Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 950: Negotiation failed

Liu Yue didn't know what the two of them were talking about, but thought this guy looked very stupid.

"If you don't have money, please go back quickly. Don't delay everyone's time here. To be honest, I am also very busy." Liu Yue said disgustingly, and then began to clean up the chairs and other things in the house. .

He made it clear that he wanted to drive both of them away.

At this moment, the fat white man yelled an eagle from outside, and Liu Yue immediately rushed out like a chicken blood. He treated Wu Tian and the two of them in totally different ways.

Wu Tian's face was gloomy, and his mood suddenly became very bad. He came to negotiate with a kind heart, and it seemed that his face was hot and cold butt.

If this were the case, it would be fine, but the Chinese people who were in the same clan and the same clan as him, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved in Wu Tian's heart.

"Mr. Wu..." Long Yun's expression also began to blame herself, because after all she was planning this matter, but it turned out to be like this. She felt that she also had a certain responsibility.

"It's okay, it's at least let me understand, these things should be our own control is true, everything else is imaginary!"

Wu Tian was very emotional. It was nothing to be looked down upon. The key was that the fat man said nothing and was unwilling to negotiate with them. He was completely self-conscious, and he felt that there was a monopoly and he was lawless. No one looked down upon him.

Having said that, the two turned around and planned to leave, not wanting to stay in this company for a moment.

Walking outside, I happened to see Liu Yue, who seemed to have gotten into something, and was being scolded by the fat white man.

Wu Tian sighed, very helpless, for such a person, there is really no way to say. Rather than living with more dignity, she would rather live this kind of life in Eagle Country, and she thought she was better than other Chinese people.

To some extent, this person is already abolished.

Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, the fat white man suddenly ran after him, and quickly stopped Wu Tian.

"Friends, if you really want our patents, we may be able to talk about it again, for example, we can lower the price a little bit."

This guy suddenly went uncharacteristically, which made Wu Tian a little puzzled. What he said just now was so plausible that he would not talk about it if he didn't give money. Now it's starting to be like this again, which is really disgusting.

"Okay, I already know your attitude. I'm sorry. In the future, we will try to avoid contact between our two companies."

Wu Tian is already in his own heart and has pulled the bmd company into the blacklist.

Isn't it just relying on your own patents? It's so arrogant, and I don't need your things!

Wu Tian suffocated such a breath and left such a hard sentence, only to make the fat man amused.

"It’s impossible for you Chinese people to not use our patents. Let’s put it this way. Most of the world’s chip patents are in our company. If you want to bypass us, it’s impossible, so I suggest You seize this opportunity."

The fat white man looked so skinny and non-smiling, which made people feel annoying to look at, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"This is what you said, I took it down." Wu Tianqiang endured his anger, staring at the Eagle Countryman, talking every word, flicking his sleeves and leaving.

Listening to the laughter behind them, Wu Tian and Long Yun were in a bad mood.

As soon as he walked to the door, Wu Tian saw that there seemed to be a few people with Asian faces standing at the door of this company.

Their expressions seem to be heavy and full of anxiety.

Upon closer inspection, Wu Tian saw that these ten people seemed to be holding resumes in their hands. There was no response when they stood here, probably because they could not be sent in.

"Long Yun, go and ask them what they are doing." Wu Tian suddenly stopped, and gestured to these people.

The bmd company they visited is indeed a very famous chip development company all over the world, and it is sought after by many promising young people. There is no doubt about this.

It's just a pity that Wu Tian feels that they are so devoted and helpless. It would be great if such talents could be used for themselves.

Soon Long Yun came back with strides.

"They are here to apply, but it seems that the human resources department here is reluctant to recruit people like them, saying that Asians are enough and they need more white faces."

Long Yun shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care about this matter at all. She even felt that these people were sick. With so many opportunities in the world, why should she hang herself on this crooked neck tree.

"Applicants? Are they talented people?" Wu Tian began to have some ideas. If such a good talent is wasted here, it really shouldn't be.

"I can't say whether it's talented or not, but it seems that they are all students who come to study in Eagle Country. People's initial idea is to fight in this company." Long Yun's tone is very bad, it seems that they are right. People are very dismissive.

But Wu Tianqu didn't think too much. His anger was also directed at the fat white people, not at the yellow skin.

"I'll go over and take a look." Wu Tian walked over with great interest. The dozen or so people looked at Wu Tian coming over, without knowing what he was doing, their expressions began to become a little nervous.

"You are here to apply?" Wu Tian smiled.

One of the young men who seemed to be more energetic looked up and down Wu Tian, ​​nodded and said, "Yes, are you from this company?"

Wu Tian shook his head and immediately denied it. He took out his business card from his pocket and passed a few.

"I'm not from here. I think you need to find a job. If you are a talented person in the chip industry, I would be very welcome."

Hearing what Wu Tian said, most of them seemed to be a little unbelievable.

"Just blow it up, this industry is all controlled by the bmd company, we can only lay hands on others."

"That's right, this thing burns money. If you don't have that much money, you can't get it done. Even if you get it done, you won't be able to keep up with the level of the other party ten years ago."

Although these words sound harsh, they are also facts.

Wu Tian did not express any rebuttal, but smiled indifferently.

"If you are willing to come to me, I can build a brand new laboratory for you, give you the best equipment, even the latest materials, and the funding issue is even more unnecessary. But if you don’t believe me, you can also be I didn't say. I will stay in Eagle Country for two days, and the address above found me."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tian left a back, which made these people look at it with confusion.

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