Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 951: Talented people

Of course Long Yun knew what Wu Tian wanted to do, but these people were actually not easy to manage.

First of all, they studied abroad, but why didn't they choose to return to China? Don't most of them think that foreign countries are better than China.

And this mentality is also very despised by most people.

"Mr. Wu, let's find someone else. There are many people in China who are doing research and development in this area. Why do you want these banana people so much?"

Long Yun did not hide her attitude and emotions, she was really disgusted by that Liu Yue.

"There is one thing to say, our domestic talents are basically all abroad, otherwise our chips will not develop so slowly."

It was not that Wu Tian had not done relevant investigations before, but the results of the investigation made him feel very helpless.

"But if we recruit these people back, I don't think we can rest assured. With so many secrets in our company, we can't guarantee that these people's hearts are directed towards us." Long Yun's worries are of course not aimless.

Many Chinese people know that there are many people like Liu Yue abroad. They despise their identity as Chinese people from the bottom of their hearts, and they can be said to be kneeling and licking to white people.

Therefore, they also called them the banana people who were yellow and white. Wu Tian scratched the back of his head helplessly after hearing this.

"Well, let's talk about it then, let's find a way to solve our chip problem first."

Now Kaleidoscope has fallen into a situation of discontinued production. Without a new chip authorization, if they continue to produce, they will be sued by bmd.

This cessation of sales, the situation of brainwave games that finally opened up will come to a standstill. This industry is now a very large revenue pillar of the Wu Group.

They have their troubles, and the same is true for young people who are seeking jobs.

Most of the people who got the business cards didn't regard this as the same thing. They have stayed in Eagle Country for several years, and they don't know much about domestic affairs.

Even the Wu Group Company on the name card doesn't even know what it is, let alone work for Wu Tian.

However, there are exceptions to everything. The person who spoke to Wu Tian at the beginning was the one who saw it better.

His name is Liu Ziyang, and he is a real s city. Others don't know the Wu Group, but he has heard of it. In other words, almost everyone in S City knows the name of the Wu Group.

Even before, Liu Ziyang had relatives who worked in the Wu Group Company.

It's just that the name Wu Tian is really unfamiliar to him. Isn't the former chairman Wu Zhi?

"Liu Ziyang, don't read it, let's wait for Liu Yue to come out, and see if she can say something nice to us, let us pass in the resume."

The companion next to him watched Liu Ziyang holding this business card thoughtfully, and began to persuade him from the side.

"No, I think maybe I can ask what this person means..."

Obviously, Liu Ziyang was moved.

"What are you doing? I don't even need to look at it. I think that company must be fake. Our only choice is this company. If it still doesn't work, I may have to go to another state to find a job."

Listening to the voices of the people around, Liu Ziyang suddenly felt that he was a little out of sync with them, and his thoughts were completely different.

"Well, I still have something to do. Let's go first. Come on." Liu Ziyang hurriedly put away his things, then said hello, regardless of other people, and left directly.

He pressed the address on the card and prepared to find it. Although he was in the Eagle Country, Liu Ziyang's life was quite ordinary. Since he did not have a job, he could only spend one dollar into two.

Wu Tian stayed in an unobtrusive hotel, estimated to be around three-star. This is actually very strange to Liu Ziyang. Generally speaking, the big bosses of the company should live in very luxurious.

Could it be that Wu Tian is really a lie? Liu Ziyang also started to feel suspicious in his heart, but after another thought, he now has nothing to lose. Even if Wu Tian was cheated, what could he do?

After thinking about this matter, Liu Ziyang stopped worrying about anything, and walked in directly to find Wu Tian and their room.

It was very open, and the door knocked on the door. Wu Tian was arguing with Long Yun about this. Hearing this movement, Wu Tian immediately felt excited that his goal was probably achieved.

He went over to open the door with a happy face, and found Liu Ziyang alone outside the door.

"You seem to be the one who greeted me?" Wu Tian looked at it and felt that this Liu Ziyang was very familiar, and he should have spoken to himself just now.

"Yes, it's me, may I ask if you are Mr. Wu Tian? I have heard what you said and came here to find out more about the situation."

Liu Ziyang's attitude is still relatively correct, and there is no big air, which makes Wu Tian feel that it is a plus.

"Come in. I'm really worried that no one wants to believe me. Now that you are here, you have some trust in me." Wu Tianqing cleared his throat and let Liu Ziyang into the house.

"Do you really plan to develop a chip?"

Liu Ziyang asked cautiously, he was very afraid that he had broken into the base camp of some liar.

"Of course, it’s just that what we have done in this area by China Xia is indeed a lot worse, and their patent fees are too expensive. I want to use this money for our own development. Let others choke our necks."

What Wu Tian said was very moving, and it was indeed from his heart.

"If what you said is true, then I want to try it with you." Liu Ziyang seemed to have made a very difficult choice, but in the end he focused his attention on Wu Tian.

He reached out and handed his resume, not like joking.

Wu Tian stretched out his hand to take it, and turned around and smiled proudly at Long Yun.

"Look, what am I talking about!"

Long Yun was speechless for a while, and she did not expect that there would be people willing to join their company.

"Well, come here for an interview first." Long Yun beckoned to Liu Ziyang, randomly found a topic, and blocked Wu Tian's provocation.

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