Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 949: Discriminated against

When he was in China, Wu Tian was almost like an uncle, and there would be people who would follow him everywhere, so there was no need to worry about the company being unwilling to cooperate with him.

It can even be said that many companies are desperately trying to become suppliers of Wu Group.

But when he got off the plane and really set foot on the land of Eagle Nation, Wu Tian immediately felt a sense of heaven and human beings.

This time, Wu Tian only brought Long Yun to the negotiation, and did not fantasize.

No one can say whether this Zhang Zerui arranged something secretly, so Wu Tian came to their home court, naturally, he was cautious and even put on makeup.

"Mr. Wu, it is Bmd that we asked to visit this time. They have always been our suppliers, and this time we have also launched a product embargo."

Long Yun didn't know where he got a limousine, opened the door and let Wu Tian sit in.

"Mr. Wu, I have already made an appointment for you as the chairman of the bmd company. How to talk next depends on your ability."

Wu Tian just felt that all the pressure came up all at once, and he was even a little breathless.

If I didn't reach a conclusion, would I have become a sinner through the ages... The company's great cause is all weighed on me.

After taking a deep breath, Wu Tian still tried his best to ensure that he feels comfortable, only in this way can he face these people better.

When he arrived, the Qipai of the bmd company could be said to have opened his eyes to Wu Tiandu. The other party built a huge European-style building. From a distance, he thought he had come to some tourist attraction.

There are many people coming and going, but their faces are very confident.

This point actually made Wu Tian feel very emotional. The reason why they, like the Eagles, can initiate such a patent war against their China is naturally because they do have very superb strength.

Long Yun led the way, and Wu Tian followed her thoughtfully. This time, he actually received a lot of emotion.

To be honest, some things are really not as simple as I thought.

"You are the boss of the Wu Group Company, hello, I am Liu Yue from the Public Relations Department, and I am in charge of receiving you."

Not long after the two people left, they watched a tall-looking woman approaching oncoming. She was very well dressed, but she did have an Asian face and spoke fluent Chinese.

Wu Tian suddenly improved his favorability for this company a lot, but he didn't expect to be so calmly prepared.

"Hello, please lead the way." Wu Tian nodded to her as a greeting.

But I didn't expect that after looking at Wu Tian's body, the other party's eyes were raised, not looking at Wu Tian at all, but looking at the sky.

This Liu Yue walked in front of himself, completely ignoring Wu Tian and their actions.

Long Yun couldn't stand it anymore, a little public relations lady dared to be so big. It's just that Wu Tian stopped them. After all, they are on other people's turf. It is better to keep a low profile.

"I thought it was such a big boss, co-authoring was just for me to serve the beggar..." Although Liu Yue was leading the way, there was always something dirty in his mouth, even though he didn't speak loudly. But Wu Tian's ears can hear clearly.

But he didn't say anything, as if there was nothing like this.

Soon, Liu Yue led the two of them into a small room, but left a word, saying that the leader would come soon, and then he hurriedly left the room.

Even Wu Tian didn't even prepare water for the two of them.

This operation really stunned everyone.

It took about half an hour before a white man with big ears came in impatiently.

He looked at Wu Tian, ​​and didn't pay much attention, but immediately put his eyes on the beautiful Long Yun's body, and even swallowed a mouthful of water eagerly.

Long Yun was disgusted by this fatty energy.

"Hello, are you the one to contact us?" In order to be less embarrassed, Wu Tian took the initiative to say hello, the expression on his face was still the same as before, smiling all the time.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are the one from China...what's that Wu's name...Forget it, it doesn't matter, what do you want to talk about?" The fat man opened his seat and sat down by himself Go down, and keep fanning yourself with the files in it.

The weather is very hot, this fat guy is already a little bit hot.

"Yes, we want to talk about your company's patent fees for our company." Wu Tian gestured to Long Yun, and then watched her send a document.

This document is the bill issued to them by this company. The amount on it is as high as one billion. It is absolutely impossible for Wu Tian to accept such a large patent fee.

"Ah, that's right, our company stipulates that this price is charged so that it cannot be negotiated. If there is nothing to do, I will leave first." The fat man saw that it was about the price, and turned around before he got up.

Wu Tian looked surprised, and hurried up to stop him, but Liu Yue stepped up and blocked his route.

"Okay, you're a big man. If you can't, you can't do it. Don't twitch around here. This is not China. If you pull and pull at will, you can call the police to catch you!"

Liu Yue's attitude was very bad, and she also looked contemptuously.

Wu Tian smiled directly. He put down his hand, watched the fat man go, and turned his head to look at Liu Yue.

"Can you help me, I can give you some compensation... Help me talk about it, and see if you can lower the price for me?"

Liu Yue snorted coldly, the air coming out of the nose.

"Come on, you paupers, don't mess around here if you don't have money!"

pauper? Wu Tian looked at Liu Yue with a surprised look. No matter what, this word has nothing to do with Wu Tian.

"You didn't tell them our identity?" Wu Tian looked at Long Yun in disbelief.

With a helpless look, Long Yun pushed her eyes, "It's not that I didn't say it. It depends on the situation that they don't know the strength of our Wu Group."

This is simply the best joke Wu Tian has ever heard. He turned out to be looked down upon by people like Cheng, and he was still looked down upon by someone who spoke the same thing with his skin color.

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