is already covered by a monitoring system. Every employee has an identification module. If someone from outside comes in, we can do it right away. knew."

Even if there is no manpower to defend, their technical level is still relatively high, and they can be found when the opponent is about to enter.

Besides, the geographical location of Huadao is really special, one kilometer from the shore, it is not easy to come in.

"Well, you continue to watch the situation there." Wu Tian felt that he could not help much here, so he simply left this place and went to other departments to understand the work situation.

Unconsciously, one day passed.

Until the evening, Su Cancan and Long Yun's people didn't come back. It seems that the things over there are a little bit out of order.

Wu Tian can only pray in his heart that their mission will go smoothly.

In the middle of the night, Wu Tian was asleep, and suddenly felt as if someone had broken in.

There was a sound of Xixisuosuo in the corridor, but Wu Tian didn't know where the sound came from.

Feeling something was wrong in his heart, he simply turned over and got off the bed, slipped to the door, and listened quietly with his ear against the door.

Sure enough, there were footsteps outside, but the Huadao monitoring system didn't seem to have issued an alarm, which meant that there should be no major problems.

Thinking about it this way, Wu Tian didn't care so much about this matter, but felt a little anxious, so he went back to sleep again.

He hadn't walked far, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, and there was a sound of talking from outside.

"Did Mr. Wu rest?"

Wu Tian suddenly felt very strange, how could he be looking for someone at this time, it felt very wrong.

"Mr. Wu, another place has been attacked!" The outside voice further said, and the voice began to become a little anxious.

Wu Tian, ​​who was still a little worried, immediately lost his fears at this time, and quickly opened the door.

At this time, he can no longer escape, because the company's business matters.

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