Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 948: Patent war

Originally, the eleven evil stars were eliminated, and the company was very happy up and down.

But when they turned their heads, the foreign companies poured cold water backhand on their heads, and everyone became dejected.

Wu Tian called an emergency meeting to discuss the current situation.

"How many crises have we encountered now, you may as well tell me and see if there is any way to solve it."

When Wu Tian spoke, his eyebrows were frowning high, which is enough to prove how tangled and uncomfortable he is now.

"Don't mention... this thing is not easy to handle. We have now completely stopped the production of kaleidoscope. On the one hand, there is a patent problem. On the other hand, some imported raw materials are not provided by others.

Wu Zaibin was very upset and said that this kaleidoscope was originally a major profitable business of their company. If this thing stops, then their company may not be able to make money.

"anything else?"

"Raw materials are a big problem, and our other businesses have also been greatly affected. Imported things are all blocked, but if we buy from the Wu Group, it seems to be negotiated outside and will never be sold. Give us."

This is the first time that Yu Naixin has encountered such a wonderful sight in so many years. The several suppliers they have been working with before have also had a very good relationship.

But this time I asked them why, but these suppliers didn't say anything.

Wu Tianxin had already begun to have some suspicions, but he was a little puzzled. If Zhang Zerui did this thing, he would be too powerful. Since he can contact so many companies to boycott them.

So things may not be that simple.

"How can these things be found in China as substitute products?" Let alone what is going on behind this, solving the current dilemma is the first thing.

"Some can and some can't...especially those high-tech products, chips, memory and the like, are not produced in China. To be honest, our domestic productivity is indeed a bit low."

Wu Zaibin is also very helpless. This is really not his deliberate sarcasm, but the fact is like this.

"I'm so sad... I didn't expect that we would be pinched by others one day."

In order to prevent this from happening, Wu Tian has already stripped off a large number of low-end industries. Then they focused on high-tech and development, but wherever they wanted it, even if they did it, they still did not escape the palm of the Buddha.

"It seems that we still can't put all the eggs in the same basket. We have to develop this kind of thing ourselves. As long as we have it, we won't have to worry about these things again."

That's how it is said, but if it is really done, it is not that simple.

"Even our research institutes, these purely academic research places, have received news that they are prohibited from using related patents."

Things are becoming more and more unfavorable for them, and even many businesses cannot be carried out.

"Okay, go back first. From now on, our company's direction will undergo a great change. All the development business and the entire supply chain are in our hands as much as possible, or domestic production companies are used as much as possible ."

Wu Tian can't think of a particularly good way to solve this problem, and can only abandon the meeting first.

After the meeting, Long Yun accompanied Wu Tian and two people, ran outside, standing on the dock and looking at the vast sea, Wu Tian's mood was slightly relieved.

"Is there no solution to this matter?"

Wu Tian turned to look at Long Yun.


Long Yun said with certainty that there must be a way for this kind of thing, but it's not necessarily whether this way is good or not.

"What do you think."

Wu Tian looked at Long Yun with interest, but he also hoped that Long Yun could come up with a good solution.

"I'm afraid that foreign countries charge us patent fees this time, just to make some money. Then we can negotiate with them to see if we can lower the price a little."

Long Yun had been collecting some recent information, so she quickly came to the conclusion that the other party had come with their money.

"If you say that..."

Wu Tian touched his chin, and he felt that there was some truth in it. Why doesn't the other party do things that can make money?

This time, they did indeed ask to pay the sky-high patent fee first, but it was obvious that everyone was used to the previous method and naturally did not like to pay.

"Mr. Wu, I suggest you go for a negotiation. It may be effective to see those big companies in person. We must prepare with both hands, but it takes time to develop our own patented technology."

Long Yun's statement is actually more biased towards expedient solutions to the current problems.

In this way, there may not be much expenditure for them, and the company's business can continue to expand, which can be said to be a win-win situation.

In short, before there is a better way, Wu Tian also thinks this is probably the best way.

"Okay, you can arrange this matter." Wu Tian nodded and agreed to this matter. He felt that he was about to be crushed. During this period of time, there was a wave of unrest. Opportunity.

At this time, Wu Tian hopes that he can have a good rest, but just such a small request has become a very unsatisfying luxury.

In fact, not only the Wu Group, but also some other Chinese companies have also suffered such problems.

Many companies are forced to stop their business, and they can only suspend business indefinitely without obtaining patent authorization.

The originally prosperous Huaxia economy suddenly began to experience great turbulence. In this ups and downs, the Wu Group Company was nothing more than a ship on the stormy waves.

Aside from this, Wu Tian still has some money in his hands to support the company's operations. Just going on like this for a long time is definitely not a good thing.

You know, the other party's patent licensing fee may cost hundreds of millions of yuan. This price directly kills a group of small companies, and they naturally cannot pay.

Soon, within a day or two, Long Yun arranged a plane and prepared to fly to Eagle Country.

Wu Tian's goal this time is very clear, it is the chip problem.

The technical level of this thing is very high, and the price has always been monopolized, and there is no room for negotiation. Wu Tian, ​​the server they are about to produce, and Kaleidoscope can't leave this thing.

Therefore, from a certain perspective, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the lifeblood of Wu Group.

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